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Publish 106 Castle Entry - #12 on the stone to vote Tudor Gables - second round now open


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Tudor Gables

Been mucking around on test centre for this next round of Castle Building. This is gonna be my entry. I am only submitting the one. This time I have gone full on build, it is not meant to be internally customized, other than the doorways.

It is designed so you can do what you want with regards to doorways each doorway is flanked by two grey wall pieces that you can leave as they are you can 1. arch them 2. put in doors 3 use curtains (closed or open) or 4 Block the door completely to make a wall.

door options tudor gables.jpg

I have also deco'd it to give an idea of what the thing looks like with furniture. Pretty amazing that the whole thing has NO lockdowns used at all to create this simplified deco scheme. (The only technical lockdowns would be in the portal room (crystal, moonstone and jawbones) and the copper sunflowers which were placed just for pic purposes!) It also has the new aquariums in if you wanna go look at them 'in situ'. Obviously if you don't like the floor cover you can replace with the tile/carpet of your choice, but I built to tone it with the theme of the building.

It is located in the wilds of Malas if you want to go an look before voting starts. You really need to run around in it to get the full effect and flow of the build.


Anyways Enjoy and hope you like it!


Please click on the pics to view them full size as you get a much better view.

Outside and roof. Basic deco just to show how the 'big' things like ponds, garden beds, garden sheds can easily fit wherever you like.

tudor gables roof.jpg

You will notice the grey goza on the gables. No tile to 'fit' in those spots so for now I tossed in goza as you cannot lock down. Floor tile will not 'raise' high enough to fill the gap but lockdowns will. Below is one kind of resolution to the issue, other ideas will come I am sure!


Ground Floor - thing to note here is the porter room, there are three teleports that take you to second, third and the roof. All take you to the north east corner. Opposite the 'set' porters, there are three bays for you to add your own custom porters to where ever you like. If you're like me I have porters going to other premises! The room on the other side of the stairs is ideal for your other travel porters. Although you can use it for whatever you want of course! The stone blocks/porters are just there for show.

tudor gables ground.jpg

Second floor - this has an L-shaped grand stairwell and two really large spaces (timber floored area and white tile area) mainly for if you have large collections you wanna display.

tudor gables second.jpg

Third Floor - stair access to the roof, plenty of rooms of varying size.

tudor gables third.jpg

Anyways, hope you like it, and if you do, perhaps consider throwing it a vote. I do not have the account/friends etc to get it over the line so rely on everyone else. So if you do like it you are gonna have to help get the votes or it probably doesn't stand a chance of getting up. I have given up on that side of things, post once then move on is my motto now lol.

Even if you don't have a castle plot, I hope it inspires you to maybe do some more tudor type builds on your 18 x 18's etc. I just like these comps as you get to play with BIG plots that allow for more 'grand' builds.

Anyways, I had fun doing this one and for those interested the exterior front is based on Doddington Hall in Lincolnshire if you wanna google it, although I gave it a Tudor twist as there isn't enough tile choice to do the Georgian build. Need more tile sets in plain white/sand colors that have WINDOWS in. *sighs*

Anyways have fun all.


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Lore Keeper
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Love it. I will be voting for it. The rooms are designed so they are very usable for me.


Former Stratics Publisher
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OH! Shoulda known that is YOUR place. :D


Stratics Veteran
Ground Floor - thing to note here is the porter room, there are three teleports that take you to second, third and the roof. All take you to the north east corner. Opposite the 'set' porters, there are three bays for you to add your own custom porters to where ever you like. If you're like me I have porters going to other premises! The room on the other side of the stairs is ideal for your other travel porters. Although you can use it for whatever you want of course! The stone blocks/porters are just there for show.
Love the house, except there is a piece that is almost a dealbreaker. I want to offer some constructive criticism regarding the teleporter room. Dividing it out like that makes it awkward and loses a lot of space, most people I know prefer to have their teleporters near each other (not have to run around walls) and to have the additional teleporting items in the same area/room, not around the corner in another room. Its about ease of movement and that just is very clunky in design in my opinion. I would remove the interior walls on that and open up the space and allow people to customize it how they wish.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Love the house, except there is a piece that is almost a dealbreaker. I want to offer some constructive criticism regarding the teleporter room. Dividing it out like that makes it awkward and loses a lot of space, most people I know prefer to have their teleporters near each other (not have to run around walls) and to have the additional teleporting items in the same area/room, not around the corner in another room. Its about ease of movement and that just is very clunky in design in my opinion. I would remove the interior walls on that and open up the space and allow people to customize it how they wish.
Appreciate the feedback, but I for one hate it when ports are adjacent to each other, I prefer them to be as they are. If you check my houses on all shards I set them up this way, and the bays for the store bought teleports are just there as most people these days have places they want to port too even if it is to a particular room in the same building. The designated 'elevator' shaft allows that. Also having the the walls allow you to put up those customisable signs so ie the one to my shop will say shop the one to my Yew Castle would say Yew castle etc. Can't lock down signs on there so I didn't bother taking any over but I tend to always 'sign' my porters so that I can color a sign when giving people directions, ie take the red signed port to xyz etc Right now if you take that port on oceania it goes to my auction house eg similar set up:


As for the crystal portals and such I would use that room for those just to keep the ugly things out the way, and for this exercise it was just giving an option of where you could put em, however most ppl tend to put em on their front stairs so they can still do that, or put them wherever they like for that matter, that particular room is just a small room the blocks are just for deco. If they wanted to they could put em in those bays opposite the first second third floor porters. Or stick em out the front of the room if you had to have them together ie:

upload_2019-8-25_17-35-2.png upload_2019-8-27_14-57-50.png

Just copied over a few signs to show how they hang.

That part of the deco is just for 'ideas'. This castle has so much room that it will be hard to find stuff to actually 'fill' it as it is that is in anyway meaningful deco wise, so I don't think the space used is such a waste to have a designated elevator shaft.

I think 'most' people have their teleporters next to each other as they haven't ever actually tried them like how I have put em. In my opinion it makes it so much easier to use them. Not only that they are 'obvious' if you go in that room and to the left 1st bay, 2nd bay, 3rd bay you go up to 1st floor 2nd floor 3rd floor/roof. I so hate following people into rooms and they disappear on a port shoved behind a wall and you are left trying to figure out what port they used, especially when they are all bunched together. Ever done the hit every floor port shuffle til you find the person? I have and it bugs the hell out of em. So while you think they may be clunky in design, until you get into the use of them as they are you don't realise how 'unclunky' it is.

I also find trying to stand on the middle teleporter of those squished together is clunky especially if you are riding a beetle or something. I built the Robin's nest keep on siege and find the porters shoved behind a wall all bunched together the most aggravating thing, especially as you need circle of trans on just to find the bloody things. I play EC so using Circ of Trans is the last thing I wanna be doing :)

Anyways, all good, if that is a deal breaker for you and others fine, I actually don't expect this castle to get up anyways unless a lot of ppl actually wanna build it and vote for it. But is is kinda funny how different people like different things, I did a porter bay like this in a previous build and a few ppl said how they loved the way it was easy to use and easy to find the porters. lol.
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Stratics Veteran
Appreciate the feedback, but I for one hate it when ports are adjacent to each other, I prefer them to be as they are. If you check my houses on all shards I set them up this way, and the bays for the store bought teleports are just there as most people these days have places they want to port too even if it is to a particular room in the same building. The designated 'elevator' shaft allows that. Also having the the walls allow you to put up those customisable signs so ie the one to my shop will say shop the one to my Yew Castle would say Yew castle etc. Can't lock down signs on there so I didn't bother taking any over but I tend to always 'sign' my porters so that I can color a sign when giving people directions, ie take the red signed port to xyz etc Right now if you take that port on oceania it goes to my auction house eg similar set up:

I think something was lost in translation with what i was trying to say and how you took it. This is what i meant by near each other (see below)


I dont like teleporters all on top of each other either but people like to customize the room the way someone sees fit, it just feels really claustrophobic two tiles deep walls in a small room. People could add in stone walls in they wanted to have that effect.

Thats how we do teleporters, spaces inbetween to put deco, containers, runebooks, whatever the heck we want.

That's what I meant for you to think about


Former Stratics Publisher
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When we visited the Tudor house, we called them "phone booths" - like they used to be in airports, all lines up one next to the other.
Could also be shower stalls in an orphanage.... :D

oh gee

just shows how old i am.. lol


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
@Ezekiel Zane Clawfoot tub is from 2013 xmas gift box: 2013 Giftbox, Candle Tray, Claw Foot Tub, A Lobster Dinner Prepared By ______ , Scrolls Of Alacrity Book

The sink is carpentry container menu: Elven wash basin

there is also a 'broken vanity' in there from the heritage token and an elven dresser.



Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
@Khaelor yeah I get you, my porter room in my old castle was pretty much identical to what you have there and the small porter area in one of my spires castles on siege is also the same, but they were basically for those custom/removable ports.

For this build I wanted the permanent ports in their own space and prefer a dedicated room for them given you can't move em anywhere else anyways. With a spot for an additional three opposite the fixed ones in case you need, you can't tie in crafted walls on that east side without leaving gaps etc which would then compromise the stairwell itself. The total space is for the whole room is only 5 tiles x 6 so less space than a large koi pond takes and in my view the castle footprint is plenty big enough to accommodate it.

I don't normally build fixed ports in these castle keep builds as where to put them is always a problem as most times I don't want them where someone else has put them.

If they allowed you to customise the plaster walls then maybe I would remove these, but while grey chunky stone walls are all we can craft then I prefer to put in the slimmer plaster walls as I have done, chunky grey ones in that space would be pretty horrid and I prefer a solid wall so you don't overshoot the ports when running in to em.

I did do this one too so that there was no customising required unless you wanted to do something with the doorways so think it has hit the mark in that respect .

I do get ya but actually like it as it is :)

Ezekiel Zane

Grand Poobah
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Ok another where's that from ?

Where are the display cases with that glass top from? Ones I get from gift tickets and the craftable small ones don't have the glass tops.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ok another where's that from ?

Where are the display cases with that glass top from? Ones I get from gift tickets and the craftable small ones don't have the glass tops.
double click your cases, the tops will rise up :)


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ha for a minute I though you mean the aquariums when you said glass topped, but yeah what DevilsOwn said


Babbling Loonie
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Ok it is #99 on the stone if you wanna vote for it in the first round. Tudor Gables - builder Caitlyn


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yeah made it through one round! thanks for whomever voted for it.

It is now #12 on the stone for the second round of voting. I actually hope this one gets up as I wanna build it and do a spectacular deco job on it , not that half assed job done up there for staging purposes!

Maximus Neximus

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yeah made it through one round! thanks for whomever voted for it.

It is now #12 on the stone for the second round of voting. I actually hope this one gets up as I wanna build it and do a spectacular deco job on it , not that half assed job done up there for staging purposes!
Thanks for designing good homes! This is one of my favorite designs. I'll be giving you one of my two votes for sure, possibly both.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thanks for designing good homes! This is one of my favorite designs. I'll be giving you one of my two votes for sure, possibly both.
Why thanks! It is hard when you are from the smallest shard to get stuff up as you just don't have the players to vote for you who know you so I really need to rely on people who just like the designs and cross my fingers lol. I have three accounts so I know I get three votes, that is about as far as it goes.

On this design I was really trying for a stand alone castle so that it didn't need to be customized, as well as one using materials that were not so dark and gloomy as the grey stone builds. Also one in a design flavor that has not already got up, Tudor.

It has as you see a variety of room sizes from small, medium to large and a fully flat open rooftop. the grass is easy to tile over if you don't want grass. I also try to give a bit of character to the outside in that while it is very large and there is little wasted space it is not a total cube shape and when you arrive at the front it has some traditional lines and some interest and impact.

I also have a pet peeve with navigation in houses. If I have to run from one corner to the other to get from floor to floor it is fail in my book, same as if I have to 'find' teleporters hidden behind walls etc. I want to get from ground to roof in seconds. So this build is again designed to run straight in and left and you are on the roof. No looking for where the next set of stairs are. I notice in some builds I looked at I couldn't even FIND the way up on a few so didn't bother looking further, there may of been porters but I wasn't inclined to run around finding them lol.

What you may or may not of noticed is on the ground floor you can also run in a big square as it is a two tile corridor basically to whizz around. The other floors are similar, you do not have to backtrack to leave a room. That isn't obvious until you run around in it for a bit, but it is designed that way for flow.

If you googled Doddington hall as I put in the initial post you can see where the front facade was drawn from. Although that one was Georgian in tone I turned this one Tudor due to available tile sets and the ability of the plaster to sit ok next to the grey stone which I find with sandstone is hard to blend.

If I was building grey stone, I would of made it fully customizable but as I was doing plaster the only grey is at doorways so you can do your own door treatments as I showed above. If you look at my post in The Spires thread you can see the difference in design, that was purposely designed to be customised.

It is funny though. When I did the spires people complained about it being so open and no walls, that was the first round so I guess people back then weren't fully switched on the fact it was purposely done that way so that players could do what they wanted with the interior although I have seen a lot of that one built around the shards so I know some people must of liked it. This one I went the opposite way and put in full walls etc so that it was stand alone and now people complain about it having rooms. I do have to laugh as it really is a no win situation.

Glad you like it though, maybe this time it will get up.
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Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm really surprised this didn't get more votes. Hopefully the devs enjoy it enough to include it!
I am not, like I said, I am from the smallest shard, and have a guild of 1 (me). I make it into the top 20 pretty much every time but don't have the accounts/guilds/mates to vote. So yeah it will come down to a dev pick.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I've been to Doddington Hall, so that's why it was oddly familiar....I agree with what others say here, I hate teleporters in a row with no spaces, I always go onto the wrong one, especially if they get 'hidden' behind a wall. More often than not I will use stairs if there's a choice, to avoid teleporter-bouncing-syndrome....:D

Tarragon Slayer/MZB

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Stratics Legend
All your designs are downright gorgeous, and this one is no exception. It's a shame it wasn't among the winners. On the other hand, I'd have needed to find/buy a second castle.
But in a next contest edition, could you perhaps make the entire roof with grass? I love a splendid roof garden, and grass tiles are so hard to come by (at least, they are compared to granite).

Finley Grant

Grand Inquisitor
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i like the teleporter "bays" thats a great idea i hate it too when i accidentially slip sidewards on the wrong one...

but the rest is not my taste sorry it looks like 90% of the others weird cube with high walls from bottom to top.
however on the flip side it looks like that people want excactly this when i look at the winners so you did everything right :)

many thanks for still making entries!

after seing the winners in the last contests for me only "give me a F****NG 31x31 plot" will do the thing, sadly
i liked the Casa Moga very much and thought yea i can work with that... so i spend approx 5p for house and decoration only to see that even then i not fully convinced me and i stopped playing and sold everything lol

i still thing they should just give us the damn plot even if its in trade of for i dont know 100 bucks which they can invest in better hardware to counter possible lag.
whatever they tell us i dont think that a 20 year old game could have any issues on high performance hardware with all flash disks.

but who am i to judge.

thank you for making yourself all the work and still doing them....

for me after being gone for half a year ish there is not enough intersting stuff to stay i think.... my current EC issues are not helping here either