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Pets against bosses


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Are there pets that can be used against peerless bosses and recently added bosses (shadowlords, roof, etc)?
(for a solo tamer)

p.s. others than GD
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Crazed Zealot
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Travesty was doable with a cu sidhe, but I am not sure if that is still the case now that she has 130 wrestling.


Crazed Zealot
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Even with the consume damage mastery most pets besides a GD (or turtle) have a hard time being the tank against peerless level bosses.

That said, if there is another tank, I love my Rune Beetle/Tiger combo.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Is it because GD can heal itself (using magery)?

p.s. is any pet able to kill disco'ed UEV?


Crazed Zealot
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Yeah i agree, need Turtle or GD to tank.

I always use my Bane/tiger or Bane/Bake combo though at EM events and if someone else has a pet to tank doing bosses :)


Crazed Zealot
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Is it because GD can heal itself (using magery)?

p.s. is any pet able to kill disco'ed UEV?
Not so much the healing itself...

IMO, it is a combination of 900+ hit points and very high (80+) physical/fire resist. With those two factors, it takes less damage and is easier to keep alive.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Does mastery defend very good against physical damage? Does it make physical resistance less important?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
I'm new in taming. I have already tamed and trained a GD and a Cu but I can't test them against big bosses because they have not got bonded yet.
I don't want to wait whole week next time so I'm interesting what to tame and train now.


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
Does mastery defend very good against physical damage? Does it make physical resistance less important?
Its hard for me to answer that question since all my dragons have such high physical resist. I know my trained greater can take on 4 untamed greater dragons in destard and need no healing if I have the mastery running... so the combination of the mastery and high physical is very potent.


Crazed Zealot
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Can it take a UEV?
Yes, but it's a slow fight compared to other templates like a paladin or sampire. Damage output without the benefit of a slayer is just plain slow on something with such high HP.

Consume damage also doesn't help against the UEV since it does energy damage, but it's not hard to keep the dragon alive using vet.


Crazed Zealot
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Even against a discoed UEV, it takes forever to take it down with an overgrown, fire breathing chicken or it's tiny turtle counterpart.
Running provo songs could speed things up.
The empowerment taming mastery is of no use there either, since it relies on physical damage to charge, and the UEV is 100% energy damage.
The berserker mastery might help a bit with the damage, but with the 60 seconds cooldown, it is nigh useless.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
where can I find a tiger?
Corwin tigers also spawn in rare black colour or very rare white colour. I spent about 2 hours each night for a week killing tigers to spawn a decent stat black one. In that time i spawned about 50 black tigers until i got decent stat one and only ever spawned 1 white tiger which i tamed and gave to a friend :).


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
I have never tried, but I would guess that two fire steeds would probably kill a UEV the quickest if you are able to keep them alive. Or possibly two tigers... they lack the pack instinct but have a special to lower physical resist and do 100% physical damage.

Either way, I'm guessing it would still be a long fight compared to a player with an air ele slayer.


Crazed Zealot
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Tiger and lesser Hiyru does high damage physical output and compliment eachother very well with their special moves, both dont have very high energy resist though, but maybe with consume damage can keep them alive. so that might be good for UEV :)


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
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But yeah this is why we need more 5 slot variety as to take on high end bosses you only have turtle or GD. I can't wait to see what they do with those taming changes in the future.


Crazed Zealot
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Tiger and lesser Hiyru does high damage physical output and compliment eachother very well with their special moves, both dont have very high energy resist though, but maybe with consume damage can keep them alive. so that might be good for UEV :)
Consume damage only works against physical damage, so it is worthless against UEVs, who do 100% energy damage.

Against a discoed UEV, a Rune beetle/tiger combo might work well if the Rune beetle does the tanking and you focus solely on healing it.
This combo will definitely drop the UEV fast, but not as fast as a dexxer.


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
Consume damage only works against physical damage, so it is worthless against UEVs, who do 100% energy damage.

Against a discoed UEV, a Rune beetle/tiger combo might work well if the Rune beetle does the tanking and you focus solely on healing it.
This combo will definitely drop the UEV fast, but not as fast as a dexxer.
The downside of a rune beetle is that they do 70% energy damage.


Crazed Zealot
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The downside of a rune beetle is that they do 70% energy damage.
Yeah, but with the tiger special attack and the rune corrupt armour attack, they will be able to dish proper burst damage during some intervals.
And will kill the UEV much faster than an overgrown fire breathing chicken.

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
I'm new in taming. I have already tamed and trained a GD and a Cu but I can't test them against big bosses because they have not got bonded yet.
I don't want to wait whole week next time so I'm interesting what to tame and train now.
Instant Bonding Potion form the In-Game store I think it is 500 Sov.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
My GD can't kill UEV without my help. And with my help (berserk and healing) it took 15 minutes...


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yes your always going to have to heal your dragon during most high end fights. Against some tough bosses that don't AoE so bad i have to get under my dragon and vet + Greater heal.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My GD can't kill UEV without my help. And with my help (berserk and healing) it took 15 minutes...
That's pretty much normal. GD should not have any difficulty killing a UEV if you are healing or vetting it, but remember, pet damage is halved in Shame. So you that is not the place you want to hunt as a tamer. You are risking to die of old age waiting for your GD to kill something.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
I killed a Dread Horn today using my nice GD with 540 hp :). It took 50 minutes. Discordance still doesn't reduce its resists :(. HLA/HLD on my weapon helps a bit.

p.s. I'm still waiting for my Cu to bond.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
I killed a Ledy Melisande. It took over an hour. (I should take petals/potions with me). Discordance reduce its resistances by 2 and skills by 2.9. Pretty useless skills. I should better have got necro/ss for Wraith (to mana drain it).


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I killed a Ledy Melisande. It took over an hour. (I should take petals/potions with me). Discordance reduce its resistances by 2 and skills by 2.9. Pretty useless skills. I should better have got necro/ss for Wraith (to mana drain it).
That's kind of the problem with pets that hopefully pub 96 will fix. It used to be that pets provided the best tank. Now they are outstripped by warriors (you don't even need a Samp) in tanking and they are out damaged by a huge margin. Tamers can be competitive with casters to some degree, but your frame of comparison is Sampires.
If you want to up your DPS against a boss, putting spellweaving and using WoD is probably the best way.
For a spawn, a necro-tamer can be better than a Samp but is challenging to play.
Disco has it's place, but in my experience it's best effects are in decreasing bosses offensive capabilities. It's very noticeable where casting mobs start fizzling a lot because their magery dropped. Disco is useful against something that normally puts out so much DPS that you have a hard time vetting/healing.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Disco has it's place, but in my experience it's best effects are in decreasing bosses offensive capabilities. It's very noticeable where casting mobs start fizzling a lot because their magery dropped.
Wrestling was dropped from 130 to 127.1 and magery was dropped from 120 to 117.1... it sounds like nothing for me.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I can't use WoD till I damage a monster to 30%?

Anyway to use WoD I need completely change my suit (add SDI).
Yes, it's only after it's below 30% but it's still the very damaging.
Tamer suit is very flexible. I am not sure what is it you are trying to put on it now, but if you have some sort of a DPS caster, you'd want LMC, MR and SDI. Quite doable. Luck can be on a separate suit. This same suit is just fine for a Disco tamer (although bard songs with a single bard skills are not worth the mana IMO).


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
I have 17 hpr and 27 mr on my tamer suit. Also 40 lmv, 100 lrc, 45 dci, 6 fcr. It's pretty cheap (imbued items only). I also have 50 hla, 50 hld, -15 mage on my kriss.

Does sdi affect disco songs?


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have 17 hpr and 27 mr on my tamer suit. Also 40 lmv, 100 lrc, 45 dci, 6 fcr. It's pretty cheap (imbued items only). I also have 50 hla, 50 hld, -15 mage on my kriss.

Does sdi affect disco songs?
Yeah, I forgot about LRC. Its good to have that too.
SDI does affect Bard songs. However, if you only have Disco on your template, the bards songs are severely gimped in 2 ways compared to a 4x bard. The damage is much less, and the mana requirements are much higher. The mana thing is especially bad. A 4x bard can run 2 songs and be mana-stable. A 1x will quickly run out of mana even with a single song. A few years back I tested disco songs while having 30MR and 120 Med (I don't remember if I had any LMC) and it was not sustainable if all I had was Disco.
BTW, to make some room on the suit you might consider running protection and losing FC/FCR. I switched a few years back and IMO it's a more survivable way to PvM. Even if you rely on casting for DPS, your limiting factor is mana, not casting speed.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
I use protection and has 0 FC. But as I know FCR isn't affected by protection so I benefit from 6 FCR.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
I killed Belfry. Its knocking ability is very annoying and pretty bugged. Sometime it knocked me when I was far from its. But most annoying that even I move my pet to opposite side (so it should knock it to the center of the platform) it still knock it in previous direction (through itself - out of the platform).


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I killed Belfry. Its knocking ability is very annoying and pretty bugged. Sometime it knocked me when I was far from its. But most annoying that even I move my pet to opposite side (so it should knock it to the center of the platform) it still knock it in previous direction (through itself - out of the platform).
Congrats on Belfry. One way to do it is to invis and log out as soon as your GD is knocked off. When you re-log it's next to you again.


Babbling Loonie
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Cu Sidhes are pretty good for the Roof, since they are the best suited for dealing with Virtuebane due to his weak Cold Resist. Once the Pet Revamp happens, i'm fairly certain that WWs will rock the Roof as well.


The Enchanter
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I also did not think SDI affected Bard songs. Depends on natural skill level of all your various bard skills and if you have a slayer instrument.

For Shadowguard, I feel you need to have GDs and a Cu Sidhes. Atleast 1-2 GD's to tank the various bosses. Cu Sidhe does great against Anon if he goes into Stone Form and helps versus Virtuebane due to his cold resist. Only thing to keep in mind with a Cu on Virtuebane would be that the relatively lower amount of hit points a Cu has, so a few strong blows from Virtuebane can knock it's health down quickly even if you're running Consume Damage mastery.

Against other Peerless bosses... GD works great on Medusa, Lady Mel, Grizzle, Travesty, Dreadhorn. Exceptions would be the Stygian Dragon, who just wrecks everyone, and Paraxymous, who eats your pet.