Actually, I do not disfavour a search engine.
It saves time to players looking for something and helps keeping prices under control as it helps competition though, I admit it, it takes the flavour away from the game of discovering something.
The only thing, is that I would like the search engine to work globally, not only for limited locations.
That is, I would want the developers to design a search engine that works for all vendors wherever they may be.
Wtf........ I don't consider myself to be a slow person, but I never can understand your arguments oO.
You start by saying Luna vendors have it easy and it isn't fair to everyone else and the Devs designed it poorly. You don't understand the Devs never said place houses here and create a strip mall, the players themselves decided to do that. Houses near Brit use to be the prime realestate prior to Luna.
Then you go on to say you want the ability to have vendors in or around luna removed completely oO. You want only houses scattered out in the wilderness able to have vendors lol. Which is odd as hell.
Then you go on to complain about the search engines.
Then you bring up all this random real life crap.
I tried following your train of thought so that could decipher the logic in it and I just can't find it.
This post sort of puts it all into perspective though.
You seem to believe this is the problem..............
Luna is to convenient, my vendor takes more work to stock and advertise.
Search Engines are unfair, not because they make it more like an online shopping mall but because my vendor isn't listed.
Not having my Vendor in luna or on the search engine means the whole player owned vendor mechanic is flawed.
The best solution for everyone would be to have vendors only allowed in remote obscure places and listed on a developer made search engine. (I'm going to guess your house is out in the boonies)
Having a vendor in Luna is something some people have set as a goal in game, owning a house in luna is something some very ambitious people have set as a goal. Setting your own goals is a large part of UO, what you are asking for is to not have to work towards what others are and have worked towards. Instead you think you should be able to compete with those that have invested the time without doing anything. What ever happend to the hard work pays off mindset? When did this whole, you can't do better than me it isn't fair mindset start?
Point blank Popps, Having a vendor in luna has it's perk. You want those perks, work for it. If you don't want to work for it, then let it go because it isn't going to change just because you think it's unfair. There has to be things to work towards in UO. Personal Goals to reach, milestones if you will. I mean this is the equivalent of saying, People have castles and I don't so castles should be removed, People have unique rares and I don't so they should be removed as well, People have Pink Cu's and I don't so they should be removed as well, so on and so on and so on. It would make at least a little more sense if you were complaining about something you could never have, but dude you can get a luna vendor if you want. There are plenty of vendor houses with free space lol.