@ popps: Your starting to focus on the negatives too much when there are alot of POSITVES for you to be looking at right now.
There have been some excellent changes to the game since you left, you will probably enjoy it more now than you did in the past because you can spawn, and get the best rewards in the game, without having to fight other players for them.
Yes there are scripters and probably always will be, but so what? Don't let it stop you enjoying UO, I sure as hell don't!
Well, the way I see it, I think that I'd like to have my time spent in the game be valued.
Meaning, that if I invest my time I would like this time to bring back to me (yield) a reward that is comparable to the worth of the time spent.
Now, to my opinion, I think that those who dupe and script or exploit bugs and use work around thus shortening their time to get my same items/results devaluate "my" time because they inevitably bring the worth of an item duped or scripted down since more of them become available.
What I am trying to say, is that if getting an item for me is exceptionally difficult or time consuming but to other players because they may dupe it or script it takes way less time, this harms my game play and my time.
At that point, if scripting and duping cannot be eradicated from the game, whatever the reasons, then the only other solution I see as possible is to make it as easy and fast as possible for ALL players to get any and all items.
That is, if duping and scripting cannot be fought, and if I see reports that after 12 years of existance of the game they still show up, occasionally, well, then what else can I conclude with myself that perhaps it is not possible to get rid of them for good ?
But then, should this be the case, it is not fair that some players working for items must have it hard and extremely time consuming while others can have it easy because they either dupe, or script or use other work arounds.
Make any and all items accessable easily, no matter how high end they may be, and this will solve the problems with duping and scripting simply because the items will no longer have that high a value that motivates duping or scripting them.
As long as they are kept as rare and that technically it ain't possible to get rid of duping and scripting, these problems will always be around creating a great injustice among players, IMHO.
Cannot get rid of duping or scripting, whatever the reasons ? Then end having items be too rare or too hard to obtain and make them readily obtainable by all.
Dupers and scripters will no longer find it worth the hassle and stop it.
At least, that's how I see it.