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[Discussion] Rare`s Fest 2015


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hello, would like to know if any shard is going to have a rare`s fest this summer. Haven`t seen it mentioned anywhere. Thank you for your time :)


Slightly Crazed
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:next: Chesapeake?

For time, taking into account so as not to interfere with them because I know another two plans
someday I would formulate a plan to do in Asia shard:D


Babbling Loonie
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Stratics Legend
id like to see a mini-rarefest every couple months personally. just some vendors and a nice silent auction. helps breathe a lil life in the community. i know i've seen people complain about there being too many of them and mad about them always being mostly on atlantic. i prefer them to be on atlantic simply because of convenience (that's where most people keep their gold and stuff to sell anyways)... and i dont believe there is such a thing as too many silent auctions, love em :)


Lore Keeper, Wiki Maker, & Doer of Crazy Things
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Chesapeake is possible. However, due to some recent events creating strife between the rares and Chessie communities, it's not 100%, so I've not yet made a final decision.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
You could try Europa for that fest. My mains are on Atl but I always enjoy playing on Europa with my alts. The community there is the best I ve seen :)
Europa is a pretty neat place. Only downside recently is the server's reliability. Frequent unannounced server downtimes and rollbacks.


Always Present
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I would not go to a raresfest on Chessy. I am apparently not allowed to say why.


Slightly Crazed
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Scribbles is had a plan ATL fest
It was considering the December
However, might have changed his mind and plan by changing the recent IDOC. System
Someone is taking over it?

before the last fest is performed Chesapeake had a plan too.
As execution timing do not interfere with each other we discuss
was talking Chesapeake fest would next go of Izumo

I remember a nice festival that took place there in the past,
it was the best as far as I know
I want to again look at it if the opportunity arises

8. Shard: Chesapeake
Dates: July 16-18 2010
Host (In Game Name): Demon Slayer, Sundina
Host (Stratics Name): Demonous, Sunny Girl

10.Shard: Chesapeake Dates: January 28-30 2011 Host (In Game Name): Lineman, Gareth Host (Stratics Name): Lineman, Lord Gareth

We've had in there many friends
I expect that evoke their resting activities
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