'Twas almost the night my brain melted...
Another fantastic response and great to see Grd not only braving the perils of the peerless hunts but performing well in all the battles.
The night started with a visit from the mythical solstice stag which was well received as a good luck omen for our forthcoming endeavours.
Travesty: Took awhile to get started due to getting the parties sorted out but once we were in there Travesty was dispatched with ease.
I cant remember a time when 3 parties were needed and all 3 keys needed to be used.
Dreadhorn: Again no match for the peerless army and we were all feeling quite smug and invincible, until.......
Shimmering Effusion: I absolutely love this peerless, you dare not let your guard down for fear of being over run and although we averted this worse case scenario he gave us a run for our money. And did some jammy bugger get the ring??
Grizzle: The trouble with using all 3 keys is that, if there is a hiccup in getting in then you have no back up. Unfortunately one of the party stepped on the teleporter tile and quickly found herself a ghost. I went to help out and so wasn't involved in the fighting but there were far fewer deaths in party chat than I imagined there would be.
Chief Paroxymus: It was getting late now and numbers were decreasing but 3 valiant Guardsmen remained to run the river gauntlet and face Jabba.
Once we got over the 'NO SUMMONS' spamming, things looked brighter.
A hard fought battle ensued but we emerged victorious.
Melisande:The she-devil put up a decent fight but the sixth and final boss fell beneath our swords completing our marathon run.
Well done to Reginald who just happened to wander past the bank at the right time, never done a peerless before then fought them all in one night.
Well done to the Militia, sorry I couldn't get more of an RP angle on things, maybe next time
Thanks to Kraken for turning up in the Weald to help me get Irk's brain when I was just about to lose mine after the umpteen'th empty corpse.
Not sure what's going to be happening in the New Year yet, but something will happen.
And finally, a thank you to everyone for attending and making it fun, a merry Christmas to you all.
Alyx yo ho ho Astarsis