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Public peerless hunt - xmas special - Tuesday 22nd



Meeting at Brit bank as normal but....

I'd like to do all the bosses in one evening and so the offical start time is 8pm UK.

I'd like some help in key collecting and so if your able to meet at 7pm then we'll go off for some hardcore key collecting.
I'm sure I'l have time to collect for shim so it's mainly putretifier and bedlam notes.

If anyone can get trav and dread keys before 7pm then thats a bonus.

Does the RNG know it's Christmas? *prays*


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: Public peerless hunt - Tuesday 22nd

Are we allowed to wear santa hats at the computer? *grins*

o Kraken o

'Twas almost the night before Christmas, when all through the land the peerless they stirred and shivered in fear!


Thanks for another great hunt! That tour de force through Travesty, Dreadhorn, Shimmering Effusion, Interred Grizzle, Paroxymus and Melissande was a hoot.

Merry Christmas to all you peerlesshunters!

Post Scriptum:
By the way, will the hunts take place on tuesdays next year as well?
I ask because the coming year might well bring me a late work scedule on tuesdays, which will probably prevent me from attending.


'Twas almost the night my brain melted...

Another fantastic response and great to see Grd not only braving the perils of the peerless hunts but performing well in all the battles.

The night started with a visit from the mythical solstice stag which was well received as a good luck omen for our forthcoming endeavours.

Travesty: Took awhile to get started due to getting the parties sorted out but once we were in there Travesty was dispatched with ease.
I cant remember a time when 3 parties were needed and all 3 keys needed to be used.

Dreadhorn: Again no match for the peerless army and we were all feeling quite smug and invincible, until.......

Shimmering Effusion: I absolutely love this peerless, you dare not let your guard down for fear of being over run and although we averted this worse case scenario he gave us a run for our money. And did some jammy bugger get the ring??

Grizzle: The trouble with using all 3 keys is that, if there is a hiccup in getting in then you have no back up. Unfortunately one of the party stepped on the teleporter tile and quickly found herself a ghost. I went to help out and so wasn't involved in the fighting but there were far fewer deaths in party chat than I imagined there would be.

Chief Paroxymus: It was getting late now and numbers were decreasing but 3 valiant Guardsmen remained to run the river gauntlet and face Jabba.
Once we got over the 'NO SUMMONS' spamming, things looked brighter.
A hard fought battle ensued but we emerged victorious.

Melisande:The she-devil put up a decent fight but the sixth and final boss fell beneath our swords completing our marathon run.

Well done to Reginald who just happened to wander past the bank at the right time, never done a peerless before then fought them all in one night.

Well done to the Militia, sorry I couldn't get more of an RP angle on things, maybe next time :)

Thanks to Kraken for turning up in the Weald to help me get Irk's brain when I was just about to lose mine after the umpteen'th empty corpse.

Not sure what's going to be happening in the New Year yet, but something will happen.

And finally, a thank you to everyone for attending and making it fun, a merry Christmas to you all.

Alyx yo ho ho Astarsis


I must say this was an absolutely brilliant adventure.

It was indeed my first time at a peerless and I had a fantastic time, many thanks to Alyx for running the show, Kraken and Co. for looking after me with helpful info to my clueless meanderings and last but by no means least the hilarious guys from GRD, what a top bunch of people!

Notables for me:

Travesty - with little to no idea what to expect from a first (ever) peerless I jumped in and...... never actually got to see travsty itself in the confusion of fighters and dragons, I contented myself with standing at the back dropping EV's.

Shimmering Effusion - Blimey, that thing must *hate* me, five - or was it six? deaths and I managed to get a grand total of one single spell off during the whole encounter.

Grizzle - A lot harder than I had imagined - this was the one I was trying to key when I bumped into the crew and remembered it was Public night. That was a looong fight - cant imagine what it'll be like with fewer people.

Paroxy - The most fun for me - I seemd to find my bearings instead of wandering about in a bit of a daze, long fight and great fun for that. A whole bunch of those EVs were me i'm afraid :(

Melisande - Well, as a now seasoned peerless vet (ho ho ho yeah right!) I appreciated the tactics involved and knew she wouldn't hold out for long.

I'm definitely up for more of this sort of thing, was so much fun - really what this game is all about - working together, reaching a goal and having a damn good laugh doing it, top top night. I'd like to be involved in the keyings too next time - get a fuller picture of the effort involved in each encounter. Important lessons I learned: I need more fingers/hotkeys and to learn to target quicker/better (travesty in particular).

Alyx et al: great stuff!

Reginald Pants, AKA: Hella/Scar/Bubba/Archie/Rol Farris, Albert/Satin/Eetchie/Francis/Hiro Pants.

Odin of Europa

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yes it was a great night, lots of fun, thanks for arranging it again Alyx :)

Ow and yes, I was the lucky bugger that got the ring :D

HellaFarris, were you the necro in Shim? I forgot to tell everyone, but Shim hates negative karma chars and will chase them all around the room - which is why I changed to my tamer, sorry :blushing:

Hope these continue in the New Year!

Hope everyone has a good Christmas and New Year! :party::pint::heart::smooch


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dang, I couldn't make it, Sorry. I hope you host another big bash like this in the New Year!

Sounds like you had a good night!


Yes it was a great night, lots of fun, thanks for arranging it again Alyx :)

Ow and yes, I was the lucky bugger that got the ring :D

HellaFarris, were you the necro in Shim? I forgot to tell everyone, but Shim hates negative karma chars and will chase them all around the room - which is why I changed to my tamer, sorry :blushing:

Hope these continue in the New Year!

Hope everyone has a good Christmas and New Year! :party::pint::heart::smooch
Aha! and I thought he objected to the colour of my trousers, I'll know for next time no worries :)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dang! Missed it again :( This time it wasn´t a busy schedule, but swine-flu induced pneumonia that was the culprit. Can only stay 30 mins at the compupter at a time. But I´m looking forward to a healthy new year filled with peerless hunts :D. Meanwhile I´d like to wish you all a merry christmas/happy chanukkah etc.
Cya all next year!!!

Miss Polly

It was great fun! Many thanks all, for all of the peerless this year!

Looking forward to next year!

Merry Christmas everybody :)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
'twas 'triffic! Thanks again!

After massive EV spammage at the previous two bosses, damn it was hard work at Paroxyjabba to avoid hitting the old EV key on the keyboard automatically!

I ended up sitting back and doing the heal/cure spammage from icons in an effort to prevent myself doing it by accident. Sorry!
