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Poison Sacs?!?!?



So after doing a couple of the old quests I thought I would try the library thing. So After finally finding that Petrus guy for his freaking wax. I head off to the desert to kill some speckled scorpions. Well, things didn't go so well. I died and rezzed at the gypsy camp. Recovered what wasn't insured; died again, rinse and repeat SEVERAL TIMES. At one point I was doing okay, and killed several of the speckled scorpions, but only got one sac. UGH! I even killed the speckled scorpion paragon, but even that one didn't have a sac. I guess most of them used all of their poison up on me!

Now alone the scorps didn't pose a problem. Throw in a imp or two and I'm okay. Whoops, here comes a wyvern; which I can handle. But throw in everything else that came my way. Well, a wyvern paragon sat on my corpse for a while, but I still managed to get my stuff. At one point a stome gargoyle paragon chased me all the way back to the moongate. AT one point I almost had him killed, but no such luck. I was getting really frustrated.

Anyway, I made it out, and decided to call it a day. I'm bound and determined to do this solo now. I need to rething my strategy, improve my gear, etc. I haven't played in about 5 years, but I'm getting mychops back! Of course I lost almost all my funds to insurance, and I didn't even really have that much insured.

Anyway, anyone have any suggestions. My main is a straight Paladin, but he needs a little work. Any help would be appreciated.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Maybe try doing it on a mage who can cast EVs and invis a lot. :)

It Lives

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I know Lots like the solo route, I suggest joining a new players guild...

This is not to be insulting, as a returning player(vet) you have tons to offer (new) players and these guilds have tons of info /help for you as well.

Try one out till you get your UO legs back, you may enjoy it as well!

Warsong of LS

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
might I suggest taking a character that can kill qucikly, maybe a tamer if you have one, because last time I did it, it did not matter which character gets the sacs, just get your five and drop them off at your house, time out of combat and log in the character that you wish to complete the quest, grab the sacs, mark them and go.


Well, I never was what you would call a power gamer. So I'm playing on my best character. The guild idea is a good one, and I will explore that, and to tell you the truth I had already thought of that. Plus, I like helping new players. it helps the game all around. When I first started I had lots of help, and I realy appreciated it. I'm not mad or upset I just want to finish that part of the quest.

In fact in retrospect it was funny. Not when it was happening, but I can laugh now...


An almost naked Paladin ( he's wearing a loin cloth and blue thigh boots), running through the desert in Ilshenar. He's only wielding a katana. He's bouncing off of ostards, and leaping over cacti. Being chased by any number of spawn, which could include imps, scorpions, gargoyles, effreets, earth elementals, wyverns, and paragon aspects of some of those, and for a time I did okay... even when faced with two or three, or more, I killed them. ( Well, not when I was almost naked... ) Yes I made mistakes, I've been back three days. ( After over five years... ) So I think I did fairly well.

I laugh when I think about the gypsy's that rezzed me, and hiding in their houses; almost naked, and wishing that pesky wyvern paragon would leave!

Yeah, I died quite a bit, but I came back for more, and kicked arse in some cases. In this case I didn't lose anything but gold and time. It's just a game. I don't "own" anything in the game. Think about it...

LOL, my whole outlook on the game has changed, and for the better I think.


I know Lots like the solo route, I suggest joining a new players guild...

This is not to be insulting, as a returning player(vet) you have tons to offer (new) players and these guilds have tons of info /help for you as well.

Try one out till you get your UO legs back, you may enjoy it as well!
Yes, I know it's good advice. I am slowly getting my "UO legs back". Like I said I never was a power gamer, but I think I'm changing. LOL! I've been in guilds before. It's all about finding the "right guild".


Don't forget to take along a supply of orange petals to fight off the poison attacks. :)


Yes, orange petals. I'm growing some, but it will take a while. Right now I'm VERY gold poor. I KEEP DYING! In places I usually never died in so much. It's starting not to be FUN. I died again, and this time I couldn't recover my stuff, and not all was insured. Couldn't afford it. I guess I should stick with the easy stuff until I beef myself up... sheesh. It's only been 3 days, but it's getting old.


Well, I'm on Great lakes,and will probably try to find a guild to join. I just need to reevaluate, plan better, and build up resources, i.e. gold. I also need to organize! My house is a mess. LOL I keep finding stuff that's buried under other stuff.

It's all good. I was just getting frustrated.