1) Nice job arrogantly asking for the link again. Were the multiple links you received later on tasty? The best you could do then was to say Thank You and apologize only for the amount of your posts? Just plain sad.That's why I posted the idiot proofing comment. It's not easy to get into that mind set and see all the pitfalls. My post was meant to try and get Blesh to put Herself into their shoes. Of course, Shedoesn't even play so he has no inkling how much fun the non-whiners are having in-game. My alliance is just buzzing with all the excitement everyone is having, but that doesn't make it's way over here to Stratics. Instead you have people who have moved on and still want to take pot shots at a game they have no clue about anymore.
I've heard plenty of what people like and don't like about SA. Don't get me wrong here, I'm not here to trash talk the game and that's it.
The only reason I even posted is because I agree with the OP, and wanted to let him know I do.
The reasons I closed my accounts was the poor lack of customer service and planning on the Dev's part. I want to see the game do better, and when it does I will more than likely reopen my accounts. Part of them living up to my expectations is pointing out what I would like to see changed so that the Dev's may take notice. I am not taking "pot shots" Sir. I am hoping and giving means to the Dev's to see my opinion and hopefully do something about what I don't like.
I'm sorry you don't like my opinion. Now how about that link to where the Dev's say they were wrong and are working to fix it?
2) You are not only taking "pot shots" you are providing the textbook definition for the phrase "pot shots" In your own words you have not played for 2 years yet you still took the first oppurtunity in this post to bash the Devs & customer service.
3) You say that you are not here to "trash talk the game" but I seriously wonder what then you are still here for? If anyone was to waste the time researching all your posts since you stopped playing how many of them would be positive? How many constructive threads about actual gameplay have you started lately lol?
Now how about some links to those?
4) You say you closed your accounts due to "poor lack of customer service and planning on the Dev's part" ??
What a wonderful coincidence it is then that in this very post you are cluelessly complaining about that same thing in regards to the quest. Nice retrofit
5) Just a few days after one of the biggest releases ever you are extremely critical about a simple flaw in game mechanics that has already been addressed? That also has easy workarounds? And you dont even actually play the game? Havent for 2 years.
Hell ya! The Devs and customer service sure need more of that kind of feedback!! Thanks alot for you contribution and hope to see you ingame soon!!
Peace out