We all remember you popps, you DID complain a lot.
If you are referring about scripting in UO well, I have always hated it.
I hate it because I find it hard to understand.
I mean, one of the arguments for scripting is to bypass boring and time consuming tasks.
Then, if it is so, why shouldn't ALL players be equally able to bypass these boring and time consuming tasks ?
Why only "some" should be able to ?
Something is either not allowed or allowed.
If it is not allowed then it should not be made possible to use and yet, years go by one after the other but it seems scripting never goes and those using it have an adge over other players not using it.
How is it possible that this issue of scripting has been dragged along for 12 years without never ending it one way or the other ?
I see only 2 possible solutions, either stopping scripting for good, if this is technically possible, or, should there be whatever technical problems which make it not possible to eradicate scripting from the game, letting all players, barred none, to be able to equally script thus finally bringing ALL players competing with each other on an equal basis.
How ?
Implementing scripting in the UO client for all players to be able to use.
I would rather prefer scripting go away from UO, but after seeing that 12 years have gone by and it still seems to be around, well, I think one needs to be realistic and conclude that perhaps, it simply is not possible, whatever the reason, to get rid of it.
This is why I suggest putting scripting into the client, then.
What is better ? To have only some players uniquely be able to use scripting and gain an edge over other players, or have ALL players be able to use it thus have a more equal basis from which to compete with each other in the game ?
Personally, I think all players should be as much as possible be able to compete with each other with the same tools and the less the edges there are among them, the better.........
Only individual skills should make the difference, IMHO.
That's the way I see it.