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SA reclamation: Can I have my money back?



Since I cannot access most of the content.

Acid Slugs: Camped by necro mages farming for some kind of points. It took my 2 hours to finally get looting rights and find the acid sacs.

Tyball's Shadow: After getting the 2 keys, I went to Tyball. This guy is camped 24/7 by players farming robes. I tried for 8 hours (with small breaks). As I'm not too powerful a fighter, I never do enough damage to get the yellow key. If I kindly ask and beg to give me a chance, they all laugh at me, saying they wanted the robe.
You do NOT get a key when you damage Tyball. You only get one when you do enough damage.

I like the quest. But I wonder who is responsible for coming up with such a geme mechanical nonsense. I want to explore the Stygian Abyss and it is prevented by a bunch of ruthless dorks.



Why should I settle for a workaround? I want to finish this quest.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If you want to explore the Abyss go through Hythloth.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Forgive me, but your response and now this whole post just comes off as sounding petulant. I figure EA will address the camping issues as well as some other pressing bugs. In the meanwhile, you could be enjoying the SA dungeon but you choose not to because.... *stomp your foot here* you want to do it your way and no other way is gonna make you happy *stomp your foot again and pout!*


They can't just stay there 24/7 I hope... they'll eventually get bored and leave.


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
Why should I settle for a workaround? I want to finish this quest.
Then make your gargoyle and finish the quest at a later point...

The new content is easily accessible with an easy workaround. It is your choice not to use this workaround and thus your fault you are not getting to the new content. It is not EA's fault.


This thread made me roll my eyes and laugh simultaneously.

You won't adapt, so the fault is EAMythic's?
Did you try asking those camping if you could kill a couple to get sacs?
Did you try looting some slimes, that have gone public, to get sacs they might have missed?

The Tyball thing is recognised as an issue, and they have said they're working on a fix for it.
Ultimately, however, you can't get access to most of the content because you're too stubborn to try other ways.
There's at least 2 alternative methods of entering the Abyss, more if you count variations.
There's more things to to that that one quest you're so hung up on.

Why should you settle for a workaround?
Why shouldn't you? Put the effort you're putting into complaining on the internet into finding another way.
You could consider the other players as further challenges to completing the quest, in which case QQing and "getting it fixed" would be a workaround to confronting it as it stands.


Crazed Zealot
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Actually, it kinda is their fault for making a ****ty design.


But, isn't overcoming challenges an integral part of "fun"?


Always Present
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*stomps feet*
Stuff isn't easy for me!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
*stomps feet*
Stuff isn't easy for me!

All sarcasm aside, it was a really ****ty move on the Dev's part to put that robe on a mob that people NEED to kill in order to finish a quest to access the new content.

I know there are other ways to get in there. But seriously, what were they thinking? The very nature of a large portion of UO players is greed. what the **** did they expect?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
All sarcasm aside, it was a really ****ty move on the Dev's part to put that robe on a mob that people NEED to kill in order to finish a quest to access the new content.

I know there are other ways to get in there. But seriously, what were they thinking? The very nature of a large portion of UO players is greed. what the **** did they expect?
Blesh, you ever made a mistake?

Seriously, I could see you guys getting your panties in a bunch if they don't address this, but it's been what? A few days? They made a mistake. They are human. Get over it.

They were probably thinking, let's delightfully surprise them by rewarding them for getting into the Abyss. Of course good intentions often go awry when crappy players are involved. This is yet another case of blaming the Devs for PLAYER GREED.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Blesh, you ever made a mistake?

Seriously, I could see you guys getting your panties in a bunch if they don't address this, but it's been what? A few days? They made a mistake. They are human. Get over it.

They were probably thinking, let's delightfully surprise them by rewarding them for getting into the Abyss. Of course good intentions often go awry when crappy players are involved. This is yet another case of blaming the Devs for PLAYER GREED.

You're right, I am blaming the Dev's for player greed. You know why?

Because they should know better by now.

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Yes and they are working on it. I am in SA and all I did was go to a vendor house and use thier locked down rune book. I will do the quest later, but for right now it was more important to get in SA and drop off a rune book for my new Garg. and start training.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yes and they are working on it. I am in SA and all I did was go to a vendor house and use thier locked down rune book. I will do the quest later, but for right now it was more important to get in SA and drop off a rune book for my new Garg. and start training.

If you link me to a Dev post where they state is was a mistake for them to put that robe on that mob, and that they are working to fix it, I'll shut up right now.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You're right, I am blaming the Dev's for player greed. You know why?

Because they should know better by now.
It's the same dilema as idiot proofing. If you're not an idiot, it's hard to think like one.

Now why wasn't this issue caught in Beta? I mean, you can just as easily blame the Beta testers for missing it. I hope you weren't in Beta Blesh or else you're just as responsible for this. If you weren't in Beta, then perhaps you'll get in there next time and if anything is missed, we'll be sure to include you in the blame game.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It's the same dilema as idiot proofing. If you're not an idiot, it's hard to think like one.

Now why wasn't this issue caught in Beta? I mean, you can just as easily blame the Beta testers for missing it. I hope you weren't in Beta Blesh or else you're just as responsible for this. If you weren't in Beta, then perhaps you'll get in there next time and if anything is missed, we'll be sure to include you in the blame game.

I closed my account 2 years ago ;)

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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I'm sorry, I was a beta tester, it never occurred to me that anyone would camp the guy to get a robe. I just don't play that lame. Nor do most of the rest of the beta testers who actually did any testing.
I didn't have any trouble completing the quest on Europa. I arrived in the room, someone there said 'are you doing the quest?' I said 'yes' and they let me kill the next one so that I could move on.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm sorry, I was a beta tester, it never occurred to me that anyone would camp the guy to get a robe. I just don't play that lame. Nor do most of the rest of the beta testers who actually did any testing.
I didn't have any trouble completing the quest on Europa. I arrived in the room, someone there said 'are you doing the quest?' I said 'yes' and they let me kill the next one so that I could move on.
That's why I posted the idiot proofing comment. It's not easy to get into that mind set and see all the pitfalls. My post was meant to try and get Blesh to put himself into their shoes. Of course, he doesn't even play so he has no inkling how much fun the non-whiners are having in-game. My alliance is just buzzing with all the excitement everyone is having, but that doesn't make it's way over here to Stratics. Instead you have people who have moved on and still want to take pot shots at a game they have no clue about anymore.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm sorry, I was a beta tester, it never occurred to me that anyone would camp the guy to get a robe. I just don't play that lame.

You don't have to "play that lame". You just have to have an eye to identify that people who do "play that lame" will take full advantage of a poorly set up piece of the game.


All sarcasm aside, it was a really ****ty move on the Dev's part to put that robe on a mob that people NEED to kill in order to finish a quest to access the new content.
I'm going to agree, with a mitigation.
I'd say it was an oversight.
They should have seen it coming in design.
It should have been picked up in closed beta.
It should have been picked up in open beta.

Obviously, they recognise that it's a problem, because aside from the shard death thing, it's the first thing they're acknowledging fixing.

Although, there are alternative paths to follow, for the same end as the OP states to be aiming for.
In fact, the Gargoyle side is much easier, and if you can dodge the PvPers, the fel side has fewer steps still.
You can't blame the developers if the player refuses to choose (easier) alternatives.


I'm sorry, I was a beta tester, it never occurred to me that anyone would camp the guy to get a robe. I just don't play that lame.
You don't have to "play that lame". You just have to have an eye to identify that people who do "play that lame" will take full advantage of a poorly set up piece of the game.
The beta testers aren't likely to have played to horde items. I wouldn't be surprised if many of them didn't even notice the agonising respawn time, because there wouldn't have been hordes of players farming the robes.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That's why I posted the idiot proofing comment. It's not easy to get into that mind set and see all the pitfalls. My post was meant to try and get Blesh to put Herself into their shoes. Of course, Shedoesn't even play so he has no inkling how much fun the non-whiners are having in-game. My alliance is just buzzing with all the excitement everyone is having, but that doesn't make it's way over here to Stratics. Instead you have people who have moved on and still want to take pot shots at a game they have no clue about anymore.

I've heard plenty of what people like and don't like about SA. Don't get me wrong here, I'm not here to trash talk the game and that's it.

The only reason I even posted is because I agree with the OP, and wanted to let him know I do.

The reasons I closed my accounts was the poor lack of customer service and planning on the Dev's part. I want to see the game do better, and when it does I will more than likely reopen my accounts. Part of them living up to my expectations is pointing out what I would like to see changed so that the Dev's may take notice. I am not taking "pot shots" Sir. I am hoping and giving means to the Dev's to see my opinion and hopefully do something about what I don't like.

I'm sorry you don't like my opinion. Now how about that link to where the Dev's say they were wrong and are working to fix it?

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
It wasn't picked up in the open beta because there were gates into SA. Did anybody do the quest in the open beta. How did you do it because fire island wasn't changed at that time. Was fire island changed for the closed beta? This could be the reason it was overlooked and not picked up on until SA went live. They say sh@t happens and they are working on it. Check around and see if someone has rune books locked down for SA and do the quest later, after they fix it.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The reasons I closed my accounts was the poor lack of customer service and planning on the Dev's part. I want to see the game do better, and when it does I will more than likely reopen my accounts. Part of them living up to my expectations is pointing out what I would like to see changed so that the Dev's may take notice. I am not taking "pot shots" Sir. I am hoping and giving means to the Dev's to see my opinion and hopefully do something about what I don't like.

I'm sorry you don't like my opinion. Now how about that link to where the Dev's say they were wrong and are working to fix it?
Kiminality got the link up before I could, but there you have it.

I don't agree with the OP because he hasn't even tried the other options which in my opinion makes for an uneducated argument. As I mentioned, it just sounds petulant particularly in light of the fact Draconi said they are working on it. Your opinion might coincide with his arguments, but without playing, what sort of basis does your argument have?

You said you quit two years ago because of customer service and Dev Team planning. I can't argue with customer service, but I've actually been impressed with the work this Dev Team has done. They've made mistakes and boy have they heard about it. Nevertheless, they have learned from the mistakes and that is the reason why I will come here and defend them and urge people to get a grip and learn some patience. It was rewarded in the past and I have every faith it will be rewarded in this instance.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Blesh, can we hear you talk about the good aspects of this expansion?


My favorite addition with the new xpac is imbuing. I feel it really levels the field for players who can't afford to farm and farm and farm for high end weapons. I also like the fact that you cant powder them, giving a more ongoing constant need to continue with making weapons and armors.

Something I just saw today was caster focus property. I'll admit I didn't know this was even in the game until I saw it in someones screen shot of an item. I feel this brings a great option for players who don't want to use protection, but still want a chance at doing well on their casters without using it.

The new champ spawn's look nice as well. I watched a video from JCthebuilder on one and was impressed with the boss fight. I can't recall the name of it, but it would explode with pushback, and spawn MASSIVE amounts of monsters for the pvpers to combat while trying to kill the champ from what appeared to be black crystals on the ground. or maybe the boss spawned them on his own, I couldn't tell. Either way, looked like a lot of fun.

I also like the way they did placing of houses in the new areas. the loyalty system was a great way to avoid the campers waiting for housing to open up, and also got people out and enjoying the content.

there, just a few things I enjoyed reading and watching videos on about the new Xpac.


Stratics Veteran
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Blesh doesn't even play UO anymore. She quit over 2 years ago. All She knows about it is from what people have posted here, lol.

And what i've seen in videos and read in patch notes. please don't shrug me off as someone who just wanted to complain. that's not the case. please read my post above.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thank you. Always nice to see a larger picture of where you're coming from. I should ask this of all the people I argue with. I'd offer to tell you the things I'd like to see EA do better, but I don't want to be negative because there's already so much negativity here!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thank you. Always nice to see a larger picture of where you're coming from. I should ask this of all the people I argue with. I'd offer to tell you the things I'd like to see EA do better, but I don't want to be negative because there's already so much negativity here!

You're welcome :)


I know that on one shard if you dont like the people farming or hog'n a spot you just kill them. This is prolly one of the biggest reasons i moved to siege. I hated sharing my farming spots or having to wait till someone was done. It is called "Freedom" and it is alive and doing well on Siege. You choose to play where you play, and you know the rules. Wouldnt it be great if you could just kill that farmer, I do and I love it.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I know that on one shard if you dont like the people farming or hog'n a spot you just kill them. This is prolly one of the biggest reasons i moved to siege. I hated sharing my farming spots or having to wait till someone was done. It is called "Freedom" and it is alive and doing well on Siege. You choose to play where you play, and you know the rules. Wouldnt it be great if you could just kill that farmer, I do and I love it.
heh, his your character named Hugibear as well?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i dont know what is wrong, but one flamestrike on that guy got me the yellow key.. it pops in your pack, not on loot.. its on a 10 minute timer.. just count it out, then precast fs and let it go as soon as it spawns..

also the 2nd one that spawned got me a robe.. there was about 5 or 6 people in there so its not that hard.


Always Present
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Why peeps are farming worhless robes is beyond me- everyone knoes there free so why someone is gonna pay even a few hundred gold is beyond me!

why peeps are farming the acid slugs to get 10k loyalty to be able to place a 10x10 in the new housing area is beyond me!

The rest of the new expansion is AWESOME !!!!- Possibly the best expansion we have ever had.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
*stomps feet*
Stuff isn't easy for me!
Hmmm... well... SDragor actually has a point. I could almost assume that you're one of those farming for 50 robes? ;)

Seriously, this is a flaw, and there's no excuse for it. However, I expect a fix for it on Monday the latest. So, SDragor, there is hope! The developers do care. Don't give up so fast!

P.S.: I was lucky and had no trouble with campers, as I finished that quest very early after the release. Besides, most of my characters are capable to do enough damage (even my crafter with an Enhance Potions ring).


Always Present
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Since I cannot access most of the content.

Acid Slugs: Camped by necro mages farming for some kind of points. It took my 2 hours to finally get looting rights and find the acid sacs.

Tyball's Shadow: After getting the 2 keys, I went to Tyball. This guy is camped 24/7 by players farming robes. I tried for 8 hours (with small breaks). As I'm not too powerful a fighter, I never do enough damage to get the yellow key. If I kindly ask and beg to give me a chance, they all laugh at me, saying they wanted the robe.
You do NOT get a key when you damage Tyball. You only get one when you do enough damage.

I like the quest. But I wonder who is responsible for coming up with such a geme mechanical nonsense. I want to explore the Stygian Abyss and it is prevented by a bunch of ruthless dorks.


What amazes me, is that it would have taken not much to avoid problems like these, IMHO.

Simply add some "Daily CAPs code for whatever special items or points those creatures give, and the problem would have been solved.

Personally, I think that only making it worthless to farm all over for hours upon hours, problems like these can be solved.

Daily CAPs, are the only one thing that I think, cannot have a work around to prevent any and all forms or farming and, sometimes, even scripting......


Man, you seem to play on a shard with more <censored> than other shards.

I too, have camped the shroud room. When someone came in on the quest and said so, noone of us was attacking the next shadow and let him kill it alone.

I too farmed loyality points (takes less than 2 hours on my necro for noble status). When someone needed sacs, I partied him and told him to loot to his hearts content.

Did you even try asking those who farm there? If someone is withering the spawn of acid slugs, it is even safe for you to wade in there and get what you need, even if you have to look around a bit for corpses that are public.


I'm sorry, I was a beta tester, it never occurred to me that anyone would camp the guy to get a robe. I just don't play that lame. Nor do most of the rest of the beta testers who actually did any testing.
I didn't have any trouble completing the quest on Europa. I arrived in the room, someone there said 'are you doing the quest?' I said 'yes' and they let me kill the next one so that I could move on.
why should a beta tester camp it for robes ... omg ... to get 1000 robes which will be deleted when the beta is over?

dont try to compare peoples behavior in the beta and in the release


"Daily CAPs code for whatever special items or points those creatures give, and the problem would have been solved.
Again with the "daily caps" nonsense.
So, again with the "No!"

Daily caps don't make it "fair for everyone", they make if "fair" for you, at the expense of acheivement for those that put more effort in.

Instead of slowing down the powergamers, so they don't get "too far ahead", why not lock out the casual gamers who drop "too far behind"?
Completely hypothetical, but the result is almost the same. You're screwing over one group to favour another.


I'm sorry, I was a beta tester, it never occurred to me that anyone would camp the guy to get a robe. I just don't play that lame. Nor do most of the rest of the beta testers who actually did any testing.
I didn't have any trouble completing the quest on Europa. I arrived in the room, someone there said 'are you doing the quest?' I said 'yes' and they let me kill the next one so that I could move on.
why should a beta tester camp it for robes ... omg ... to get 1000 robes which will be deleted when the beta is over?

dont try to compare peoples behavior in the beta and in the release
Pretty sure you want to be grabbing the other end of the stick...

What Petra is saying, is that while beta testing, it never occurred to her that people would camp for the robes on release. Her primary focus was to move through the quest, as she would do on production.
Therefore, as she didn't anticipate the camping that would happen, she didn't stick around to check the respawn timer was anything but "stupidly long"


The beta testers aren't likely to have played to horde items. I wouldn't be surprised if many of them didn't even notice the agonising respawn time, because there wouldn't have been hordes of players farming the robes.
Quoted for truth.


What amazes me, is that it would have taken not much to avoid problems like these, IMHO.

Simply add some "Daily CAPs code for whatever special items or points those creatures give, and the problem would have been solved.

Personally, I think that only making it worthless to farm all over for hours upon hours, problems like these can be solved.

Daily CAPs, are the only one thing that I think, cannot have a work around to prevent any and all forms or farming and, sometimes, even scripting......
Such a stupid idea would cause the loss of MANY players. I for one would not play a game that allowed me only ONE of w/e object I may want to attain. No I`m not a powergamer,but being limited like that would be just dumb to say the least.If you can`t get enough of whatever it is you want....you better play more instead of wanting other peaple to play less.

Your reasoning is absurd and one sided....your side.:dunce: