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They should have another one of those 10-day account reactivation things happen so I can check crap out again without having to feed the beast. Hell, maybe I'd reup afterwards.

The Green Thief

I wouldn't. The game I once knew has been twisted and turned by dark powers.

Besides, elves? C'mon.


Yeah, there's the old hope that they'd release a server that'd have the ruleset and whatnot of right before t2a, or at the very least right before renaissance. I bet UO's subscriptions would double the second they did it. A guy can dream, I guess.

The Green Thief

I don't understand what's stopping them. Clearly there's an interest.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yeah ive always thought that as well, what is stopping them?

Perhaps its the simply notion of not wanting to be wrong? They dont wanna make a shard that is more populated than the shards they have spent 6 years (is that went T2A came?) working on.

Ugh I dunno.


I think I remember hearing, a long time ago, that some dev said it's impossible to do because all the code from all the expansions is slathered on top of the old pre-trammel code or something. Probably a bunch of BS, they're just lazy and they hate me =(


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yeah I guess..however..

Alot of t he changes implemented werent applied to Siege and thus this servers code could be used to backwards engineer a server. It would be time consuming yes, but no more time consuming than fixing a broken KR client that no one wants.

I just dont understand why they hold back, its good business sense to try it. UO has a decent player base still, but its small and spread out, if Mythic/EA could generate 500-1000 NEW/OLD players by opening a pre-shard then the capital alone is worth while.

I think it must be a time thing, i dunno how big the UO team is, but it must be tiny


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Rico im training a new thief on Siege - You dont have a Ninja book i can borrow do you? Just till I can get my own (oh and, Ninja jewels? ;/)

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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Stratics Legend
Ninja book can be bought from a scribe in the cultural centre in Zento
Can train from 0 by shooting small animals with unpoisoned fukiya darts, both can be bought from the archer npc in Zento


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yeah, I have an extra one you can "have"...I should be on sometime this weekend. I'll try to keep ICQ on, lol. My number is in my profile...la


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thanks both.

Ill try and do Petra's method later, it may be quicker/easier.

Training Snoop/Hiding at the moment to RoT, then ill move onto Ninja/Stealing.

Not sure of my template exactly, why do some people have TRACKING? Does it add damage to Death Strike?


I remember running around with tracking just to **** with other thieves =P It's probably got some NINJA DINOSAUR GARGOYLE ATTACK benefit now or something, but it was fun back in the day too.

I just realized that even if I reupped I'd be missing the ninja expansion and the newest crap they churned out.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ohs my gooses, Hola

I see I'm not the only one that gets the random ass itch to come back and play...Can only imagine how much UO has changed...Can't help but still want to play, Siege was to much fun.



Dude. Where have you BEEN

**** it next payday Iago rides again, even if it's just for a couple hours after which I am going to cry at what they've done to my beautiful game


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dloading it now, should be done within the next day or so. Played a bunch of mmo's none kept my interest for to long (Shadowbane, Daoc, Vanguard, most recently Warhammer) Right now I'm in Iraq, be here for the next 5 or so months, but get some downtime to **** around. Still have my mage account so won't be starting from scratch thankfully, just have to make him over a bit. Dloading that Kingdom Reborn client, prob just try and go with an older one, the whole 2d/3d lovefest doesn't look like it's going to be good, but it's free so f it.


Just wait until Darkfall gets all the complaints about PKs and looting that UO had in its first years.. I would bet $5 Darkfall compromises its ideals just like UO did. Maybe not $5, but 5 UO gold. I am poor.


Haha, oh man, EA is such a bunch of jerks.

I send a help request from the customer support thing asking for my EA login. They email me back the login, and say if there's any other questions just reply to the email. The login doesn't even work and after I replied to the email I get a mailer daemon saying you can't actually reply to that email in the first place. Good lord.

I can't remember which of my accounts had Iago on it and I lost the email and password to one of my accounts, and I've tried every single damn EA email/support thang and all I can get is a bunch of emails you can't actually send anything to and a bunch of "help articles" that don't help for ****.

edit: lol 1234 posts lol


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Just wait until Darkfall gets all the complaints about PKs and looting that UO had in its first years.. I would bet $5 Darkfall compromises its ideals just like UO did. Maybe not $5, but 5 UO gold. I am poor.
I've been in beta, people are crying about PKs raiding the goblin spawns by the starter town already

Incidently, the game seems like it still needs a bit of work but its pretty good fun


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Theres no stealing in it :( but waylaying innocents and looting them in is most definately in (i've been very thoroughly testing the looting mechanics for bugs for the past 3 weeks)

The game is very good fun, there are some things tht people hve been moaning about but its mostly to do with crafting and skill progression (although its pretty true what the devs say about character skills not being too important)

If anyone has any specific questions leave them here and i'll answer them when i get back from work (they lifted the NDA last night)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have questions!

1) What kind if system do you need to run the game? (i.e. i ran wow/war would i be ok?)
2) Could I play casual?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have questions!

1) What kind if system do you need to run the game? (i.e. i ran wow/war would i be ok?)
2) Could I play casual?
1) I use a 2.1ghz amd + nvidia gforce 6 series runs without problems on lowest settings (this is using 800x600 res, might be able to go higher but not tried), this gives aprox 50 fps, i dont think you could go that much lower than this though, at least without some fps problems.

Connection wise, as long as you have something better than a 56k modem you'd probably be alright (the dev claim that ping doesnt really affect it seems pretty accurate, people playing from the US seem to have no problems at all)

2) depending what you want, your not going to be some uber PK or own a one man city or anything, but theres no reason you couldnt do ok, the main problem is the power gamers have crafters, and therefore better equipment (despite all the fanboi claims of equipment not meaning anything, realistically your not going to beat some guy wearing plate armour if you only have cloth armour....unless they really really suck - which some of them do, but surprisngly enough, most pople are average). You'd have no problems beating people with similar equipment to you regardless of how high your skills are however (the main disadvantage would be lack of special moves, however they're not that useful in pvp anyway though, apart from maybe knockback)

Corran Horn

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Stratics Legend
I bought it a few months ago, reactivated my account and got bored after like 5 minutes :(
Its alot different lol...kah


hadnt been on here in a while but tried to log in and looks like my old user name is dead. used to be brodieman . was there some system wipe or something. :wall:

The Green Thief

They had to make room for the booming enterprise of Ultima Online. With the swarm of new accounts they were easily going to run out of storage space, so they did a wipe. /sarcasm


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
brodie, whats going on? long time no see.

what have all you other fools be up too? ive been really busy with school lately but im done with the semester in a week and a half


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I graduate soon.

Finally :)

Apart from that just trying to get a design job, or perhaps QA to get my foot in the door...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Truthfully, part of me thought I would always jump at the chance to work with/on UO but I just dont think I could take it seriously, alot of the stuff Mythic/EA/OSI etc implemented into the game I liked, hell i even agreed with Trammel in many aspects (I dont think the game would have lasted this long with just felluca) but everything after, AoS and the mimicking of other MMOs just put me off.

Hoping to get something with APB or working on Crackdown 2 as their both local to me. Fingers Crossed


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i know who you are you fool.

i was just being all coy and sneaky. you may even say thief like, so as not to draw attention to your true identity.
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