Of course they have, but i can't tell you how many times i see the same spots being recalled to by scripters while i'm mining quality areas that they aren't aware of. It doesn't matter if they change their areas, it's just pure luck if they find the good spots anyway.Are you trying to insinuate that scripters are so colossally stupid that they haven't bothered to change their scripts and locations in the past 1.5 years since the resource change? If you really believe that, it just shows an ignorance of the entire scripting situation.
You can only carry so much at a time before you have to unload or smelt. What are you saying? No matter how elaborate their script is, it's pure luck if they run into the quality ore as long as it remains random.Scripters run these things called Rail Scripts, which are named that way due to the fact that they cause a character to automatically move around in a predefined pattern, as though they were on rails. The character recalls into a location, then strip-mines, or lumberjacks in a spiral or grid pattern, for X number of screens around the recall location, then moves on to the next location. Rinse, repeat, hundreds of times, in hundreds of locations, up to 23 hours a day.
It's only luck over time, not a fact. Randomness has nothing to do with it. They would get more with static locations, but i'm sure you're aware of that.When I said that randomized resources help scripters, it was not an opinion that you could disagree with. It was a fact.
Sure, over time, but it doesn't mean that some miner who plays to mine and puts in 3-4 hrs. a day won't be more successful especially when they end up stumbling on the good ore spots, and can get back to get it. Once you find the spots, you can rack up the ore totals quickly unlike scripted spots.In any system where a desirable outcome is random, and of the resources required to achieve a desirable outcome, only time is not infinite, those with more time are more likely to achieve the desirable outcome.
If you want to use that extreme comparison, then yeah eventually the scripter will have the better ore over time.Given someone using the system for 1 hour a day, and someone else using the system for 23 hours a day, the one using the system for 23 hours a day has 23x more chances to achieve a desirable outcome.
Logically yeah, but realistically any real miners who put in the time CAN have an advantage over the scripter by at least getting the more quality ore once the areas are located.This means that random resources, and, in fact, any system featuring random chance, favors scripters, who have the ability to take advantage of the maximum amount of time available every day.
I do agree with this. I am a casual resource gatherer, and I like to have a stock of resources built up so I can then make stuff, rather than than going out to gather resources in order to make a given thing. Random resources work wonderfully for me!I've ended up enjoying the randomized resources, even for lumberjacking. It's a nuisance, yes, but it means my resource gatherer actually has a chance to find some of the rare stuff, instead of always arriving just behind one of the many other people who knew the same location. It would be nice to have something like a prospector's tool for lumberjacking, but I think that's the only change I'd like to see.
The solution is hard caps. That way if a scripter wants to monopolize a spot for 23 hrs every day, they will need to pay for 23 accounts. More casual players will get into LJing and Mining again, which will be an extra incentive to keep open their accounts. Those that like finding a rare spot once every 20 hours, can simply not mark any runes.I do agree with this. I am a casual resource gatherer, and I like to have a stock of resources built up so I can then make stuff, rather than than going out to gather resources in order to make a given thing. Random resources work wonderfully for me!I've ended up enjoying the randomized resources, even for lumberjacking. It's a nuisance, yes, but it means my resource gatherer actually has a chance to find some of the rare stuff, instead of always arriving just behind one of the many other people who knew the same location. It would be nice to have something like a prospector's tool for lumberjacking, but I think that's the only change I'd like to see.
I guess the 26 remaining unscripted players that still regularly LJ and Mine would agree with you too. Tell me how many new players you can convince to come to play UO if you tell them, well for fun I keep pressing this key for 3 hours each night and if I'm really really lucky I get 1 valorite ingot that I can use to buy a couple of arrows. Keep waving the pom poms....
The solution is hard caps.
No it's not.
More casual players will get into LJing and Mining again
Not with hard caps on what they can achieve.
You know, I already work one job, I really would hate to see crafting in UO become a second job rather then an escape from my first one. There needs to be a balance, I personally believe the current system has the rare woods a bit too scarse and difficult to find.I think resources should spawn even more randomly than they do now. Developers, don't make life of UO players too easy, and don't turn UO into a Sims game! And runic crafting was one of the worst ideas in UO history. The main problem is, that today you NEED bulk resources to craft anything useful. Which is total crap. Crafting should not be a tedious treadmill-job, but success should depend on random luck and skill!
Valuable resources should be rare, and not be farmed by players with appropriate runebooks.
Damn man, that brought a little sniffle on. All true. The only thing that a person has over a script is intelligence. You can only realistically program a script to respond to so many things.Anything you can do in game from mining to fighting a monster can be scripted. ANYTHING. if you can do it a script can too.
They talked about rare resources being rare, and what they succeeded in doing was making legit crafters rare.
^ThatWhen I said that randomized resources help scripters, it was not an opinion that you could disagree with. It was a fact. In any system where a desirable outcome is random, and of the resources required to achieve a desirable outcome, only time is not infinite, those with more time are more likely to achieve the desirable outcome. Given someone using the system for 1 hour a day, and someone else using the system for 23 hours a day, the one using the system for 23 hours a day has 23x more chances to achieve a desirable outcome.
This means that random resources, and, in fact, any system featuring random chance, favors scripters, who have the ability to take advantage of the maximum amount of time available every day.
I wonder if you're a fan of Terry Goodkind...? Well, if you've not already you should read The Sword of Truth series, as I think it'd agree with you ideologically....
The solution is hard caps.
No it's not.
More casual players will get into LJing and Mining again
Not with hard caps on what they can achieve.