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SA reclamation: Can I have my money back?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That's why I posted the idiot proofing comment. It's not easy to get into that mind set and see all the pitfalls. My post was meant to try and get Blesh to put Herself into their shoes. Of course, Shedoesn't even play so he has no inkling how much fun the non-whiners are having in-game. My alliance is just buzzing with all the excitement everyone is having, but that doesn't make it's way over here to Stratics. Instead you have people who have moved on and still want to take pot shots at a game they have no clue about anymore.

I've heard plenty of what people like and don't like about SA. Don't get me wrong here, I'm not here to trash talk the game and that's it.

The only reason I even posted is because I agree with the OP, and wanted to let him know I do.

The reasons I closed my accounts was the poor lack of customer service and planning on the Dev's part. I want to see the game do better, and when it does I will more than likely reopen my accounts. Part of them living up to my expectations is pointing out what I would like to see changed so that the Dev's may take notice. I am not taking "pot shots" Sir. I am hoping and giving means to the Dev's to see my opinion and hopefully do something about what I don't like.

I'm sorry you don't like my opinion. Now how about that link to where the Dev's say they were wrong and are working to fix it?
1) Nice job arrogantly asking for the link again. Were the multiple links you received later on tasty? The best you could do then was to say Thank You and apologize only for the amount of your posts? Just plain sad.

2) You are not only taking "pot shots" you are providing the textbook definition for the phrase "pot shots" In your own words you have not played for 2 years yet you still took the first oppurtunity in this post to bash the Devs & customer service.

3) You say that you are not here to "trash talk the game" but I seriously wonder what then you are still here for? If anyone was to waste the time researching all your posts since you stopped playing how many of them would be positive? How many constructive threads about actual gameplay have you started lately lol?
Now how about some links to those?

4) You say you closed your accounts due to "poor lack of customer service and planning on the Dev's part" ??
What a wonderful coincidence it is then that in this very post you are cluelessly complaining about that same thing in regards to the quest. Nice retrofit

5) Just a few days after one of the biggest releases ever you are extremely critical about a simple flaw in game mechanics that has already been addressed? That also has easy workarounds? And you dont even actually play the game? Havent for 2 years.
Hell ya! The Devs and customer service sure need more of that kind of feedback!! Thanks alot for you contribution and hope to see you ingame soon!!

Peace out :)


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Actually, it kinda is their fault for making a ****ty design.
Actually they designed it fine. They give you two options. If they one gave one I *might* agree but they didnt, they give you two.

If you are to stubborn to use the other that is no ones fault but your own.


why should a beta tester camp it for robes ... omg ... to get 1000 robes which will be deleted when the beta is over?

dont try to compare peoples behavior in the beta and in the release
This is the difference between public beta testing and in-house QA testing. Public beta testing is more of a stress test on the content, allowing the devs to get a feel for what content is fine and well, what content isn't quite up-to-snuff, and get general feedback (positive and negative) on said content. In-house QA testing is focused more on finding balancing issues, bugs, and ensuring there aren't any gameplay-breaking issues with content;.

I wouldn't hold the beta testers accountable for not finding the issue with Tyball... it was never their job to begin with. I'd look to EA/Mythic's in-house QA team if I was looking to hold anyone accountable. Those people are the ones who should have been going through the content with an eye towards gameplay-breaking issues (which is what Tyball's loot-table and spawn retimer is at this point).


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Actually they designed it fine. They give you two options. If they one gave one I *might* agree but they didnt, they give you two.

If you are to stubborn to use the other that is no ones fault but your own.
This is exactly the attitude of the players who are only caring about their items (and hoarding them) and don't give a rat's arse about other players. Should a player abstain from an interesting cool quest with a personal reward, just because there are some ignorants abusing the system? (Yes, I call that an abuse!)

If people were only a little more other-determined, this game would be a hell of a lot more fun.

Anyway, this discussion is void, as I expect the issue to be fixed soon.


I wouldn't hold the beta testers accountable for not finding the issue with Tyball...
That would be good since the entrance to the Abyss from the Fire Island side didn't exist until the launch of the expansion. It's kind of hard to test things that don't exist yet.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Same thing happened to me.

Why didn't the SA devs see this coming? Are they new to UO?

With all due respect Draconi and posse since it seems you all had NO CLUE this could happen you should have fixed it with the last publish.

I will say in positive way that a lot in SA is just wonderful. The entry is not.


That would be good since the entrance to the Abyss from the Fire Island side didn't exist until the launch of the expansion. It's kind of hard to test things that don't exist yet.
Then it sounds to me like if anyone was to blame for the Tyball thing... it's the devs. Note I say IF anyone was to blame.

Of course, nobody is perfect and anyone who was expecting a perfect launch clearly has never experienced a launch of an MMO or an MMO expansion. These kinds of birthing pains are normal and frankly.... I'd be surprised if they didn't happen.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Now why wasn't this issue caught in Beta? I mean, you can just as easily blame the Beta testers for missing it. I hope you weren't in Beta Blesh or else you're just as responsible for this. If you weren't in Beta, then perhaps you'll get in there next time and if anything is missed, we'll be sure to include you in the blame game.
I'm responsible! I only tested house stuff and some garg stuff. But I like being surprised and exploring new stuff alongside other players. :p

And to the OP, well it's your choice to be put out. But I don't understand it. I don't like being irritated or angry, and I think if you choose to play from the garg side and explore all the stuff from that direction then complete the quest later it would alleviate a lot of your irritation.

Nothing comes out perfect, there are going to be bugs and issues, some they know about beforehand but don't have the time to fix, and some that will be discovered only when there are thousands of people playing. I think it's a bit unfair to expect everything to work perfectly and for there to be no problems. Especially with such a great expansion, there is so much to do and see, and it really reminds me of Ilshenar and what a great land that is.


Aaaaaaannnnnddddd another good reason for me to wait until the bugs have been fixed...Maybe next week i'll upgrade, after the fact.

Excited to try it out though. :thumbsup:


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm sorry, I was a beta tester, it never occurred to me that anyone would camp the guy to get a robe. I just don't play that lame. Nor do most of the rest of the beta testers who actually did any testing.
I didn't have any trouble completing the quest on Europa. I arrived in the room, someone there said 'are you doing the quest?' I said 'yes' and they let me kill the next one so that I could move on.
It should have when you realize UO players = extremely greedy and a robe with stats = MASS CAMPING.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
1) Nice job arrogantly asking for the link again. Were the multiple links you received later on tasty? The best you could do then was to say Thank You and apologize only for the amount of your posts? Just plain sad.

2) You are not only taking "pot shots" you are providing the textbook definition for the phrase "pot shots" In your own words you have not played for 2 years yet you still took the first oppurtunity in this post to bash the Devs & customer service.

3) You say that you are not here to "trash talk the game" but I seriously wonder what then you are still here for? If anyone was to waste the time researching all your posts since you stopped playing how many of them would be positive? How many constructive threads about actual gameplay have you started lately lol?
Now how about some links to those?

4) You say you closed your accounts due to "poor lack of customer service and planning on the Dev's part" ??
What a wonderful coincidence it is then that in this very post you are cluelessly complaining about that same thing in regards to the quest. Nice retrofit

5) Just a few days after one of the biggest releases ever you are extremely critical about a simple flaw in game mechanics that has already been addressed? That also has easy workarounds? And you dont even actually play the game? Havent for 2 years.
Hell ya! The Devs and customer service sure need more of that kind of feedback!! Thanks alot for you contribution and hope to see you ingame soon!!

Peace out :)


Fine, I'm taking pot shots. only because I feel the need to point out flaws to better the game. I love UO. I'd love to play it again. Right now, with the rampant cheaters, scripters, dupers, **** poor customer service and poor Dev planning, its not worth my 10 bucks a month. When I fell its worth my 10 bucks a month, I'll reactivate. and honestly, they have made some improvements.

As far as work arounds, like the OP said, why should he or she have to resort to a workaround? the answer? she or she shouldn't. end of story.

if you don't like to read my opinions, put me on ignore.

At least I'm one of the few who still care enough about this game to expect better.

"peace out" :)

Lord Urza

Iv ran this quest 3 times now easily ( its so easy )

Every time there is someone camped there, I let them kill one more, then ask If i may get the next one so i can get the key before the timers run down.
Every time they have had no problem letting me cut in for a kill.
Each time i have conversations with the people/people waiting and the time passes very quickly.
Of course there are going to be people camping it, Its the first few days...after everyone has figured this all out the cloaks will be worth very little and this wont be a camped spawn at all.

Balinor of Pk?

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sdragor, I understand where you are coming from completely. But don't give up. These same people putting you down here, INCUDING a stratics representative (Shame on you.) Are the same people who would scream bloody murder if they took their trammel away and had to play with us real monsters. Give it a go man, you'll make it. Here's to hoping that one day trammel goes bye bye and these crybabies have to see how fun the game REALLY is. :)


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Seriously, this is a flaw, and there's no excuse for it. However, I expect a fix for it on Monday the latest. So, SDragor, there is hope! The developers do care. Don't give up so fast!
Actually there is an excuse: it's a bug. If I understand correctly, the intent was to drop keys for everyone in the room when he died, but something went amiss.

The workaround is to get a rune to Ter Mur and do the shrine of singularity quest from that side - it's actually much simpler than the Underworld side if you don't make a mistake on the gargoyle virtues quiz. Since hot air balloons don't seem to be available, you will need either a rune or a teleport to get into the valley of the shrine.

Alternatively, if you don't mind Fel, you can also access the Abyss through the champ spawns, although I don't believe you'd be able to get out through the normal exits.


dang son.. you're upset cause of the slimes?

I can't wait to see your post when you try to find the last 4 mysticism spell scrolls!

No sympathy dude... man up!


If anyones actually having trouble getting the yellow key, there are several ways to combat the campers even in the trammel rulesets.

On highly non PVM optimized characters, I rarely waited longer than two rounds to get a key; and that was when asking nicely didn't work.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Again with the "daily caps" nonsense.
So, again with the "No!"

Daily caps don't make it "fair for everyone", they make if "fair" for you, at the expense of acheivement for those that put more effort in.

Instead of slowing down the powergamers, so they don't get "too far ahead", why not lock out the casual gamers who drop "too far behind"?
Completely hypothetical, but the result is almost the same. You're screwing over one group to favour another.

Question is, among the overall players in a given game, how many can be powergamers and how many can be casual ?

If the casual gamers who can only spend a limited time playing are the vast majority, then I think that a "daily CAPs" change that would favour them is in favour of the vast majority of those who play a given game....

Not to mention how daily CAPs would make scripting obsolete......

To my opinion, therefore, it would be a proper and a rightfull change.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Such a stupid idea would cause the loss of MANY players. I for one would not play a game that allowed me only ONE of w/e object I may want to attain. No I`m not a powergamer,but being limited like that would be just dumb to say the least.If you can`t get enough of whatever it is you want....you better play more instead of wanting other peaple to play less.

Your reasoning is absurd and one sided....your side.:dunce:

Daily CAPs not necessarily have to be limited to 1 and 1 only per day.

It could be 5, or 10.

The point is, it needs to be a number that does not allow anyone to clog a spawn for hours upon hours upon hours.

Not to mention scripters......

Once a reasonable CAP is set which is fine for the casual gamer, say 5 or 10 of that given item per account per day, the player will need to move onto another spawn or simply waste their time at a spawn which will not yield anything any longer for that day.

This leaves room to OTHER players. People who ALSO pay for the service and would also, too, like to try that given spawn.........

The game is vast and large, once reached a CAP at a spawn the player can move onto another spawn or another activity allowed in the game.

I do not see why on earth players should be allowed to play in a way that hurts other players.

The way I see it, one's own freedom ends when it harms someone else's freedom.

Clogging a spawn harms others' freedom, IMHO, and therefore is not good and should never be allowed. The only effective way I see to make this not possible is through Daily CAPs.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Why do people even camp the Tyball's Shadow?

The robe is extremely nice, but its worthless so what is the point of farming them?


Daily CAPs not necessarily have to be limited to 1 and 1 only per day.

It could be 5, or 10.

The point is, it needs to be a number that does not allow anyone to clog a spawn for hours upon hours upon hours.

Not to mention scripters......

Once a reasonable CAP is set which is fine for the casual gamer, say 5 or 10 of that given item per account per day, the player will need to move onto another spawn or simply waste their time at a spawn which will not yield anything any longer for that day.

This leaves room to OTHER players. People who ALSO pay for the service and would also, too, like to try that given spawn.........

The game is vast and large, once reached a CAP at a spawn the player can move onto another spawn or another activity allowed in the game.

I do not see why on earth players should be allowed to play in a way that hurts other players.

The way I see it, one's own freedom ends when it harms someone else's freedom.

Clogging a spawn harms others' freedom, IMHO, and therefore is not good and should never be allowed. The only effective way I see to make this not possible is through Daily CAPs.
Well lets see it's a over a decade old game.Pulling these numbers from the closest I believe the truth but assuming.5%new players, 95% of players are vets or returning vets. From those 10% super powergamers,20% extreme power gamers,30% semi powergamers,10%dabble in power gaming certain days,5% above average players,10%casual players, 5% below average, 5% just do nothing players.
So how will you cap them? Why should the power gamers never advance as far as they could?Why should do nothing players get as much as a casual player?
You live in a country or belive in political values that believe no 1 person can have more than another or less than another no matter how much or little time and effort they put in correct? Or are you just playing with us?

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Pretty sure you want to be grabbing the other end of the stick...

What Petra is saying, is that while beta testing, it never occurred to her that people would camp for the robes on release. Her primary focus was to move through the quest, as she would do on production.
Therefore, as she didn't anticipate the camping that would happen, she didn't stick around to check the respawn timer was anything but "stupidly long"
The quest to enter the Abyss through the Underworld wasn't even added to the beta until the last couple of days and by then VERY FEW people were even bothering to log in on Retribution. I think most of them had other stuff to do, such as EM events.

When I did the quest in beta, I got several megaclicloc errors (one for the yellow key, perhaps, and the other for the cloak), so I wouldn't have even known about the cloak if someone else that happened to be there hadn't showed me his.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm sorry, I was a beta tester, it never occurred to me that anyone would camp the guy to get a robe. I just don't play that lame. Nor do most of the rest of the beta testers who actually did any testing.
I didn't have any trouble completing the quest on Europa. I arrived in the room, someone there said 'are you doing the quest?' I said 'yes' and they let me kill the next one so that I could move on.

Which is exactly what happened tonight when I took a new guildie round to get in.

Mr Complainer, come on over to Europa; hasn't been camped there for a few days now. Yes, there are a few arses, you get those wherever you go, but, apart from the first 24hrs, I've not heard of anyone having trouble getting a key.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
1) Nice job arrogantly asking for the link again. Were the multiple links you received later on tasty? The best you could do then was to say Thank You and apologize only for the amount of your posts? Just plain sad.

2) You are not only taking "pot shots" you are providing the textbook definition for the phrase "pot shots" In your own words you have not played for 2 years yet you still took the first oppurtunity in this post to bash the Devs & customer service.

3) You say that you are not here to "trash talk the game" but I seriously wonder what then you are still here for? If anyone was to waste the time researching all your posts since you stopped playing how many of them would be positive? How many constructive threads about actual gameplay have you started lately lol?
Now how about some links to those?

4) You say you closed your accounts due to "poor lack of customer service and planning on the Dev's part" ??
What a wonderful coincidence it is then that in this very post you are cluelessly complaining about that same thing in regards to the quest. Nice retrofit

5) Just a few days after one of the biggest releases ever you are extremely critical about a simple flaw in game mechanics that has already been addressed? That also has easy workarounds? And you dont even actually play the game? Havent for 2 years.
Hell ya! The Devs and customer service sure need more of that kind of feedback!! Thanks alot for you contribution and hope to see you ingame soon!!

Peace out :)


Fine, I'm taking pot shots. only because I feel the need to point out flaws to better the game. I love UO. I'd love to play it again. Right now, with the rampant cheaters, scripters, dupers, **** poor customer service and poor Dev planning, its not worth my 10 bucks a month. When I fell its worth my 10 bucks a month, I'll reactivate. and honestly, they have made some improvements.

As far as work arounds, like the OP said, why should he or she have to resort to a workaround? the answer? she or she shouldn't. end of story.

if you don't like to read my opinions, put me on ignore.

At least I'm one of the few who still care enough about this game to expect better.

"peace out" :)
1) resort to a workaround? The OP didnt HAVE to resort to anything. He or she could simply have been prepared and played a character powerful enough to attempt or complete the quest. In the OP's own words he was on a weak character. There are plenty of things to do ingame that dont require a powerful character.
Your "workaround" hangup is nothing more then more of your game bashing nonsense bud.

2) you "care enough about this game to expect better"? Rofl, you have been showing your care by not playing the past TWO YEARS? You are one of the "few" eh?
So more should be like you and "care" about the game by not playing or paying? That would be healthy for the game you "care" so much about lol.
Could you make yourself sound any more ridiculous? Nope.

3) How sadly addicted were you to the game that you can now 2 years later still be so bitter yet active offline?