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Regarding EM's and Player Events

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UO Producer | Dark OverLady
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Hello everyone,

I know a lot of you have been voicing your desires to have help with player events. Event Moderators have their own duties to attend to. No EM will be allowed to assist with player events but, I am going to hire one person with a title of Player Event Coordinator.

This person will be accepting events from players, I will send you their email when I hire someone and set them up. Please understand they will NOT give rewards for your events that is totally up to you as a player to provide those.

Please stay tuned to UO.COM for more details on this position.



Order | Chaos
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The less civil this gets, the faster this will get locked. Please keep it productive.


Stratics Veteran
Like I said on Baja forums...I think it stinks that one or a couple people get items...i'm sick of these dang drops...you are ruining the game by doing drops. I'm sick of these rare items and only a few people get them. These EM events brings cross sharders over to try to get these drops which ruins the whole event. No one can even enjoy the Event because there are some rude people spamming the whole story line. What happened to the envasion that went for month or months. UGH I really don't want to keep paying for a game just so others ruin. FIX IT!!!

Victim of Siege

Grand Poobah
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The less civil this gets, the faster this will get locked. Please keep it productive.
it is a thread dealing with EM stuff, and the theories revolving around that are many and diversified, this will probably end poorly. :flame:


Lore Master
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The less civil this gets, the faster this will get locked. Please keep it productive.
There's absolutely nothing that can be productive in this thread.

Mesanna posted a message that doesn't require any response or creative player advice. Clean it, lock it, sticky it and forget about it.


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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This thread isn't about EM Event drops..it's about EM's using their abilities to spawn mobs and such at player events...which she's clearly stated is a no-no. So from this point on, the rules have been plainly laid out by the boss...EM's are NOT allowed to help with player-run events.

Thank you Mesanna for clearing that up for us, it's always nice to know exactly what the rules are :)

Also having a player event coordinator I think is a great idea...might wanna have 2 just in case...there are SO many player-run events that one might not be enough!

Oh...and I agree with Lythos'...she's spoke her mind, the rule is clear.....it shouldn't even be a discussion...less work for the mods that way ;)


Stratics Veteran
100 people will bomb bard one em with events and they will choose their favorite people all the time and they won't have a story line. We'll be back where we started.

Alexander of ATL.

Rares Fest Host | Atl June 2013
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Freakin cop out to please the chosen few. Go ahead ban me
Why not just come out and say that the EM's number one responsibility is to provide multiboxing xsharders their drops
Like I said on Baja forums...I think it stinks that one or a couple people get items...i'm sick of these dang drops...you are ruining the game by doing drops. I'm sick of these rare items and only a few people get them. These EM events brings cross sharders over to try to get these drops which ruins the whole event. No one can even enjoy the Event because there are some rude people spamming the whole story line. What happened to the envasion that went for month or months. UGH I really don't want to keep paying for a game just so others ruin. FIX IT!!!
This purpose of this thread isn't about EM Event items. It's about assisting players with their own events. I don't see why so many complain so much. You want EM's to help with player events but when Mesanna proposed a plan to make all happy, you guys bash her in. It's not her fault. EM's have been told from day one not to assist players at player events. Now that some EM's broke the rules, this is the outcome. At least be happy that she is proposing a solution so that there is some help for player events.

Also, most cross sharders don't cause the havoc you see. I attended the Europa event recently and it was EUROPA PLAYERS that were harassing their own EM. Not to mention this happens on every server. So don't blame cross sharders for things that people of their own shards do. So much negativity now adays. So many people complaining yet don't offer up a single idea for a solution.


There goes a hashtag for you....

Alexander of ATL.

Rares Fest Host | Atl June 2013
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100 people will bomb bard one em with events and they will choose their favorite people all the time and they won't have a story line. We'll be back where we started.
If this happens the person will be fired because they wouldn't be following the rules layed out to them by Mesanna. From what her post indicates, the players send in an email to the Player Event Coordinator. In the email is specified a time, day, and detailed information of what is needed to be done. Of course, I am sure that there will be credentials a player must meet in order for this to happen.

If it is an actual player event.
Does this event lack enough story?
Does this event need the assistance of a Player Event Coordinator.

Trust me.. Mesanna doesn't deal with favoritism and if there are any from this position, she will fire them.

The Slug

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And HOW! Oh and BTW neither Mrs Bug or I give a rats behind about drops. We enjoy interacting with EM's in order to improve game play. Not once ever have any of us asked for any kind of drop or reward for a player event. And the EM's we dealt with seemed to enjoy that interaction with the players

Don't worry about me I am deleting my stratics accounts and will not be seen here again. You won Alexander and ilk, enjoy your sterile environment with guaranteed drops.

Alexander of ATL.

Rares Fest Host | Atl June 2013
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why do you think players are doing events because they don't want to do the Dev Em Events ..i'm with Ozog KMA
Player held events aren't new. They have been around since the creation of Ultima online. Player events are events out of an EM position. It is there to bring further entertainment to a shard than what is already given. A player event is not designed to harm or negate an EM event. A player event is there to enhance the shard fiction, EM fiction, or personal imagination fiction.

Anything other than that, such as manipulating words, to harm the aspect of roleplaying in the game is by far an act of childishness.

Alexander of ATL.

Rares Fest Host | Atl June 2013
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oh and .... KMA
Puckers up and gives a big juicy kiss. :heart:

I'm only participating in this debate at the expense of equality for ALL players. Not a select few that enjoyed their EM breaking the rules to help player events. Mesanna clearly stated that is not their duty and they broke the rules given to them. Simple as that.


Order | Chaos
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Puckers up and gives a big juicy kiss. :heart:

I'm only participating in this debate at the expense of equality for ALL players. Not a select few that enjoyed their EM breaking the rules to help player events. Mesanna clearly stated that is not their duty and they broke the rules given to them. Simple as that.
I feel the need to point out that the OP had said that they (the EM's) have their own duties to attend to. There was nothing there about breaking the rules.

Alexander of ATL.

Rares Fest Host | Atl June 2013
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hello everyone,

I know a lot of you have been voicing your desires to have help with player events. Event Moderators have their own duties to attend to. No EM will be allowed to assist with player events but, I am going to hire one person with a title of Player Event Coordinator.
@Zuckuss It has been this way for a while now. Nothing new. When I emailed Mesanna regarding a player event of mine, around a year ago, i got the response that EM's aren't allowed to help with player events.

Alexander of ATL.

Rares Fest Host | Atl June 2013
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wait...what are the EM's for? aren't they for the players?
Yes, they are most certainly for the players. They are there to CREATE story lines of THEIR OWN and give to the players of that shard. They do this every month and are required to do so. Their duties are to create fiction of their own.

If a player wants to host an event of their own, it has and should have nothing to do with an Event Moderator.


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Alexander of ATL.

Rares Fest Host | Atl June 2013
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That is what EM Fiction and Events are for. To provide a playing experience for their community and shard. However, I do admit that some EM's are lacking in this aspect. Saying that, that is what an EM is suppose to do.

They are not allowed to assist in creating event monsters for player events. They are not allowed to lock down items for player events. They are not allowed to give away special items for player events.

When an EM crosses the line to do any of these things, they tamper with the word 'favoritism' because they are showing direct treatment to a group of players that other communities don't have. Which is why Mesanna made the position of Player Event Coordinator, so at least players ON ALL SERVERS get the same and fair treatment. Be happy. Be joyous. Atleast there will be a new position that offers what you want.

After all.. she could have just sayed that players don't get ANY assistance at all. So I'd be happy that she is making this position just for player events.

Alexander of ATL.

Rares Fest Host | Atl June 2013
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Also can someone help me out on how to delete stratics accounts? please?
Just logout and don't sign in again.

I REALLY REALLY REALLY love the childish behavior from you so called adults. It really amuses me.


Reeky Bugbutt

Stratics Veteran
Just logout and don't sign in again.

I REALLY REALLY REALLY love the childish behavior from you so called adults. It really amuses me.


This coming from the person who went crying to Messana when he didn't get what he wanted once. Im ok with that

Alexander of ATL.

Rares Fest Host | Atl June 2013
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I didn't go crying to Mesanna. In fact I didn't even send an email..

I think she probably saw the other thread concerning the mistreatment of this very issue. But hey, you're entitled to your opinion, even as wrong as it may be. And tbh, I've went 9 years playing this game, not getting what I want. I want a silver steed. I want a castle on the water. I want to be superman!

Yet... I don't see your logic in me complaining because I didn't get what I want. But hey.. who am I to know anything. After all, it's not me that can't come to grips with the simple fact that EM's aren't allowed to help with player events.... even though a few of them have done it before. This is what happens when EM's break the rules. It just causes havoc where there should be none.


Stratics Legend
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Perfect way to handle this. Speaks very well for the overall strength of one of the biggest draws of modern UO, the oustanding live entertainment of the EM program. Im glad that all players will now have an equal opportunity to be assisted. A standard, fair procedure will be appreciated by many.


Crazed Zealot
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What is so hard to understand here?
EM's are paid to follow, create and enhance official Ultima storylines.
Player run events are not part of any official storyline and are in no way the responsibility or duty of EM's.
Nothing personal against player run events but they are and should be just that; player run events


Grand Inquisitor
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This is a good compromise, though you might want to think about hiring two people lest a single person become quickly overwhelmed with requests.

Speaking of the requests, please put out a document on uo.com that explains what can and what cannot be done for players and what information needs to be sent in when making a request. Manage expectations from the start and reduce subjectivity.

Reeky Bugbutt

Stratics Veteran
I didn't go crying to Mesanna. In fact I didn't even send an email..

I think she probably saw the other thread concerning the mistreatment of this very issue. But hey, you're entitled to your opinion, even as wrong as it may be. And tbh, I've went 9 years playing this game, not getting what I want. I want a silver steed. I want a castle on the water. I want to be superman!

Yet... I don't see your logic in me complaining because I didn't get what I want. But hey.. who am I to know anything. After all, it's not me that can't come to grips with the simple fact that EM's aren't allowed to help with player events.... even though a few of them have done it before. This is what happens when EM's break the rules. It just causes havoc where there should be none.
To be fair in defense of the EM's to chose to help I don't recall Messana saying they broke any rules

And yes smoot, now all players have an equal chance for no assistance. But that's what the rares collectors wanted isnt it? Give me drops and ignore those who don't count in my eyes


Social Distancing Since '97
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But that's what the rares collectors wanted isnt it? Give me drops and ignore those who don't count in my eyes
You are lumping people into groups that shouldn't be lumped into it.

The problem before, was that some shards got assistance while others didnt. Now everyone has that chance.

EMs keep on doing their thing as well.

What is so bad about this?

Alexander of ATL.

Rares Fest Host | Atl June 2013
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To be fair in defense of the EM's to chose to help I don't recall Messana saying they broke any rules

And yes smoot, now all players have an equal chance for no assistance. But that's what the rares collectors wanted isnt it? Give me drops and ignore those who don't count in my eyes
From what I understand, Event Moderators are paid employees that represent EA. It is like any other job whenever you are hired. You are given rules that YOU are suppose to follow. These are rules that the person that is hired knows. Yet people of the general public don't know the exact rules given to the employee. These rules were told to EM's and yet they still did them any way. Mesanna has made that clear? What can't you understand?


Lore Keeper, Wiki Maker, & Doer of Crazy Things
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I feel the need to point out that the OP had said that they (the EM's) have their own duties to attend to. There was nothing there about breaking the rules.
I agree. Mesanna used the word "will" - as in "No EM will be allowed to assist with player events". In English, that word describes "going forward/in the future". If it had been a rule which already existed, she would have said "were" or "are". I would point out that it's difficult to break a rule until the rule exists. The rule *now* exists. Such a rule did not exist until now.


Social Distancing Since '97
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I agree. Mesanna used the word "will" - as in "No EM will be allowed to assist with player events". In English, that word describes "going forward/in the future". If it had been a rule which already existed, she would have said "were" or "are". I would point out that it's difficult to break a rule until the rule exists. The rule *now* exists. Such a rule did not exist until now.
That is pure conjecture.

Either way, this is a GOOD thing.

I'm excited to see what we will be able to do! *Thinks of stuff I can do for my city*


Lore Master
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How is anything ruined?!

Every shards population will now have a chance to get assistance on their player events! Before this, it was only a few shards!
Because certain people here went about it backwards. Instead of requesting that all shards EMs be permitted to support player events - which would be a BETTER situation for everyone - certain individuals decided to whine and cry about what other shards were getting and demand it be stopped instead - resulting in a WORSE situation. But then we know what their REAL agenda was anyway and it certainly wasn't anything to do with a fight for fairness.


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That is pure conjecture.
Sorry, but no. It's simple English. Words have meaning, and one would assume Mesanna chose her words carefully. Alex is making claims which are not supported by what Mesanna said. The following is at least unsupported, at worst, slanderous:

Not a select few that enjoyed their EM breaking the rules to help player events. Mesanna clearly stated that is not their duty and they broke the rules given to them. Simple as that.
This is what happens when EM's break the rules.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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Is there really enough work for a full time person to do player run events?
Yes I would think so. Between locking down and then picking the items used back up and such I would most certainly think so. As well as getting approval for such things to be done. With as many shards as there are and if folk actually are finally able to do things I think they will do more of them.....

What has stopped folk from doing many events in the past is the nasty players coming along and griefing the events by taking the stuff or simply not being able to set things up in a way that an EM/Mesanna can by placing things.

Often many folk wish to plan events but find it's just not possible to carry them out without things going bad and being griefed.


Slightly Crazed
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Wait only one person? How much time will they be able to dedicate to every shard? How long will we have to wait for things to get done? We have been waiting on a team of 2 or 3 people to fix things broken things on our shard for over 5 years now.

This is a terrible compromise. It should be one person per shard, and could VERY EASILY be a current EM so you don't have to increase staffing at all.

Reeky Bugbutt

Stratics Veteran
Because certain people here went about it backwards. Instead of requesting that all shards EMs be permitted to support player events - which would be a BETTER situation for everyone - certain individuals decided to whine and cry about what other shards were getting and demand it be stopped instead - resulting in a WORSE situation. But then we know what their REAL agenda was anyway and it certainly wasn't anything to do with a fight for fairness.
Don't bother... greed and avarice trump logic every time.

(not that Im helping any but what the hell, nothing left to lose)

DreadLord Lestat

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Perfect way to handle this.
The problem before, was that some shards got assistance while others didnt. Now everyone has that chance.
It is now official, Drops are more important than letting the EMs assist in player events.

1. There is no way that one person will be able to assist all shards with player events.
2. One person is going to be able to assist in all time zones? Doubt it.
3. All shards will be treated equally when planning to assist player events? I seriously doubt that the smaller shards will stand a chance at having events run, medium shards might get a taste and the top 3 shards will have their cake and eat it to as it has been for a very long time.

This is a thinly veiled attempt to pacify the players that do not attend EM Events for drops. The few are more important than the many. The players that are all about the drops now have their drops and will be able to get assistance with events. Those of us that do not attend EM Events for drops, will still have to put up with all of the xsharders spamming and ruining our events due to drops, and we will be put in some never ending wait que for assistance with player events which will never come. Yes this is a perfect way to handle things, everyone has a chance. I think Ozog said it best....

Alexander of ATL.

Rares Fest Host | Atl June 2013
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Sorry, but no. It's simple English. Words have meaning, and one would assume Mesanna chose her words carefully. Alex is making claims which are not supported by what Mesanna said. The following is at least unsupported, at worst, slanderous:
Also taken into fact of the many emails I've received from her saying that EM's aren't allowed to do such things.

Anyways, I'm out guys. I can't bare the idiocy in this thread anymore. She offers a solution and gets bashed in on. How about for valentines day to show her love for everyone, she just pulls the plug on UO. I mean... no one is happy because of anything anymore. Anyways... PEACE!

Alexander of ATL.

Rares Fest Host | Atl June 2013
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You tagged her and the others Devs in the thread, might as well have sent an email.
And you keep saying it is about Event items when it has been stated over and over that it wasn't/hasn't been. :p

Anyways... I'm going bowling. Who wants to go! :p
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