Magneto makes my head hurt with how stupid he is.
How can you even argue that a mage being distrubed isn't the equilvent of a dexer missing. That would be like if a mage spammed weaken on you, you couldn't even attempt to swing which is not the case.
umm maybe because a dexxer whiffs with asbolutely no interaction with another player, and there is no such thing as a mage missing on a spell cast? the only way a mage 'misses' is when another player
actually hits them, causing a spell interrupt. crazy, huh?
Also at one point you were saying necros were over powered. That's not magery that's necromancy which last time I checked CAN be used by dexers. You have to learn to stay on point, magery and necro are two different things. Also by the way you talk, I'm williing to bet you don't actively play a mage, if at all.
i have yet to say anything
whatsoever in any of my replies about necromancy. did you even read this thread or are you just another one of these people shooting off his mouth desperate to insult someone without having
really read the entire thread?
Your argument was constructed very poorly. Also you don't seem to know game mechanics.
and you do? you and the other idiot dont even know the difference between spell interrupt and a mage spell
actually missing, which does not happen in uo currently, and never has. my singular argument/point is, has been, and continues to be that if a dexxer can 'whiff' randomly at any time, then so should a mage spell simply 'miss'. it just doesnt get any simpler. it would eliminate you mages whining about 'so-and-so dexxer runs off screen and wont stand still and let me nuke him in under 10 seconds...'
And now to fix your list for you:
Can a dexer invis, yes, they are called invis pots/items. Look into them.
umm, an invis potion is an
ITEM. there is no 'invis' chivalry spell friend. magery spell 'invisibility' comes
directly from the Magery skill.
Mages can't do multiple curses. They only have one, it's called curse.
congratulations! you almost had something there. that is both true and false. the Magery skill does have one spell that will curse str, dex, and int, along with lower resists, but you forget there are individual curse spells for each stat [but ill give you a break here in saying that you're right, there is only one Magery spell widely employed: Curse. regardless, can a dexxer curse? no.
NECROS which aren't restricted to mages have MULTIPLE curses.
that's true. but guess what? their spells dont miss/whiff either! ever. they can be interrupted, but they never just 'miss' omgooses!
A dexer can't summon in help? Orc Brute 1 follower slot... look into it.
again, an orc brute summoning talisman
is an item. the Magery skill allows for a handfull of various summons. can a dexxer do this? lol no.
A mage can disarm a dexer, it's a two way street and more potent when a dexer disarms a mage. Thanks to all the changes 98% of mages have to use a mage wep these days. Even if a mage has fencing for example doesn't mean they have tactics. Which means they can't disarm. You try to skew things so they work in your favor. Also if you want to fizzle a mage while your disarmed theres a few things you can do, but I want you to learn pvp for your self and dont want to get in the outs you have to prevent a mage from casting from the 2% of mages that have a chance to disarm you.
yes, a mage can disarm a dexxer. and yes again, a dexxer can disarm a mage. and yes, a mage can be interrupted. but even still, a mage spell still never 'misses'. there is no skewing here friend, just extremely simple logic that you and the others are having difficulty grasping.
Energy fields. You can shoot through them if you're an archer and even if you're not you can use teleport scrolls or items and teleport over them and get right back in the action. So your point is void. The only thing that can block people fully is a wall of stone, which you can cast as a dexer with scrolls.
thankyou for reinforcing one of my points here. an
ARCHER can 'shoot through' an efield. what can a one-tile melee dexxer do except sit and wait? nothing. and yet again, teleport scrolls are
ITEMS. is there a dexxer skill that can just 'teleport? well, the ninjitsu skill [which is used by mages and dexxers alike] is the closest thing with the ability 'shadow jump' but oops! guess what? it takes a 'smoke bomb' to do so. guess what that is? yeap!
it's an item
Your post was pretty bad through out, there were many flaws and it seemed like a woe-is-me I play a dexer type post. I play both and can tell you I think it's much easier to be a good dexer than a good mage.
no, actually my post
are both logical and progressive, but it's people like you who are more than content with the status quo of how uo is played where literally archers+mages are the only viable templates. yes. i primary play a one-tile melee character. i write these posts/replies in what is beginning to seem like a vain attempt to open your eyes and see that there is a whole world of fantastic possibilities out there to TRULY BALANCE all templates so that there is an equal and adequate check and balance for each playstyle. this is not the case. as is, the list of alternatives is short, and the line of people who are content with their distinct advantages intent on keeping it that way is out of sight.
combat in uo is begging for more options. it's sincerly time for UO to evolve.
Archers and Mages Online 4tw, but hopefully not forever.