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Production Shard PvPers Can't Handle Siege


Stratics Legend
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Today's UO production server PvPer just can't handle Siege...it's too hard for them. But why?

Too impatient to build a character...
Too attached to Trammel...
Too attached to insurance...
Too attached to multiple character slots...

Sure they'll say that the server is empty, but if enough of you stuck around that would change. Then again, I won't hold my breath since most of you can't hack it...

just sayin'...la


Lore Master
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pffft not all that siege propaganda (again)..la

If u really must know. i did make a pvp tamer on siege. and i Really..and i do mean i REALLY tried.
But the big fat LAG monster simply was too much :(
It so did kill my siege experience.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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I have 8 or 9 characters there..... so :p... just find it boring most the time since there is no one around most the time.


Grand Inquisitor
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We had 5 people over there. Couldn't get a fight at any time of the day. All the characters are still there. So if it ever does get active we will pop in. Just not worth running around looking for pvp. And it's really not fun killing RPers or tailors which is like 60% of the few left.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Stratics Legend
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LOL, having 5 people here is great, but sitting around looking for a fight isn't quite the way it works. Get others to come to the shard. Don't expect it to be given to you...work for it...la


Seasoned Veteran
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How about you explain exactly WHY they should wish to?

What possible benefit could there be for them?

I can list you a ton of downsides and I actually like Siege.


Lake Superior Tabloid Journalist
Stratics Veteran
I'm absolutely terrible at PvP. Seriously. I'm terrible at it. However, I've been contemplating making a character on Siege. The only question is... do I continue my terribleness as a PvPer, or do I create a crafter? It's up in the air.


Stratics Legend
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If you want to make any cash, I would suggest creating a character that can PvM. A mage or dexxer can earn you some gold while you are working on skills. Many of the players here do have multiple accounts and it seems the need for crafters isn't that high (right now)...la


Crazed Zealot
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This only means that siege players should be more than capable of making a character and playing on production pvp shards.


Queen of The Outlaws
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LOL a Siege and a PvP thread, that's what we need right now so we can focus on something else than the Auction :)

But you right, Trammel shard PvP'ers do have very hard making it on Siege, I had seen so many PvP guilds start on Siege, telling everyone, they was going to own the shard. They got skills up, and started to PvP, then they complained about no factions artifacts and no item insurence and gave up.


Queen of The Outlaws
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This only means that siege players should be more than capable of making a character and playing on production pvp shards.
And only have one facet to play on, no thanks. The fel rules on all facet do something to people. That's why Siege have a great community.


Stratics Legend
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This only means that siege players should be more than capable of making a character and playing on production pvp shards.
Sure we could, if we actually wanted to deal with Trammel and/or insurance. We actually prefer to play in a more difficult ruleset...la


Stratics Legend
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Trammel shard PvP'ers do have very hard making it on Siege, I had seen so many PvP guilds start on Siege, telling everyone, they was going to own the shard. They got skills up, and started to PvP, then they complained about no factions artifacts and no item insurence and gave up.
Very true, I can't tell you how many players have come and gone from Siege. E-tears from the tough PvPers are tasty. Just wish they could learn to tough it out and learn how to play without insured items...la


Stratics Legend
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The shard is choc full of stealthers, aren't you a thief anyway?
So? Can't figure out how to find them? That's more proof of your lack of adaptability. And yes, I am a thief...I am a player who steals items from other players (in case you missed it that means I PvP)...la


Crazed Zealot
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So? Can't figure out how to find them? That's more proof of your lack of adaptability. And yes, I am a thief...I am a player who steals items from other players (in case you missed it that means I PvP)...la
It isn't that you can't find them. It's more the fact that they don't reveal (even when damaged by AoE) unless you have detect hidden. Let's face it, most templates don't have room for it (admittedly, you can use JOAT), and I believe you have to get the exact tile they're standing on. If you use earthquake, fields, etc, they can just stay hidden and get as far away as possible.


Crazed Zealot
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Sure we could, if we actually wanted to deal with Trammel and/or insurance. We actually prefer to play in a more difficult ruleset...la

Given that you have no one to fight and might as well be a trammel shard, beggars can't be choosers.


Crazed Zealot
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And only have one facet to play on, no thanks. The fel rules on all facet do something to people. That's why Siege have a great community.
There really is no difference since there isn't pvp in siege.

But feel free to bask in your "superiority" over us lowly production players.

Enjoy the lack of pvp.


Stratics Legend
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whats a good guild to join if i come back. have a fully done mage tamer there.
GIL is our largest guild, but there are plenty of others. Jump on and ask about guilds in GC. On Siege you can actually use general chat to speak with other players. We typically don't have spammers or kiddies in GC. It's one of the best parts of Siege, the kiddies typically get run off the shard...la


Stratics Legend
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I have a valid excuse. I'm just a wuss who hates dying. :rolleyes: Even on production shards.
Bah, I haven't died in a few days, then again, I have been training up some skills.

Just remember, when you learn to die on Siege, you learn how to stock your pack, you learn where to go and where to stay clear of...la


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Then this thread is pointless since you claimed we would have to stick around so it wouldn't be empty.

/end thread la
The thread isn't pointless at all. It just kinda calls out those players who claim to have MAD PVP skills, yet can't cut it on Siege. Maybe you can't cut it, no biggy, enjoy Trammel...la

Old Vet Back Again

Stratics Veteran
All I need to list is two.

  • No Trammel
  • No Insurance

If they want to actually play on a shard where they can't hide in Trammel or base their ability on the items they insure, they'd play Siege...la
You forgot a key point. No one on SP has any talent at all...I would put everything I own in-game on the top 10 prodo shard pvpers vs the top 10 SP players. I guarantee our mages are better duelers and field fighters and I guarantee our dexxers would be insanely more useful in a fight than SP players. This is also considering playing in equal imbued or less suits.

Here is the thing about Prodo shards; an OK pvper can become a little better than average with a top tier suit. A top tier player can remain a top tier player with an ok suit. The top players still rely on knowing game mechanics and their surroundings. That doesn't change at all from prodo to SP...it's still the same game.

Most of us have played SP, I left because there was literally ZERO competitive local players.


Crazed Zealot
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The thread isn't pointless at all. It just kinda calls out those players who claim to have MAD PVP skills, yet can't cut it on Siege. Maybe you can't cut it, no biggy, enjoy Trammel...la
Will do, enjoy your empty shard.


Lake Superior Tabloid Journalist
Stratics Veteran
If you want to make any cash, I would suggest creating a character that can PvM. A mage or dexxer can earn you some gold while you are working on skills. Many of the players here do have multiple accounts and it seems the need for crafters isn't that high (right now)...la
It's unfortunate that crafters aren't in high demand. I am, first and foremost, a crafter at heart. However, I might just have to create a dexxer on Siege and see how it goes... or maybe a thief. I have a strange draw to the thief, which is completely contrary to my real life personality.

We'll see.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
It's unfortunate that crafters aren't in high demand. I am, first and foremost, a crafter at heart. However, I might just have to create a dexxer on Siege and see how it goes... or maybe a thief. I have a strange draw to the thief, which is completely contrary to my real life personality.

We'll see.
Right now you don't need a crafter, but if you train up mining, I know a lot of players who are paying for granite these days...la


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
So? Can't figure out how to find them? That's more proof of your lack of adaptability. And yes, I am a thief...I am a player who steals items from other players (in case you missed it that means I PvP)...la
I play on Siege, I don't really care if people hide or stealth, assuming he actually wants to attack you just ring the altar with poison fields and set your massive pet to guard, you can spam earthquake for what its worth, then once he triggers the field or the quake pulls him out you press "all kill" and spam paralyze as no one on Siege ever has resist, it takes a lot of skill....

Your whole pitch here seems to be telling PvPers from prodo that they cant handle siege, maybe they don't wish to spend the majority of their time searching for someone to fight or trying to unstealth someone who just stole something from them, they maybe prefer actual fights with other players.

PVP is not better on Siege, it is more limited as people choose templates that have the least chance of losing gear or don't really require that much gear like the stealth dismount/mare archer


Wielder of Ebil Cookies
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Personally fear has nothing to do with it. Most PvPers are adrenaline junkies.. They do not want to wander around for hours daily, in the hopes that a fight might spring up. I played siege for a couple of months. I got into some good fights. But 95% of the time was not fighting at all.

Most PvPers play multiple shards and go wherever the action is. If nothing is happening on LS, I check GL. If nothing is happening on GL I check Atl... wash rinse repeat. I don't think calling everyone scared will do much good to stimulate your population. Maybe plan events, harrower fights etc. Announce a month or so ahead of time. Then you will see people show up for the fight.


Stratics Legend
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PVP is not better on Siege, it is more limited as people choose templates that have the least chance of losing gear or don't really require that much gear like the stealth dismount/mare archer
Boy, you sure are stuck on this stealth dismount archer template. You'd think you would have figured out how to outwit them...or is that the problem...you haven't?...la

old gypsy

Grand Poobah
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I'm not a Siege player or a Siege fan, and I don't pvp. However, those who prefer production shards and those who prefer Siege don't have to be antagonistic toward each other (as they sometimes seem to be).

As I understand it (and those who understand it better can correct me if they want to), the main appeal Siege seems to have is the fact that their unique community and more challenging ruleset generally requires a good level of interaction and cooperation. Production shards often appear to have less of that because it's so much easier to become totally self-sufficient and play alone.

When someone says they don't like Siege, it doesn't have to imply a true criticism. It just means that Siege is not their cup of tea. And I think that should be ok.

Good grief - "I'm ok, you're ok" - can you tell I came of age in the 60's? o_O


Stratics Legend
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As I understand it (and those who understand it better can correct me if they want to), the main appeal Siege seems to have is the fact that their unique community and more challenging ruleset generally requires a good level of interaction and cooperation. Production shards often appear to have less of that because it's so much easier to become totally self-sufficient and play alone.
Kinda...it's just that Siege is better :) ...la