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Please remove the 3.0 point SoTs as a reward.



Wait the complaint for this thread is what? Pick one and stick to it....

1) SOT drops for the puzzle room are too easy to get
... even though I've only gotten 2 since the launch and I run 7 toons a day through... and others have posted low drops of SoT's as well.

2) The Cost of SOT's because they are reward items is dropping
....someone's vendor isn't making 20mill on a 0.8 taming SoT anymore...cry me a river!

3) There is no risk for the rewards of the Puzzle box
....so it's a fel ruleset now and there has to be risk v. reward scenario?

4) People are logging their toons out in there
.... um with as much respect as I can muster.. so what? why do you care where other peeps log their toons out? Are you my mother? Do you pay my monthly fee? When you start doing so you can tell me how to play the game.

5)There are deco and consumables in the reward que
.... and complaints about this are what? ToT? Champ Spawns? 10th Anniversary Dungeons? Martie Drops? Any of these ring a bell?

6) It's too easy to gain and gm skills now
... really, that's actually a complaint? omg!

7) People are using answer sheets for the puzzles, so it's not hard enough/random enough
...really? Where you the hall monitor in class? Are you the tattletale in your family? Guess you don't have to use it if you don't want.... unless there is an actual gun to your head... in that case break the glass and call 9-1-1


Colorblind Collector
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
In 4 days and 10 characters i've gotten:

Taste Id
Taming (yes again)


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think its pointless at this point in the game to balance it around these "new players". I would guess the number of ACTUAL NEW accounts created every month is pretty low. Depressingly low.

RaDian FlGith

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That isn't right. A new player isn't going to stick around very long if they can just be given months worth of work in seconds. They'll hit the cap too fast. Won't have any goal to strive for and will get bored.
Uh... A new player isn't going to have the millions of gold to purchase the SoTs; they might be able to "farm" them themselves, but even at five characters per day, the chances of them successfully finding what they want/need is going to be difficult.

Now, I will admit, I think they got it backward... I think the SoTs should be for completing the Color Puzzle Room -- after all, you have to successfully navigate three different types of puzzles, four puzzles in all, to get to that final chest. There would be far less of them in circulation due to the extreme time-sink to get a chance to get them.

But I don't think the SoTs are damaging the game. UO is not now nor has it ever really been about spending months and months and months building skill. If you put the time in, you could build skill fast enough. It depends on the playfield, really.

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
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Campaign Benefactor
I warned about the puzzle being too easy. It is extremely difficult if you don't have the solutions in hand. But those have all been found out and now a puzzle takes 10 seconds to complete.

They either need to somehow randomize the puzzle each time or make it once per day per account. All the decorations are completely worthless already and the resources it drops are headed that way.

RaDian FlGith

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
People will instantly go from 50.0 fishing to 100.0 fishing because of all the scrolls that are out there rotting on vendors. Then they can go reap all the rewards without any of the effort.
Exaggerate much? Okay, let's use your example. 50.0 to 100.0 at 3.0 per SoT in Fishing. That's 17 SoTs. Now, fishing is a skill that a lot of people don't see as a "valuable" skill, so let's say they're being sold for 1.5 million a piece. That's 25.5 million gold.

Now, that's also 17 people who got "lucky" enough to get fishing SoTs.

That's 25.5 million gold that, by your equation, was earned "without any of the effort."

And, to be frank, the reason lots of people don't do fishing is because they don't like the fishing skill. If someone can jump from 50.0 to 100.0, do you really believe that what will follow is that someone will suddenly spend more time fishing? And let's be frank... who cares if they do? What are they going to do, flood the market with fish steaks? Like, I've never fished a day in my life and I have more fish steaks than I can shake a fish at. I'll NEVER run out of them. And when I get an IDOC, I end up with MORE of them.

Look, yeah, it will let people with gold finish of a skill without the effort of actually "training" it. This doesn't really hurt anyone. That person was already interested in the skill in the first place. That they can finish it off a little faster has NO impact on your game play at all. It just means that they can enjoy the "end-game" stuff a little bit faster. Is this a bad thing? Building skill isn't the fun at the core of UO.

Me, personally, yeah, I'll probably use a couple to finish up my Legendary Tailor and Legendary Blacksmiths as I manage to get them. Why? I GMed them myself before Power Scrolls, and I just haven't felt like sitting around beating stuff into oblivion. I've been CAPABLE of 120 in both for years, I just haven't felt like doing it. But, you know what? I'm building Imbuing by hand. Click, click, click. Yeah... if I get a 3.0 imbuing, I'm going to use it to get to the end of imbuing too.

This isn't the end of the game. Even I, who feel very invested in the work of my characters, and feel more accomplished because of it, don't think using a 3.0 or 6.0 to cap off the work is a bad thing. I doubt there will be many people using them to build whole skills -- some will, most won't. The rest of us will cap off a skill with it. Which means we did most of the work to get there.

In the end, the novelty of the puzzle box room WILL die down. People are farming it like mad right now. Will they in six months? Some will. Most won't. Just like everything else in UO. After all, how many dusty pillows do YOU need?

RaDian FlGith

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I totally agree, this SoT stuff has gone too far. They're practically giving this game away anymore. The sad thing is that there are SoTs in game that are 5 whole points, I kid you not. Only seen them on one vendor, about 10 of them way overpriced. Not sure what it takes to get those but seen them and just shook my head. I remember back in '99 it took me about 3 months to just GM Blacksmithy. I'm beginning to think that the "carebear" statement in that one interview is a little bit tame even. Such a shame...
5.0 SoTs come from work. You have to combine 5.0 worth of SoTs in a Scroll Binder. That means you can build them out of SoTs from any of the spawns, or take a 3.0 and add 2.0 worth of skill. No, they're not coming from 2 3.0s, because that would be a loss of 1.0 per 5.0 SoT (any points over 5.0 in the binding process are lost).

RaDian FlGith

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
85 taming is nothing compared to 120. Earning 120 takes months if not years to achieve (atleast, it used to.) But I guess you all don't mind seeing dozens of players on your screen all controlling a greater dragon? Yeah that shadowlord event sure was fun :eyes:
You're right... 120 isn't anything like 85. But here's the thing... Let's say someone jumps straight from 50 to 120... is that person going to have the first idea about how to play a tamer? No. Are they going to have the personal skillset required to play a tamer effectively? No. They'll still be lacking experience. As cheap as I think tamers are (meaning, wow, great to lose another this that or the other to a tamer), I also realize and understand that there's a specific amount of skill that comes only from experience, and watching both yourself and your pet's life isn't something that you can just sit down in front of and master.

One issue I have with this "Instant Skill" problem is that it will make people close their accounts faster. If new fishing content comes out and they don't have a fishing character but they have a 7x GM character...instead of having to work like 3 months to get the fishing skill up they can just buy the fishing skill with SoT's, go through the content in 2 weeks, and close their accounts. Heh. So EA loses out on 3 months of subscription fees. Plus they won't be back cause they aren't attached to their skill. They didn't work hard for it. Everyone has a fisher character. Who cares. It means nothing.
There is absolutely NO basis for this argument except for wild conjecture. I mean, I've been playing the same mage for 12 years now... admittedly, he started as a swordsman with magery back in 1997, but then, I didn't have the money to buy reagents, and got most of them off of the ground, so I needed some way to kill my opponents.

Yeah, I added spellweaving... wasn't interested in it, and have since removed it. I'm currently working on mysticism. So as new skills come out, or some skills have changed, I've changed my template. Somehow I doubt I'm going to be able to hoard 100 or 120 in each skill in SoTs for the next time that I want to do so.

The people who will close their accounts after 3 months weren't going to be sticking around anyway. Those same people wouldn't have had the money to buy all of these SoTs you're conjecturing will drive them out of the game in the first place, so I don't understand your equation. You don't get 30 million gold on new character creation.

RaDian FlGith

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
They either need to somehow randomize the puzzle each time or make it once per day per account. All the decorations are completely worthless already and the resources it drops are headed that way.
Lucky for us that the resources it drops all require something else in order to be useful, eh? I mean, look at it this way... Yeah, there's an "abundance" of those primary resources in game, at the moment. But once those are used up, you'll have to gather crystals or grow plants yourself to make them useful.

Now, if they start handing out plant parts or crystals in the puzzle box, we'll be in trouble. Until then, the secondary resources being "completely worthless" is an overstatement.


You know. I really dont know why people give a flying **** about peoples skills?

is it your skills?

are they going to use them to get an unfair advantage of the game?

120 doesnt really matter in trammel..

heck it doesnt really matter in fel..

people will train the skills up to 120 anyway.. why not make it easier.

brings me back to my frist sentance. why does ANYBODY care about SOMEONE ELSES skills?

The Fallout

Ah, stupid skill jewelry. Another thing that should not be in the game. :(

At least there isn't any fishing skill jewerly eh? :thumbsup:

Oh wait doesn't matter we can just buy it to GM :dunce:
I'll play WoW if I want to waste my time grinding my way to max. That's what I love about UO, options. I can macro/SoT to max and mix it up with training the skill so it doesn't take months. I don't have that kind of time, and even if I did I wouldn't use it all taming bulls.


I got a 3.0 Taste Identification SoT today. This of course means that UO will end no later than Tuesday.


Lord of the Dance
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Okay guys, I admit I was wrong for the most part. I went a little crazy and posted a very sloppy incoherent post. I didn't put my thoughts together very well and the topic/thread is a mess. It really isn't so much about new players, or SoT's, or buying your skills.

The main reason I am upset is because I am seeing people take advantage of a system in a way that wasn't intended. In my opinion, the box was added to award the average player for exploring and solving a puzzle. No harm there. But when a group of people start logging dozens or more characters in the room on every single shard and start farming it for the sole purpose of making insane profits with little to no effort is just disgusting.

Anyone remember the spring cleaning event? After a while they added a quest which rewarded you a 25,000 point ticket. Well people created dozens of newbies and ran them through getting a 25,000 point ticket with each one. I think if done early enough they were able to delete them after 7 days and do it again. So people who actually were in line with the spirit of the "cleaning" got screwed while the people who took advantage of this quest got rewarded beyond their wildest dreams.

I am just sick of these systems getting taken advantage of.

This thread is totally off topic now. Please lock it or let it die. I am sorry for starting this mess. :(

P.S. Pre-AOS shard please :)


It seems some people are getting TONS of 3.0 SOTs. I've seen vendors with 20,30 or more 3.0 SoTs on them that are restocked daily. Such obvious exploiting/cheating is destroying the economy/game.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Either a lot of people with Luna vendors are the luckiest sons of waffles I've ever seen or there's something whack. I've done the puzzle so many times for 3 (THREE) SoTs. And 2 of them were useless (the one good one was imbuing).


Lord of the Dance
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It seems some people are getting TONS of 3.0 SOTs. I've seen vendors with 20,30 or more 3.0 SoTs on them that are restocked daily. Such obvious exploiting/cheating is destroying the economy/game.
This is exactly my concern. If it's this bad just 2 and a half weeks after the expansion imagine what it'll be like in a few months. *sigh*

But there is nothing we can do about it. People seem to want free skills. Just wait for the 50.0 SoT fishing, cooking, herding, etc bags to appear on vendors for 10 million. Easy mode! :thumbsup:

Maybe if they implemented some sort of cap where you could only use like 5.0 points worth of SoT's a month then it'd be okay.


Yea their lucky all right... you can hear them being lucky over and over and over and over at many banks. You guys know everyone can hear that sound of you completing a puzzle? If only the guilty persons would sparkle so I could report them.


It seems some people are getting TONS of 3.0 SOTs. I've seen vendors with 20,30 or more 3.0 SoTs on them that are restocked daily. Such obvious exploiting/cheating is destroying the economy/game.
There could be a cheat/exploit. But don't forget that you can do the puzzle once a day with each character. I have just the one, but I know there are lots of people on here with 4 or 5 accounts. I don't think it's a stretch, then, to assume that there are people in UO with 20 or more accounts. 20 accounts x 7 characters x 18 days since SA was released = a crapton of attempts at the puzzle, and easily 30+ SoTs.

I'm not sure I like that aspect of it either, but I have my doubts that there's foul play involved, and given that it's likely to encourage people to have multiple accounts, I don't think the devs are going to put a stop to that (nor am I sure how they could without ruining it for everyone else too).


(jaraxlebaenrae said he got 5 using 5 characters, and I have also gotten 5 using 5 characters, and it's only been 2 and a half weeks.
What gets me is you are on here trying to end these 3.0 SoTs, yet you have been doing the puzzle quest. Is it because you have already gotten the scrolls you need and now you don't want anyone else getting what they need? I think you need to stop being a hipocrit and STFU. If you really wanted them out of the game you never would have been trying for them the past 2 weeks.


Here's something - Do powerscrolls still sell?

The answer is clearly yes, because people are always training skills up.
Do you honestly believe that the supply of 3.0s is ever likely to outweigh the demand for them, to the point where you can potter off to your local Luna mall and buy 15 points in your chosen skill?

So, it's being abused, I'll agree.
But, full removal is a pretty bad suggestion.

I'd say a better suggestion would be to add more rewards to the puzzle, making it less likely for players to win the SoTs.
Some more deco items, minor arties... Hell, Alacrity scrolls or powerscrolls (not 120s or +25s, do keep the best for fel)... Lucky coins (random rewards leading to random rewards)...
That means that things like SoTs are less likely, and people won't be getting pillows all the time :p


Lord of the Dance
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What gets me is you are on here trying to end these 3.0 SoTs, yet you have been doing the puzzle quest. Is it because you have already gotten the scrolls you need and now you don't want anyone else getting what they need? I think you need to stop being a hipocrit and STFU. If you really wanted them out of the game you never would have been trying for them the past 2 weeks.
You gotta actively try stuff to figure out if it's broken. If I had just been sitting at home I wouldn't of realized the problem. You can't always believe other people about the drop rates sometimes you have to test it for yourself.

It isn't about stopping people from getting the scrolls they need. It's just silly to give out this amount of skill with very little effort. Log on. Click a box. Look at a cheat sheet. Get a prize. Log off. Rinse, repeat, with however many characters you want.

Imbuing just came out and people are already getting a free 3.0 points? It seems weird to me. 3.0 is a lot of skill for free. Why not just start everyone at 120.0 imbuing as soon as they create a character? :)


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You gotta actively try stuff to figure out if it's broken. If I had just been sitting at home I wouldn't of realized the problem. You can't always believe other people about the drop rates sometimes you have to test it for yourself.

It isn't about stopping people from getting the scrolls they need. It's just silly to give out this amount of skill with very little effort. Log on. Click a box. Look at a cheat sheet. Get a prize. Log off. Rinse, repeat, with however many characters you want.

Imbuing just came out and people are already getting a free 3.0 points? It seems weird to me. 3.0 is a lot of skill for free. Why not just start everyone at 120.0 imbuing as soon as they create a character? :)
Yes because when i want to do taming, I just log in on my 7 toons, and do the quest and out of the 12 rewards, I get a 3.0 SoT and out of thr 40-50 skills, it's always taming. So i'm 120 taming now and I just made my char yesturday! Oh! I just made this account, how do you tame? I don't know yet? How do you make the red thingy attack the bad thingy? How do you run? Atleast I have my 120 taming! What other skills do I need to 120? help?



Lord of the Dance
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hell, Alacrity scrolls or powerscrolls (not 120s or +25s, do keep the best for fel)...
If we are keeping the best for fel why are 3.0 SoT's in a trammel ruleset? :)

Do I honestly believe that the supply of 3.0s is ever likely to outweigh the demand for them?
The most wanted ones like imbuing and taming no probably not, but the useless ones yeah. What are people going to do with all the useless 3.0's they get? Shove them in a bag and sell them for cheap. Instant GM fishing, cooking, herding, etc.

15.0 isn't really that hard to get if each scroll is 3.0 points. Give it a few months! :)

I agree with your suggestion. But please for the love of dogs kick people out of the little room if they log out in there. At least make them work a measly 3 minutes walking in and navigating the maze trap for their reward.


Lord of the Dance
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What happens when the scripts get turned back on? People are gonna script this little box room? At least if they get kicked out and have to walk back there is a slight chance of death due to the undead room, the goblin traps, the whipping vines that grab you, etc. Unless they have hiding and stealth on all their little script runners, which they will if the 3.0's keep spewing out at the rate they are.
Not that anyone would need to script the room anyway it's too easy right now.
Wow I am a bit crazy huh?
Who thinks of this kind of stuff?
The Dev's obviously don't!:heart:

Excuse me while I go find my pills. :thumbsup:


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What happens when the scripts get turned back on? People are gonna script this little box room? At least if they get kicked out and have to walk back there is a slight chance of death due to the undead room, the goblin traps, the whipping vines that grab you, etc. Unless they have hiding and stealth on all their little script runners, which they will if the 3.0's keep spewing out at the rate they are.
Not that anyone would need to script the room anyway it's too easy right now.
Wow I am a bit crazy huh?
Who thinks of this kind of stuff?
The Dev's obviously don't!:heart:

Excuse me while I go find my pills. :thumbsup:
You know... Thinking you're some how cognitively superior to anyone who doesn't agree with you is kind of... yeah... And who cares if someone buys 33.333333333333333333333 3.0 ps's for begging? How does that affect ANYTHING. "Oh my god... this guy just spent 20 million on scrolls for a worthless skill... and he gets to beg for ani items on Halloween that go for 5k per.... My god... WHY CAN"T I DO THAT! WAAAAAAAAAAAAH." ... please... if you're going to make this statement, give me a good reason as to why, not that people are going to gm worthless or insanely boring/repetitive skills with scrolls. woo hoo. and stop giving the tired "Scriper this, scripter that." Scripters script everything, it's what they do. Designing something so a scripter can't do it is a mute point because.... they'll eventually find a way to do it anyway. If you want to fix scripting, having laws against it might be a better step than making one random thing less scriptable because you think it's going to... *rolls eyes* unbalance and break fishing...


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yes, especially since there's an exploit that lets you do the "quest" over and over and over and over and over..............


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This is the best you can think of to complain about?

That other people will have an easier time gaining skill than you say you did?

Consider the following...

-Not everyone is capable of even doing these puzzles; I, for one, don't even know where to begin. So some of the population is out of the running straight off.

-My understanding is that you don't get a +3 SoT every time you win one of these puzzles.

-Further, there's 40+ skills in the game...

-The last 2 points taken together....Well, let's say you want to go from 50 (the point at which you have finished the New Haven skill gain quests) to GM, using only these scrolls. You'd need 17 of them. By the time you got all the scrolls you want, you were better off training with more conventional means.

-How many posts have we seen over the years about uneven skill gain, unnecessarily slow skill gain, skills "suck" at a certain level, and/or other issues with skill gain?

-Wow, +3 Taming scrolls are "already" at a mere 20 million?!? Wow, +3 scrolls for skills that are already comparatively easy to game are "already" at a mere million or two. For a newer player, or a non-power gamer, 20 million is an astronomical sum, and even 1m can be weirdly out-of-reach for certain players. My first million wasn't until long, long after Age of Shadows.

And at the end of the day, let's face it....The fun in this game is no longer at the bottom. This is a top-heavy game, and keeping someone back for as long as possible is just going to frustrate him or her until the point where he or she will want a game that allows for more rational skill gains, and/or that has more content geared towards less-powerful characters than this game. And this doesn't even take into account that being a top player in UO takes a lot more than GMing skills; it takes working out a template, changing it when it proves to be non-viable, and getting ever-better equipment.

Seriously. There have got to be better sources of complaints than this....Because at the end of the day, this is a non-issue at best. It's complaining that there is something available now that wasn't way back when we all GMed our first skills. It's like complaining that kids have I-Pod docking stations in their cars, simply because the best we could do was an 8-track players in the dashboards of our 1975 Plymoutn Valiants.

-Galen's player


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
These things are going to destroy the game. You can find them for 1-2 million gold. Which means I could go from 99 skill to 120 skill by just spending 7-14 million gold.

That isn't right. A new player isn't going to stick around very long if they can just be given months worth of work in seconds. They'll hit the cap too fast. Won't have any goal to strive for and will get bored.

It took me years to work up my skills to GM and beyond.
Now a group of people with multiple accounts are destroying the game in a matter of weeks because you didn't cap the puzzle to 1 character per day per account.

I ran across one vendor with 14 of these scrolls. And the expansion has only been out for 2 and a half weeks. I could buy 6.0 points of archery for 4 million.

Anyone see a problem with this?

It's only going to get worse. When the scrolls stop selling the prices will lower. You'll be able to make a new character with 50 fishing skill. Spend about 8.5 million gold and be GM without ever having to cast your line once. *sigh*

I hate SoTs...
I even thought the 1.0's were too much...
Why weren't they capped so you couldn't use them beyond 80-100 skill?
Why are people so lazy these days?
That puzzle box room is 0 risk. All reward. Takes seconds because of the guide.
It's like if you just went to college, pressed a button, and walked away with a masters degree without doing anything.

Atleast in Felucca you can kill the people farming the SoT's. Can't do anything to these people in the puzzle box room. I'm sure you'll get paged on if you purposely try to kill them since it's in Trammel.

Ahh, why do I even care? *walks away* :cursing:

1) Only a longtime shortbus rider would take "years" to build up any skill. I could train my friggin cat to Gm most skills in less then 2 months.

2) Does anyone with an IQ above room temperature seriously believe that skillgain has been an incentive to play since like 2002?

3) There is nothing sillier then listening to a misguided vet try and put perspective onto a new player.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
These things are going to destroy the game. You can find them for 1-2 million gold. Which means I could go from 99 skill to 120 skill by just spending 7-14 million gold.

That isn't right. A new player isn't going to stick around very long if they can just be given months worth of work in seconds. They'll hit the cap too fast. Won't have any goal to strive for and will get bored.

It took me years to work up my skills to GM and beyond.
Now a group of people with multiple accounts are destroying the game in a matter of weeks because you didn't cap the puzzle to 1 character per day per account.

I ran across one vendor with 14 of these scrolls. And the expansion has only been out for 2 and a half weeks. I could buy 6.0 points of archery for 4 million.

Anyone see a problem with this?

It's only going to get worse. When the scrolls stop selling the prices will lower. You'll be able to make a new character with 50 fishing skill. Spend about 8.5 million gold and be GM without ever having to cast your line once. *sigh*

I hate SoTs...
I even thought the 1.0's were too much...
Why weren't they capped so you couldn't use them beyond 80-100 skill?
Why are people so lazy these days?
That puzzle box room is 0 risk. All reward. Takes seconds because of the guide.
It's like if you just went to college, pressed a button, and walked away with a masters degree without doing anything.

Atleast in Felucca you can kill the people farming the SoT's. Can't do anything to these people in the puzzle box room. I'm sure you'll get paged on if you purposely try to kill them since it's in Trammel.

Ahh, why do I even care? *walks away* :cursing:

I disagree, I think SoTs are a good thing for the game as they allow newcomers to catch up with existing players faster thus providing a more challenging PvP environment and no prvileged existing players because of their powergaming or older characters.

The game does not end when one has trained up a character so, I do not see how giving a little help to new comers might be of any problem here.

I would imagine quite many vets are still playing their characters which they developed
years ago. So, I do not see any problem in newcomers developing their skills faster to be able to be a challenge to existing players...

Besides, chances are new players will get their own SoTs rather than spending millions on some.

I think only those who need those last few points might be willing to spend millions on SoTs, those who need to train up a character I doubt would do it entirely with SoTs.

At least, that is my view on it.

Popps, just one time could you please amuse me & not introduce a whine about the fact that vets can on occasion enjoy the fruits of their labors? Pretty please?

I mean its not like you want UO to become like Playstation or any other random, crappy fly by night game and instantly reward each and every next person that plugs in. Ohh ****, that is eaxactly what you want. My bad :(


15.0 isn't really that hard to get if each scroll is 3.0 points. Give it a few months! :)

I agree with your suggestion. But please for the love of dogs kick people out of the little room if they log out in there. At least make them work a measly 3 minutes walking in and navigating the maze trap for their reward.
Booting folk out I'm all for, although it's an easy way out, I guess.
Walk in, do the puzzle, log, and you're out safely...

On getting 15 points of a skill...
By yourself, with an account of 7 characters, doing the puzzle on each, every day. You have a 0.98% chance of getting a SoT for a particular skill, each day. So, for you to get the 5 to earn 15 points, you're talking 510 days.
You could buy them, but with skills often going for about 100k per 0.1, and upwards of that, it's not really free. It takes a considerable investment of time or golds, and if it's a casual player that gets the scroll, it can't hurt them for get a few tasty checks :)

Yes, especially since there's an exploit that lets you do the "quest" over and over and over and over and over..............
That is a significant problem, and the first I've read about it...
It also throws off my time calculations by an order of... lots.


I think SoTs were great and the new 3.0s are a fine addition.

Why? Because although I have played UO since 97, I can still only get in a few hours MAX in the afternoon.

I still don't have 120 blacksmith or taming, for no reason other than lack of time. Buying and paying for SoTs has gained me quite a lot on these skills recently.

The difference between Pre-SoT and Post-SoT?

I can now spend my little available time doing something I enjoy, or atleast enjoy more then training blacksmith (E.G farming for SoT).

But I do worry for the value of the 3.0 SoT and respectively, the lesser ones. I support the existing SoTs, but I also agree with a bigger cooldown for the puzzleroom.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
SOT's just complete the downward spiral as far as skills are concerned.

Skill training unlike the levelling used in other games is one of the cornerstones of UO. You played the game and your skills increased as you used them.

Now ... insta 120 is possible, even from the hardest skill to train such as taming.

Advanced character token ... .add to cart. 85 taming.

Gold ... 50c per million. Add to cart.

Powerscroll to 120 ... add to cart.

And now the final piece in the ugly jigsaw ... SOT's ... add to cart.

With a few dollars in your pocket you can insta create a 120 tamer.

Surely this is not the way skills in UO were meant to be?

Restroom Cowboy

Crazed Zealot
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SOT's just complete the downward spiral as far as skills are concerned.

Skill training unlike the levelling used in other games is one of the cornerstones of UO. You played the game and your skills increased as you used them.

Now ... insta 120 is possible, even from the hardest skill to train such as taming.

Advanced character token ... .add to cart. 85 taming.

Gold ... 50c per million. Add to cart.

Powerscroll to 120 ... add to cart.

And now the final piece in the ugly jigsaw ... SOT's ... add to cart.

With a few dollars in your pocket you can insta create a 120 tamer.

Surely this is not the way skills in UO were meant to be?
From 84 to 120 that would be 12 3.0 sots at 20 bucks each for 240$.
The adv token would be another 20$.
The scrolls would be another 50$.

If you wish to spend 300$+ to *buy* your items, more power to ya. These SoTs though arent THAT common...so meh.


Well I finally got a 3.0 in animal taming. I worked the skill for months along time ago to get to GM then they added power scrolls. So I got a 110 and worked it up to that which took me another few years, sorry I didn't do it faster by working it night and day.

Anyways I bought a 120 scroll about 6 months ago and worked it for awhile got up to so high and finally said screw it I am just going to get GGS.

Well I am glad I got the 3.0 it finally made me 120, some skills are silly to train so why not have them that high. I mean whats the difference if people just GGS their way to 120 or use a scroll they were lucky enough to get. I am almost positive most 120 skills that are like taming are done from GGS or people running scripts taming bulls at the pens. So who cares let be that way, hey if helps lower the price of the ones coming out of fel I am all for it.

I would rather that they only worked if you were GM or above, then you can atleast say you trained the skill to that level because to be honest what training is there to be done after GM, its really just a long boring stretched out system.

Restroom Cowboy

Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
Well I finally got a 3.0 in animal taming. I worked the skill for months along time ago to get to GM then they added power scrolls. So I got a 110 and worked it up to that which took me another few years, sorry I didn't do it faster by working it night and day.

Anyways I bought a 120 scroll about 6 months ago and worked it for awhile got up to so high and finally said screw it I am just going to get GGS.

Well I am glad I got the 3.0 it finally made me 120, some skills are silly to train so why not have them that high. I mean whats the difference if people just GGS their way to 120 or use a scroll they were lucky enough to get. I am almost positive most 120 skills that are like taming are done from GGS or people running scripts taming bulls at the pens. So who cares let be that way, hey if helps lower the price of the ones coming out of fel I am all for it.

I would rather that they only worked if you were GM or above, then you can atleast say you trained the skill to that level because to be honest what training is there to be done after GM, its really just a long boring stretched out system.
Congrats man, I am still trying for one of those. Hell, I can get you from 80 smith to 120 in one fell swoop...but damned if I can get anything out of the sot bucket besides smithy! :p


Thanks, I was really getting sick of waiting a day and half or more to get my GGS.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
From 84 to 120 that would be 12 3.0 sots at 20 bucks each for 240$.
The adv token would be another 20$.
The scrolls would be another 50$.

If you wish to spend 300$+ to *buy* your items, more power to ya. These SoTs though arent THAT common...so meh.
$300 for an insta legendary tamer? Cheap. People have payed thousands of dollars for UO real estate and rares so its no biggy really.

My point wasnt however the cost, it was the fact that arguably the hardest skill in the game can be avhieved instantaneously if youre prepared to throw a couple hundred dollars at it.

Like I said ... surely this was not as intended ... that you can buy skills? At one time skills were the only thing in the game that COULDNT be bought. You had to acjhieve it yourself. EA may as well just let us buy skills from their website.

Scratch that ... they cant even put a simple "add to cart" system in place for us to purchase their expansions with out making a balls up of it.


So you basically have 30-60 per char * 7 chars * a few accounts per day. Some people are easily getting over a thousand rewards per day. The only thing limiting them is the annoyance of doing the puzzle I guess. I know my neighbor doesn't mind sitting in his house doing em all day. Again the sound is a dead give away, as well as seeing him move a totem/pillow etc. every time you hear the sound. Not sure what the chance is to get a SoT... probably the neighborhood of 15% (guestimating from the around 7 reward groups). That'd give em atleast 100 SoTs per day.

EA/Mythic has known about this bug ever since SA was released and they still haven't addressed it for some reason. The only thing I can figure is that they don't consider it a major cheat, it must fall in the same category as scripting to them. Wow I'm getting bitter. :( It just kills your soul to see people sell kits to get your taming from 40->120 when it took me a LONG time to do it the old fashioned way.

Llams Anit

I remember back in '99 it took me about 3 months to just GM Blacksmithy.
You forgot to tell us that you have not upgraded your account and are not using any of the new things since 1999.I mean really do tell us the whole story.

Here are a few things you can do
Uninstall UO
Stop caring
Stop whining because people are not taking 3 months to GM skills


Lord of the Dance
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Stratics Legend

Only 400k per point! :thumbup:

Edit: LOL I just opened that gold chest and this is what I found inside.
3.0 Focus 25k (2 of them)
3.0 Tracking 25k
3.0 Forensic Evaluation 25k (2 of them)
3.0 Item Identification 25k (2 of them)
3.0 Camping 25k
3.0 Taste Identification 25k

Yeah they are all worthless skills...but it's still odd.