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Puzzle Room.. the new reason to load up script programs!



OK I'm a patient person.. and I've stockpiled a few experimental gems so I could try to work the color tile puzzle room.. BUT COME ON!

I swear to god.. I'd load up a script program right this second and run the living crap out if it if one existed for this puzzle.

First you have to complete 3.. 3 ... THREE! puzzles just to get into the blasted room, then the 8 correct timing in room 1, the 13 correct timing in room 2 and after more than 20, count em 20! correct timings in room 3 I get booted out..

Does ANYONE else in the whole of this game have any tips/suggestions/etc to complete this?

...ok end rant...:thumbdown:


Tip 1: Work on your memorization and reaction times.
Tip 2: Make sure you're not laggy, and on a stable connection.
Tip 3: Always Reposition yourself in the center of the room after each neutralization.
Tip 4: If you cant deal with too many, then work on 'Slowing' it. For example, if it goes to freezing, you can go to warm and neutralize by waiting twice as long as on the Blazing spot. Therefore, you can limit the amount of spots you need to run to.
Tip 5: Ditch the cloak, or robe. Cloaks and Robes affect you by forcing an added animation into your movements, and have almost unnoticeable effects on your speed, except in splitsecond areas like this.
Tip 6: Get 2/6 casting, protection off, and make a teleport macro. Teleport where you must, then immediately recast, and recenter yourself once it's neutralized.
Tip 7: Practice Practice Practice! I can now do it almost every single time first try, but it took me a full two gems time worth of failure to get there!


Former Stratics CEO (2011-2014)
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Takes a long time to get the hang of it, that's for darn sure. It helps to use teleport, rather than run to the appropriate tiles.


I took the suggestion of just using the western colors in the last room.. so i'm using the trick of waiting 2 ticks on the color pad.. I have spent almost 2 hours of my life today trying.

The timer on the gem needs to go if it's gonna be that hard. Or the amount of successful rebalances in the 3rd room needs to be reduced. And the "ticks" for red and blue need to be the same for all the other colors.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I swear to god.. I'd load up a script program right this second and run the living crap out if it if one existed for this puzzle.

Little bit of a wuss? Feel the need to cheat in a video game because you cant compete? QQ? All of the above by my assessment.


Little bit of a wuss? Feel the need to cheat in a video game because you cant compete? QQ? All of the above by my assessment.
Now would not be the best time to start a verbal war with me by being a ****. How about next Tuesday at 7pm?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Does ANYONE else in the whole of this game have any tips/suggestions/etc to complete this?
For me (other than the tips above) the best advice is not to over think it. I was getting so amped up by the time it hit the third room... I was my own worst enemy. The first time I got it was the hardest. After that it was a cake walk.

If they really want to jumble up that room they'd switch the colors around every day or so. Not only in position, but different sets in different rooms as well.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Little bit of a wuss? Feel the need to cheat in a video game because you cant compete? QQ? All of the above by my assessment.
Now would not be the best time to start a verbal war with me by being a ****. How about next Tuesday at 7pm?

Name the place. Money where mouth is? I have alot of frequent flyer mile no worries. You call it.


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
OK.. will do.. the very second you get that ego checked.
Good deal. :thumbsup:

Try to get it down to two tries then we can talk.
That you'd even consider scripting such a mind numbingly easy puzzle is laughable.


This thread is just...

Yeah, ellipses cover it quite well...


I think the degree to which the puzzle rooms suck depends hugely on your connection. There have been times where the color description and the "You have failed..." message come up basically simultaneously on my screen. And my connection is not awful (around 150ms ping), just not amazing. I would imagine that for those with genuinely mediocre connections, it's even more frustrating.


I think the degree to which the puzzle rooms suck depends hugely on your connection. There have been times where the color description and the "You have failed..." message come up basically simultaneously on my screen. And my connection is not awful (around 150ms ping), just not amazing. I would imagine that for those with genuinely mediocre connections, it's even more frustrating.
Maybe it is my connection... I am not sure how to check my ping, but I always thought I had a decent enough connection... It might be you need exceptional for this puzzle. .. I think the fact that very few, if any people are actually doing these puzzles says alot about the difficulty/connection speed/what-have-you.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It just takes practice and a good connection. The first few times it will be frustrating till you get down where all the colors are. I can do it easy now except my conn lately has been horrible. It's very frustrating to think you are doing ok then get to the last room and one lag spike sends you back to the front.

RaDian FlGith

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Maybe it is my connection... I am not sure how to check my ping, but I always thought I had a decent enough connection... It might be you need exceptional for this puzzle. .. I think the fact that very few, if any people are actually doing these puzzles says alot about the difficulty/connection speed/what-have-you.
Actually, based on a couple of runs today, it also depends on whether someone else is doing the room at the same time as you...

I can usually do the room just fine, no bounces out except for the extremely rare mistake on my part.

However, every time I do it and someone else is there, either:
1) I fail in the middle room -- which is the easiest for me to do;
2) I fail in the last room because just before I get to the tile I need, I'm booted;
3) The room itself freezes up, I sit lagged for thirty seconds, and then come back with the gem just changing color and booting me.

Not sure why this is, but there is definitely a noticeable difference as to whether I'm alone in the room or not.

Mr Bug

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The easiest way to do it is to just use teleport and hop from color to color. Sure it is annoying at first once you complete it once it becomes easier. Teleport is by far the easiest way to go. If you are on a human dexxer with no magery, teleport scrolls are your best friend. Otherwise use a mage. Also have found early morning when the brain works slow is not the best time to work the room as reaction time is sluggish. After some coffee and a smoke always works for me. Good Luck with it.


thx for the suggestions everyone, I'll try them out next time I have the patience of Job!