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Returning player : How does one make gold in UO nowadays the fastest ?


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
The best and quickest way to make gold? The key is finding a vendor spot in Luna. Then start with the gold you have, and buy things from other vendors.

Buy low, sell high. Technically, you don't even need to have any skills worked up to do this. All you need is a good vendor location...la


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
I think we all know that legalizing scripting is never going to happen because its just a bad idea...no AWFUL idea.

Is it really ?

I mean, if it was possible to get rid of illegal scripting then I agree.

But if 12 years have passed and we still have illegal scripting around and I can't seem to see any hope that it will go away, whatever the technical difficulties may be, then why leave this disparity among players ?

Why leave it so that some players can gain an edge because they use illegal scripting but others don't ?

As I said, if it was possible to stop it for good then great but if not, why would it be a bad idea to have scripting just built in the client for all players to use it ??


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
so script, this seems what you are after!!! we wont give u feal good reason to and if u get banned will no u were wrong if not banned come tell us about in a few months what shard and where do u play question now!!!!!!!!!!

Is it really ?

I mean, if it was possible to get rid of illegal scripting then I agree.

But if 12 years have passed and we still have illegal scripting around and I can't seem to see any hope that it will go away, whatever the technical difficulties may be, then why leave this disparity among players ?

Why leave it so that some players can gain an edge because they use illegal scripting but others don't ?

As I said, if it was possible to stop it for good then great but if not, why would it be a bad idea to have scripting just built in the client for all players to use it ??


Grand Poobah
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It still bothers me that you quote backwards.. :p

so script, this seems what you are after!!! we wont give u feal good reason to and if u get banned will no u were wrong if not banned come tell us about in a few months what shard and where do u play question now!!!!!!!!!!


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
so script, this seems what you are after!!! we wont give u feal good reason to and if u get banned will no u were wrong if not banned come tell us about in a few months what shard and where do u play question now!!!!!!!!!!

Nope, I do not like scripting, but I also do not find it right that after 12 years there is a gap in the game where there are players who script and players who don't and this gives unfair edges.....

All I am saying, is that if this is a game where players are supposed to compete with each other this should happen on EQUAL BASIS.

That is, all can start with the same tools and only their individual skills make the difference.

Unfortunately, when some players can use scripts to run faster, to loot faster, to avoid terrain blocking or whatever else give them an edge like duping to get wealth to buy them better gear and weapons and scrolls, all other players not using them are at a loss, the way I see it.

Now, I would be all for seeing them go away for good, once and for all, but if these "advantages" are hard to be detected and blocked (whatever the technical reason may be), I would imagine that if -after 12 years they still show up from time to time- they look quite difficult to be eradicated- at least players would be equalized some other way.

How ?

Well, if scripting can't be gotten rid of, whatever the reason, then bring it to ALL players thus ceasing, finally, that unfair disadvantage that exists among players.

As in regards to Stygian Abyss, if truly that client can get rid of scripting then allowing players to run the 2D client I think is a mistake.

Mind you, I love 2D but I think ending scripting is just way more important.

Just end support for the 2D client once Stygian Abyss is released and let's be done with scripting in Ultima Online once and for all.

That's at least how I see it.


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
We all remember you popps, you DID complain a lot.

If you are referring about scripting in UO well, I have always hated it.

I hate it because I find it hard to understand.

I mean, one of the arguments for scripting is to bypass boring and time consuming tasks.

Then, if it is so, why shouldn't ALL players be equally able to bypass these boring and time consuming tasks ?

Why only "some" should be able to ?

Something is either not allowed or allowed.

If it is not allowed then it should not be made possible to use and yet, years go by one after the other but it seems scripting never goes and those using it have an adge over other players not using it.

How is it possible that this issue of scripting has been dragged along for 12 years without never ending it one way or the other ?

I see only 2 possible solutions, either stopping scripting for good, if this is technically possible, or, should there be whatever technical problems which make it not possible to eradicate scripting from the game, letting all players, barred none, to be able to equally script thus finally bringing ALL players competing with each other on an equal basis.

How ?

Implementing scripting in the UO client for all players to be able to use.

I would rather prefer scripting go away from UO, but after seeing that 12 years have gone by and it still seems to be around, well, I think one needs to be realistic and conclude that perhaps, it simply is not possible, whatever the reason, to get rid of it.

This is why I suggest putting scripting into the client, then.

What is better ? To have only some players uniquely be able to use scripting and gain an edge over other players, or have ALL players be able to use it thus have a more equal basis from which to compete with each other in the game ?

Personally, I think all players should be as much as possible be able to compete with each other with the same tools and the less the edges there are among them, the better.........

Only individual skills should make the difference, IMHO.

That's the way I see it.

Arch Magus

As in regards to Stygian Abyss, if truly that client can get rid of scripting then allowing players to run the 2D client I think is a mistake.

Mind you, I love 2D but I think ending scripting is just way more important.

Just end support for the 2D client once Stygian Abyss is released and let's be done with scripting in Ultima Online once and for all.

That's at least how I see it.
If that's the case, then I hope Stygian Abyss never comes out.

I hate cheaters, but I also hate 3D UO even more.


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
If that's the case, then I hope Stygian Abyss never comes out.

I hate cheaters, but I also hate 3D UO even more.

I can understand that, as I also prefer the looks of 2D but I hate more the idea of playing a game where I have to compete with others who are scripting and gaining an edge, unfairly, then the idea of having to play with a 3D client.

Besides, I also realize that 2D is the past, the future with all of the technology improvements is with 3D clients. So, since sooner or later it will all be 3D clients anyways, well, I think then it is better to just forget about 2D, fix scripting in UO for good and just live with a Stygian Abyss 3D client.........

Arch Magus

I can understand that, as I also prefer the looks of 2D but I hate more the idea of playing a game where I have to compete with others who are scripting and gaining an edge, unfairly, then the idea of having to play with a 3D client.

Besides, I also realize that 2D is the past, the future with all of the technology improvements is with 3D clients. So, since sooner or later it will all be 3D clients anyways, well, I think then it is better to just forget about 2D, fix scripting in UO for good and just live with a Stygian Abyss 3D client.........
k...i'll follow you off topic for a bit.

personally i've never heard of these new clients being "cheater free". please point out to me where that is indeed a fact. you just might be disappointed in what you find, or don't find for that matter.

"Besides, I also realize that 2D is the past, the future with all of the technology improvements is with 3D clients"

nah, I dont think so. in Ultima Online, the game that I play, 2D is the past and the present for 90% or more of the players. 3D will never replace 2D.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
you made me laugh :D
Good, that was the plan.

personally i've never heard of these new clients being "cheater free". please point out to me where that is indeed a fact. you just might be disappointed in what you find, or don't find for that matter.
The reason people were able to write scripts that interact with the 2d client is because the source code was leaked on (I think) the original Second Age disc. Once the scripters had the source code, the rest was easy. I *highly* doubt that EA will ever let the source code become available for one of their clients again. I don't believe they ever did with UO3D, and scripters *can't* use UO3D.


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
personally i've never heard of these new clients being "cheater free". please point out to me where that is indeed a fact. you just might be disappointed in what you find, or don't find for that matter.
Let's imagine for a second that it is so, that simply, whatever the reasons, scripting just cannot be eradicated from the game whether the client is 2D or 3D.........

It is, plainly said, an unbeatable battle, the one against scripting that is.

Now, if we conclude this, then WHY keep going as we have for 12 years now, with a game where only a few players can have an edge over many others because some make use of scripting and others don't ?

If, as we assumed, scripting is a battle that cannot be won, then why not simply make scripting available to any and ALL players of Ultima Online by including it in the game's client be it 2D or 3D ?

At least, all players will finally be able to play from a more equalized competition terrain....

nah, I dont think so. in Ultima Online, the game that I play, 2D is the past and the present for 90% or more of the players. 3D will never replace 2D.
Then why is it that 3D games attract a whole lot of players ?
If 3D didn't have an appeal to a vast majority of players, then why would there be so many 3D games out there ?

Sure, 3D is hardware intensive, at least more than 2D, but slowly computers are being upgraded and being able to play 3D with high settings as smooth as 2D is becoming more and more common, it seems.


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
The reason people were able to write scripts that interact with the 2d client is because the source code was leaked on (I think) the original Second Age disc. Once the scripters had the source code, the rest was easy. I *highly* doubt that EA will ever let the source code become available for one of their clients again. I don't believe they ever did with UO3D, and scripters *can't* use UO3D.

If that is the case, then it becomes even more incomprehensible to me why, with the coming out of Stygian Abyss, support for the 2D client won't terminate and be done with scripting once and for all.

I wished that in the past there had been questionaires asking players willing to terminate their accounts what the reasons were before they were able to close the accounts.

I would not have been surprised if I learned that a good number, perhaps a great majority of players, at some point had indicated that they decided to terminate their subscriptions because they had enough to compete in a game against other players who, one way or another, were able to cheat (scripting, duping, bugs exploiting and so forth).

Personally, I think that maintaining a multiplayer game as much as possible free of cheaters should be the #1 priority of the Company that owns and runs the game to ensure to all players an environment where an equal competition can occur.

I do remember years back players frustrated because after months had passed that bugs had not been fixed they decided to post them on web sites that became very popular, listing a number of bugs, exploits and so forth.

I had friends leave the game because they could not stand any longer playing it with other players who were using bugs, exploits, break ins, whatever.

How many times I heard players begging to first fix bugs and exploits before adding new content........

I stayed with UO until eventually I could take no longer but before me, many friends quit earlier because they could simply no longer stand other players playing using scripts, bugs, exploits, dupes.

I would love to know that there were statistics showing what percentage of players UO has lost over the years due to being it possible to script and use too many bugs for too long, duping included. It would not surprise me if I learned that most players lost by the game, were for this issue.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Okay, they're totally right, you complain too much...

*edit* kidding!


I would say, find a guild to roll with, and do spawns, peerless, etc.

Arch Magus

I would say, find a guild to roll with, and do spawns, peerless, etc.
No no no.

Let's not play the game like intended; having fun collecting stuff, building characters and adventuring.

Let's find out what the fastest way to get the gold is, and then complain that others are still doing it faster than us still.

And after that, let's try and get the game changed because people cheat in online video games.

sounds like a plan...

hate to bash ya popps, but this really is going nowhere.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I hate to say I told ya so but.......
Look, the second poster. Perhaps had you not come into the thread with such a negative tone towards the OP, it may not have taken such a turn. I was joking. You, however, were not. Glass houses, stones, whatnot...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Not to be a horses back side.... but the op needs to figure alot of this stuff out for himself! We all had to do it! Learn from your mistakes change your tactics up... learn what you can and cant do with a char. UO is a G A M E ! Treat it as such!


Look, the second poster. Perhaps had you not come into the thread with such a negative tone towards the OP, it may not have taken such a turn. I was joking. You, however, were not. Glass houses, stones, whatnot...
Nah, it would have gone that route regardless. :thumbsup:

Lord Drakelord

Bones are just that...bones. They can be looted from shadow wisps at the spawns and sold to the scripters who do tailor bods(they are needed to make bone armour).

I can find you links to champ spawn/faction changes from the patch notes but there have been so many alterations it would be impossible to state them all.

The best way in all honest is to get out there and learn by doing. I had the same problems when i returned but now im pretty much up to date(i think)

I have you know our tailor does not Script, each click is by hand! We do the bods for the rewards, but will fill and turn in smaller bods for the better bods we need. But for Bones many a tailor will pay good money for a good size group of bones. A few I know on Sonoma were paying me a million every three days for 1500 bones and 1500 leather daily. The bones were easy compare to the leather.


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
Let's find out what the fastest way to get the gold is, and then complain that others are still doing it faster than us still.

Hmmm......May I ask then what is intended for "catching up with" ?

I mean, ain't UO also a PvP game ?

Meaning, that players if they wish so can compete with other players and fight them in the game, right ?

Now, since the game that was once "skill" based at some point became "item" based (that is items will help make much of the difference between winning or losing in a PvP fight), and since not all players, apparently, end up getting in the same time frame those items needed to make the difference between losing or winning a fight, what is then "catching up with" all about ?

Not only one is starting later, that is at a disadvantage, but on top of that the means to gather those needed items to make the difference in PvP are acquired at a different pace ?

So, is the "catching up with" then possible, or does the target one is trying to "catch up with" always gets pushed a bit forward and one ends up never being able to "catch up with" it ?

The problem is not in regards to PvE or PvM if one prefers.

That fun is possible early on, even with the basic skills and gear.

The real problem is for a player willing to step in the PvP arena in a competitive way.
That's when, IMHO, the "catching up with" may really become a problem.

This said, does it sound that wrong to try get gold fastly (by the rules, of course) to reduce the time that one must "catch up with" and be truly competitive in PvP if I may ask?

I may well be wrong, but that's the way I see the problem of trying to get into PvP in a game that has been online for so long.


I may well be wrong, but that's the way I see the problem of trying to get into PvP in a game that has been online for so long.
You can't even get into WoW PvP competitively until you've spent quite a bit of time in the game obtaining items. I don't know why you'd expect a game that's had players building their gear up for more than 11 years would be any different. :coco:

jack flash uk

Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
If you haven't played in "years", then why were you posting so much garbage just a few months ago?


IMO, you're one player we could do without, at least here on Stratics.
lol indeed my good sir

so we get to read dumb comments to wind people up and have him end with ........just my 2 cents

i remember popps now


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
You can't even get into WoW PvP competitively until you've spent quite a bit of time in the game obtaining items. I don't know why you'd expect a game that's had players building their gear up for more than 11 years would be any different. :coco:

Hmmm.......perhaps because it would be good for the better sake of the game ?

| mean, it is a possibility that if a game that's been around for a good while has too long times for new players (or returning players) to be able to "catch up with" existing players and be competitive in PvP, this may put off some of them and work as a deterrant in having the game gain a larger player base ??

Is it important or not that the game has as many players as possible ?

If so, if a new player (or a returning player) sees, that to be competitive in PvP in a game heavily item based (as compared to skill based) they need to gather items and raise skills which need to accumulate a wealth in the range of like 60+ millions, this player could conclude "forget about it" and just move onto the next game available out there.......

When this happen, I guess it is a loss for Ultima Online and for the players playing it.....

Needing too many high end items, and too much expensive ones, can put off players trying to be competitive with existing, older players.

At least, that's how I see it.

jack flash uk

Crazed Zealot
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Posts: 6,670

some somebody who has been away for a year and a half , and played occassionally then, you seem to have alot to say

and yes you DO remember winding people up, as you have started again

please grow up, and behave

jack flash uk

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
oh yes, it is all coming back to me

he used to quote on every post and add his educated opinions on ANYTHING just to get people annoyed, your question has been answered and yet you are adding to it, and quoting again

we have a very good stratics mod in Petra thanks popps, we do not need your input

please move along

oh yes.... just my 2 cents


You can't even get into WoW PvP competitively until you've spent quite a bit of time in the game obtaining items. I don't know why you'd expect a game that's had players building their gear up for more than 11 years would be any different. :coco:

Hmmm.......perhaps because it would be good for the better sake of the game ?

| mean, it is a possibility that if a game that's been around for a good while has too long times for new players (or returning players) to be able to "catch up with" existing players and be competitive in PvP, this may put off some of them and work as a deterrant in having the game gain a larger player base ??

Is it important or not that the game has as many players as possible ?

If so, if a new player (or a returning player) sees, that to be competitive in PvP in a game heavily item based (as compared to skill based) they need to gather items and raise skills which need to accumulate a wealth in the range of like 60+ millions, this player could conclude "forget about it" and just move onto the next game available out there.......

When this happen, I guess it is a loss for Ultima Online and for the players playing it.....

Needing too many high end items, and too much expensive ones, can put off players trying to be competitive with existing, older players.

At least, that's how I see it.
WoW doesn't seem to have a problem with it. Why do you think you're any better? No brand new player in ANY game on the market expects to start out with the same things a player that's been playing for years has.

Except you that is. :dunce:


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
WoW doesn't seem to have a problem with it. Why do you think you're any better? No brand new player in ANY game on the market expects to start out with the same things a player that's been playing for years has.

Except you that is. :dunce:

Hmmm........ I don't think that "catching up with" means "start out with the same things a player that's been playing for years has"........

To my understanding, "catching up with" involves a process taking time.

Time to "catch up with".......that is.

The issue, the way I see it, is how long a time is reasonable.

A game that needs one to have skills, gear and armor worth in excess of 60 millions to truly be competitive in PvP to my opinion might mean too long a time to "catch up with".

This extended time can possibly put off new (or returning players) who may choose for other games since the slope to climb to "catch up with" in UO may be too long, possibly unreasonably too long.

And should new (or returning players) make such a decision ain't it perhaps the game itself and existing players who may loose here ?

If the goal is gaining more players, not being able to get them because the "catching up with" is perhaps seen as too long could end up harming the game and those who enjoy playing it.



A game that needs one to have skills, gear and armor worth in excess of 60 millions to truly be competitive in PvP to my opinion might mean too long a time to "catch up with".
Anyone that makes their goal to achieve just that will do it in less time than most other games. Whatever your "opinion" is about how long that should take happens to be, not one single person is going to expect to jump into a brand new game and be at the top competition level in PvP within a couple of months. The fact that you seem to think people should be handed everything on a silver platter upon starting the game, along with allowing scripting for everyone so no one really has to even play the game, says quite a bit about your so-called "opinion".



Always Present
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The fact that you seem to think people should be handed everything on a silver platter upon starting the game, along with allowing scripting for everyone so no one really has to even play the game, says quite a bit about your so-called "opinion".

I must not have that special ability to make myself be understood.....

In regards to the 1st issue, raising 60+ millions may need a bit more than a couple of months.... That is, I am not saying people should be handed everything on a silver platter upon starting the game but they should neither have to struggle to catch up with other, existing players in order to be competitive in PvP in a now heavily item based game which was once more skill based.....

And in regards to scripting, I thought I said it pretty clearly that I "would love" scripting to be eradicated from the game BUT, since it has been now TWELVE years and it still is around, and even the hope that Stygian Abyss could get rid of it is fading away since support for the 2D client will not end, I just said that "if" scripting cannot be stopped for good, WHATEVER THE REASONS, then at least it should be fair to make it available to ALL players by putting it into the new client so that at least all players would be able to play on a more evened field and not have some players be able to take advantage from scripting and other players not.....

I hope it is more clear now what my opinion is.


Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
1. People who have built up this uber gear have mad an investment in it. Is it fair that somebody should acquire it with very little effort?

2. RP PvP is all skill and not at all item dependent.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What's funny is popps seems to be talking about UO, whereas you all are talking about popps. Perhaps you should go play some UO instead of worrying about him and his questions?


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
1. People who have built up this uber gear have mad an investment in it. Is it fair that somebody should acquire it with very little effort?

2. RP PvP is all skill and not at all item dependent.

Well, nonetheless since the game NEEDS subscriptions and the more the better, "if" the catching up with is too long, tedious and a steep slope this could put off perspective subscribers (wheter new players or returning ones) who may decide to go elsewhere.

Therefore, while I agree that it is reasonable that "some" time should be needed to reach high end PvP competition, I agree on "some", not on a whole lot..........

Are you talking about Factions ?
If so, perhaps, though items still play a large part of making the difference between winning
or losing a fight.

But as for open land PvP that is heavily item based ad to be truly competitive a whole lot of tens of millions are needed before one may be able to put together a top notch suit, have all books or weapons needed and be scrolled to 120 and so forth.........

Thing is, that not all those interested in PvP are satisfied by Factions.
Some love PvPing but don't want to have anything to do with factions.

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Popps, which client are you using these days? Tried to skim some of your posts and didn't see anything indicating which one you're using.


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
Popps, which client are you using these days? Tried to skim some of your posts and didn't see anything indicating which one you're using.
Always used 2D but heard good things of Kingdom Reborn and its customizability so I am thinking to make an effort to learn that.

If my computer can run it, that is..............

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Visit the KR forum. The folks there are very helpful. However, I don't think I can stress this enough, READ everything in the stickied threads and then read as many of the other threads as you can. Also check out Miss Echo's site. Once you have the client downloaded and one of the custom UI's (I like BB_Enhanced), print out a copy of your UO macros and make some notes about any UO Assist macros or agents you might use regularly. Set aside an evening or two to work on setting up your macros and hot bars. Then find a safe place to go try them out. You'll probably have questions. Don't hesitate to post them. Post feedback about KR if you want to; however, keep in mind that the KR client itself isn't likely to see any more updates because SA is going to replace it.

And since I know you play a tamer, here's one quirky thing about KR I'll warn you about up front to save you some potential grief: If you plan to release a pet, don't use the context menu to do it. Release it by saying "[pet name here] release." If you have more than one pet out of the stable, there's a chance that using the context menu to release a pet will release the OTHER pet. So, if you're out taming stuff for gains, just make a macro that says something like "B release." Rename the stuff you're taming for gains with a name of "B" (takes but a second to do it). Then use your "B release" macro to release the stuff you don't want.


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
Visit the KR forum. The folks there are very helpful. However, I don't think I can stress this enough, READ everything in the stickied threads and then read as many of the other threads as you can. Also check out Miss Echo's site. Once you have the client downloaded and one of the custom UI's (I like BB_Enhanced), print out a copy of your UO macros and make some notes about any UO Assist macros or agents you might use regularly. Set aside an evening or two to work on setting up your macros and hot bars. Then find a safe place to go try them out. You'll probably have questions. Don't hesitate to post them. Post feedback about KR if you want to; however, keep in mind that the KR client itself isn't likely to see any more updates because SA is going to replace it.

And since I know you play a tamer, here's one quirky thing about KR I'll warn you about up front to save you some potential grief: If you plan to release a pet, don't use the context menu to do it. Release it by saying "[pet name here] release." If you have more than one pet out of the stable, there's a chance that using the context menu to release a pet will release the OTHER pet. So, if you're out taming stuff for gains, just make a macro that says something like "B release." Rename the stuff you're taming for gains with a name of "B" (takes but a second to do it). Then use your "B release" macro to release the stuff you don't want.

Thanks for the heads up.


If the Stygian Abyss client is going to replace the KR client, and if (hopefully) Stygian Abyss is close to release, is it worth the time to learn the Kingdom Reborn client only to then have to learn the Stygian Abyss client ??

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
If the Stygian Abyss client is going to replace the KR client, and if (hopefully) Stygian Abyss is close to release, is it worth the time to learn the Kingdom Reborn client only to then have to learn the Stygian Abyss client ??
Popps, I'm under the impression that the SA client will be like a "new and improved" KR client. (See the following Five on Friday posts for confirmation: http://uoherald.com/fof/?fofId=139, http://uoherald.com/fof/?fofId=151. I could swear there have been other communications or developer comments here or at a Town Hall that confirmed this but couldn't find them without a lot of digging. The rebroadcast of the 8/30/2008 Seattle Town Hall where it was announced that SA is coming...again....is here, if you want to listen to it: http://www.whisperingroseradio.com/Seattle1a.htm.)

If you've played other games that have a UI that is similar to KR's and you were comfortable with that type of UI, maybe you don't need to spend any time on learning how to use KR, if you haven't tried it yet.

However, if you've only played UO, then it may be worth your time to learn how to use the KR client if only to convince yourself that you CAN play UO with another client and still enjoy the game. Things will look different, you will have to spend time setting up your first character or two, and perhaps a few things you do in the 2d client don't work the same or quite as well. But a lot of things work better and once you get a character set up, it's easy to copy settings and macros from one character to another once you know how to do it.


I have you know our tailor does not Script, each click is by hand! We do the bods for the rewards, but will fill and turn in smaller bods for the better bods we need. But for Bones many a tailor will pay good money for a good size group of bones. A few I know on Sonoma were paying me a million every three days for 1500 bones and 1500 leather daily. The bones were easy compare to the leather.
Blanket statement, i know there are many a legal player out there and respect(especially crafters) them for doing it, i couldnt sit there and click a mouse button 1000times to get nothing :)

To everyone else about 2d/3d/kr/sa...ALL except the latter will be phased out, eventually, SA will NOT be a 3D game merely 2D with enhanced visuals(just look at the website screenies, shots look Fin awesome Imo).

Unfortunatly, i GUARANTEE that although for a few months after SA has been implemented(maybe longer) scripting and hopefully hacks will be stopped, they will find a way, cheats always do!

I just hope they have implemented someway to see tpp in operation with the client.

Back on the original point, money is fairly easy to come by whatever route you take. It will take careful investment of time and resources whatever route you choose to take. In terms of armour or weapons for example your first 5mil it probably wouldnt be a good idea to buy one gold runic hammer but instead by 10bronzes, or rather than 2barbed by 5horneds. In terms of a Mule, it may for example be beneficial to work up tinkering and mining before you start on smith it will save you ingots in the long run as tools last longer and you gather more materials upon smelting.

Play smart, start small, aim BIG!