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[old] Sonoma PvP thread

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Are you counting your field numberduring one of the two different alliances I know *P* got in last night, or your own personal guild numbers? In both alliance instances I know or heard of *P* got into the numbers were plenty more than 8.

Edit: Yes that Harrower was interesting to watch.. guild takeovers, defensives, offensives, heavy monster spawn, stealthers, necros, backstabbing, changing alliances, etc. That was a great show. People who have never gotten to watch things unfold at harrowers are truly missing out. Its more intriguing to watch than almost anything on tv. /php-bin/shared/images/icons/wink.gif


Ok, I'll tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth!

I was on my thief stealthing around a Fel Despise, and yanked about all the gold that dropped. Someone in TiC in TS mentioned that the Harry was up! So I venture down there, and I get trapped in fields and get revealed die ect, no biggie, no one knows my thief in disguise name or her true name! So I watch 3F/Fel try to take the tent's for a while, quite the unfortunate placement though.

I run out and get on my red Kirah B. I go back in with about 4 other TiC members, and meet up with *P* KB KQ, Kaoru from COP wanted to do a Alliance with *P* KB KQ COP EFL TiC just for the harry, because 3F and Fel have the numbers and the communication to keep things out.

So after much attempts FINALLY The Sonoma team, worked our way down the the x sharders (3f,fel, nothing against it just easier then naming off all guilds /php-bin/shared/images/icons/wink.gif ) The True Harry was dead or about dead, when then home sharders, started to take out the x sharders. We got some they got some. I personally was able to get a few and a few nice stat scrolls, But 3F and Fel came back, and dominated the rest outside and home team was either recalling out or dead and recalling out.

Either way it was a FUN time, I know that 3F and Fel did not get all the scrolls because TiC alone got 5 of them. But great fun on both side's! Hope this happen's more often. /php-bin/shared/images/icons/smile.gif


Yep, a great props and well done to the Sonoma Team. But actually it was Summer of *P* and KMS of COP who finally got the team together to break through the defense of the x-sharders. A well-done to all is i can say at this point. Good job, thanks for the fun, golds and scrolls.


Im sorry Threnody but we never at any point had more than 8 people. COuting KQ, there was Me, Timmy, Monster, Summer, BLue Orchid, Trinity, Leet Sauce(breif period), and im sure i missed someone, i know Anti was there but i dunno at which point, I know before the harrower was over we lost. Mosnter, Leet, Timmy. So if u can name anyone besides those guys id love to hear who i missed. Besides we never have the numbers, we have the skill. Imagine if we could feild 12-15 guys a night. I know COP fields alot more than that as does EFL.....


So you are claiming you never allied? Or simply refusing to count allies as your "numbers" because I have always thought when guild allies they count all included guilds. Its true there were very few actual *P* there. I watched you come in on my stealther with Fel, noone attacking anyone. You cannot tell me there was less than eight in that alliance you had. Though Fel did sort of turn on you eh?

I am just wondering if its true *P* guildies were quitting guild to join (alliance with) COP last night.

By the way.. my stealther is Nadia Ladieva, so if you see me say hi /php-bin/shared/images/icons/wink.gif


Erm, I think what happened between beer and thren is the fact that Thren you stated that *P* in particular fielded about 8, but *P* did have abotu 5-7 not sure.

Then you said that the entire alliance was what you meant, a little mishap confusion it sounds from what im reading. The alliance on sonoma team had about 30-40, as the fel 3f had about the same total. Much love!


~~ Just a quick correction. I'm not sure about the #'s of the Sonoma alliance at that harrower the other night, that might be accurate, but i know that 3F/Fel didnt have anywhere close to 30/40 people on the other night. 3F had 8 people on, and Fel had about the same. Not that its important, its all over and done with ~~just sayin ^^


Harrowers would make a fun write up with pictures. We almost should have a nuetral "reporter" to post pictures of the fun and give the best as factual as possible nuetral account of what occurs. Maybe it would lure more folk out of Trammel for the thrill.


Good luck on neutral with no death =/

Fields on either side would kill you regardless of which side you would be on =/

But yes it would be fun!


Nuetral.. stealthing.. trying to stay unseen by both sides.. *laughs* I do decent. I died last time to a balron that revealed and killed me while I had ran afk. *shakes fist at balrons* I guess no matter how far you move away from the action you are never safe.


I know harrowers seem exciting to most and they are alot of fun, but actually prove nothing anymore. No guilds spawn a harrower unless they think there arnt any other people on or, enough other people ot take it. Harrower havnt been worth doing since EA put in charactert transfer. 25s sold for 6m when i first started doing private harrowers on Sonoma, with alot less numbers usually 5-8 people unlike hte 15-30 people required now. so the gold spread alot farther and was more plentiful. Now days u make the gold doing regular spawns, and or doom. harrowers, unless u do 3-5 daily arnt a good source of gold, they are just fun. Id must rather raid a despise spawnt hen a harrower, Just because its a one and done, if u get wiped out u dont have time to regroup before its over, unlike at harrowers when u might have time to come back and die 5x. such happned to us the other night at COP/EFLs harrower


I have to agree with you harrowers actually mean nothing. Its just a bunch of people fighting at choke points, fields fights, really not as much tactics involved as in large battle fields. I still remember the BIGGEST BATTLE occured within these 2 to 3 months was one with Sonoma Alliance VS 3F between the EFL and 3F house. IT WAS HELLA fun. We pushed the 3F to the cave near the mining hill east of the 3F house. And it took a very long time for the Alliance to break through the defense inside the cave. An EXTREMELY long battle. Good job for both sides in that battle, its the most fun pvp experience i have had in pvp these months so far. That's the only time i have seen Sonoma working out as a team for the best. Other than that, since after the alliance hath broken, the broken Sonoma teams arent doing real well against the invaders usually.

I am sure that after this harrower event that when the team of Sonoma get back together, no one would ever hesitate about the true Team of Sonoma power anymore. This harrower event could once again prove that the Sonoma Team could really do well when we are having the same goal together. Maybe this is what true Sonoma citizens are better than other shard's citizen, as they could ALL become ONE in certain situation and do 10 times better than being seperated.

Sadly, this type of True Sonoma Alliance recently could only come once in awhile. Since if we've to ally now there would have no one else to fight anymore except Fel at night and 3F in the late mid-night.


Or we could actually have real duels instead of hardcore gank fest server lines =/

SPeaking of which.

I swear were the only shard that duels on Brit still, Server lines = lamo =/


Fellow Sonomians,

I am back for round 2. Get ready for long and silly posts.

To start this wonderful post let me first give a hello to beerman. Sorry I didn’t get a chance to duel you before I took off last time, but had to jet. I am back now, so want to make sure we get some duels in. It always amazes me to see the difference in timing on this shard... I get some nasty bubble warp (packet loss). Some practice would be nice. I’m glad to hear you are doing well. From reading the above posts, from what I see beer man looks like an excellent leader… so maybe some of you need to watch a little more closely at the tactics he uses.

Who or what is a FallenTear? A member of the fearsome or weird, depending on guild we are fighting, xFU (went by Dirtnap when we were here). LOL, fearsome… well one can dream.

Why are you flamers back? Good question, I despise this shard, but all shards suck right now. xFU gets bored very easy, so we xshard a lot just looking for new fights. No, it’s not because we can’t hang on other shards, we do just fine, just always looking for something different. We have been to Legends, Cats, Baja, Europa, Sonoma, Atlantic, etc. you get the point lol. FL has their world shard domination tour and we have our mini tour lol. We call it LOR SUX (Lots of Death Robes, we Suck).

How many are coming over? Ummm, we never know anymore… when we get gold we buy more codes and move on or bring more over. Shady, and I are already here. Zenith is coming over tomorrow, and maybe 2 more (just have to talk them into it, lol... they want to go back to Baja…ewww). We might join an existing guild, but for now we just having fun. In all honesty, we are trying to get over 5 here, but Baja really was tempting (that’s our home).

Why do we sux so much? Good question. Do you call it practice when the more you play the more your skill regresses? And if there was a PVP Skill gain, can you lose skill even if the arrow is turned up? Some of our enemy guilds think so, but luckily uo assist doesn’t track it so we can keep pretending.
Sonoma was actually fun yesterday in Brit (BTW lets please please please move it to yew /php-bin/shared/images/icons/smile.gif ).

3F - <3 for this guild. They are never alone, but isn’t that what makes them a great guild? I think so anyway.
FEL: Bad manner on allying with 3f, but of course I can complain when there are 2 good guilds together….muah.
COP: I am glad you guys look healthy again, and much meaner /php-bin/shared/images/icons/smile.gif. It was starting to look bad before we left the shard.
EFL: ROFLCOPTERS, love ya guys /php-bin/shared/images/icons/smile.gif. Sounds like you guys are packing more of a punch.
*P*: Don’t know you, but if beerman is leading you guys, it can’t be a bad guild /php-bin/shared/images/icons/smile.gif.
TiC: aren’t you suppose to burn these things out with a hot poker? So far they seem like a great group
Umm…umm COW = tipped? They still here, if not too bad, I liked fighting them.
We run by the abbrev !U!. Long story short, while we were xFU on Legends, someone paged on us and got a GM to jail me until I disbanded the guild. Naturally I was reluctant to disband a guild of over 2 years (FU abbreviations is what wasn’t right). I sat there a long long time (2 accounts at the time for the win /php-bin/shared/images/icons/smile.gif), and then debated some more with the GMS. GM said anything with FU (except FUN…odd) was not allowed and nothing I could do would change it. I agreed to finally end the xFU abbrevs /php-bin/shared/images/icons/smile.gif and he jumped on gm account and booted everyone lol. So now we are stuck with !U!... at least if you turn it upside down it looks like a door. Not sure how cool that makes it, but at least our abbrevs make something /php-bin/shared/images/icons/smile.gif.
I talked with Kirah and he said the shard has been a blast lately, so we will see. BTW Kirah if I ever see you say TiC is one of the best guilds you have been in I will punch you. Pretty Unicorns for the win.

This is all.

PS: Wasp nice ownage on the duels. Let’s do some more as it is helping me with Sonoma bubble warp. BTW, I see a lot of xsharded people… lol does this make Sonoma the dump for big shards? <3 much love and LOLOL!!!111ONE.


Now if you read all that come see me and I can give you an ingame (1) gold coin or soemthing. If you didn't read it then you are missing the post ofthe year.


I heard that you "U" guys were rezzing both yourselves and others hehe. Sounds like I missed watching a lot of fun last night!

As for the yew thing.. start going there instead of Britain. People will slowly get the hint. /php-bin/shared/images/icons/smile.gif They go where the victi.. erm, people are!


LOL yeah, we were trying to res anyone. You can’t fight anyone if people are dead hehe. I have always taken pride in the fact that I try and keep my guys away from res kills, dry loots, and pet kills while not at active champs. It happens sometimes, but we try to avoid it. Plus I played here not too long ago so I still have a lot of respect for everyone, yes, even the wanders hehe 1/2 a <3 because wands are still bad hehe.

That was the plan hehe on the yew thing. On Legends the K guild started hanging out there a lot and they effectivly killed brit…. 0 people go there /php-bin/shared/images/icons/smile.gif.

If anyone if willing to bring over a few of my guys with codes (we broke right now lol) I will give you 5 k per transfer code!!!! 5 k yippi!!!! /php-bin/shared/images/icons/smile.gif.

LOL, I must say I am thrilled so far with the pvp, it definitely has changed here a lot. Last time I thought that at the start too though… so crosses fingers.

- DirtNap-crap I got the nap /php-bin/shared/images/icons/frown.gif pwned.


Welcome back to Sonoma friend /php-bin/shared/images/icons/smile.gif. Although we are fighting each others now, i am still having fun hehe. Glad to see you guys here... Btw, good job there today on the raid of Fel's harrower although we are quite late to raid it and didnt do much threat to the Fel and 3F, but good job we had fun, nice team work.

Gotta give props as there's no backstabbing from each others when we are working together fighting the Fel and 3F.

Oh and you are right, the lag is terrible, I think its because of you guys transfered over, i am getting my 300 ping back instead of my 180 ping back from these few weeks lololol damn you guys /php-bin/shared/images/icons/smile.gif

Oh btw, FL having their world shard domination tour? I heard they are getting their @ss handed pretty much there and only doing spawns or harrowers at late mid-night where most in the West and EasT coast is sleeping. I think they should just leave Great Lakes since its too much for them to handle, and come to small pvp community like Sonoma or Lake Austin. I believe they could put up better fights for us than they could put up a fight in huge shard such as Great Lakes. We may get our @ss handed by their 100 men squad, but its all about fun and loot isnt it? /php-bin/shared/images/icons/smile.gif



Riley good to see you. You still run around in your wolf form?

FEL good job on harrower. We showed up a tad late, and, unfortunately, teled right in the middle of 8 of you hehe. Good clean up work.

Forgive us the first few days we are on this shard. Lag is crazy spikes here. I can not play deceit at all, I chop like a screen at a time hehe.

Also great job at despise cop. We got a little traded like we are known to do and then oh my gosh 2 of our crys started crying lol (LAG). I think I need to get them enough money to send them home. They are way to choppy here /php-bin/shared/images/icons/frown.gif so sadly their stay maybe short.

All excuses aside we are still enjoying this shard minus our crying members that I need to send home /php-bin/shared/images/icons/smile.gif.

"Fallen I am lagging so bad...!!!!!!!" "Fallen wtf did you bring me here I hate your guts." "Fallen bro, I can't move... did I lock up?... Crap...maybe my computer blew up." "Fallen I'm going to punch you in the face." "Seriously Fallen I will eat your babies...this is crazy lag." "Fallen I always knew you were a noob, but now I know it... have fun in lag fest 4million." "I hear myself moving, but I still see this stupid polar bear...this a vet reward? because I hear him roaring I just don't see him moving...wow he is as annoying as you bro...roar roar roar roar...roar roar roar...He moved a tile!!!!!!!!! Roar roar roar, he could be your little brother fallen wow... I see dead people."

LOL I love my little Unicorns /php-bin/shared/images/icons/smile.gif.

There are 6 of us, I think that's all that's coming over. Should be only 4 once I get 2 of them home again, threats on me are increasing so it has to happen soon lol.

Much <3, Unicorns for the win.

PS: If anyone sees Tristan, hand him a pink robe lol. I am trying to turn him and he won't budge lol. So just hand him a pink robe if you can I would appreciate it.


rofl Fallen, I really dought that Tristan would listen to anyone bro. Some ppl would come up and hand him a pink robe would just piss him off and he would try to kill them, you know that just as well as I do. =]

It sucks that some of us be lagging so bad man =[. Oh well, you shady zenith and I can have some fun for a while at least ^_^!


Actually i play mage sometimes and play the stealther sometimes. I would play my mage though when my brother is on he will be playing the stealther as he just start to learn pvp.

Oh also, i seldom use the wolf form much these days cuz i learned the 70 pts deathstrike off 3F and i am having fun killing people left and right within seconds. It seriously take 0 skill to use, i really think myself as a newbie, but its really fun and $$$ when i see people drop like flies to that lol. Oh well, like i said this game is about fun and loot for me. Fame or the title pvp god for me is nothing at all. As long as i win battles, i am already satisfied.

Anyways dude, really nice talking with ya, maybe one day we could be fighting aside each others again when some situation gets bad such as FL coming over? /php-bin/shared/images/icons/smile.gif Oh well who knows, just enjoy what we are right now. Peace.


This post is in regard to Ron Fellow's thread. Seriously, next time EFL askes me for a Ally, imma say "F***off" Of course our Poison Fields and EV's would attack y'all. and yes I will ad mit that I killed Precious your tamer. which I rezzed and apologized in front of all the COP that was in the area, they all said it was cool. Next thing I know, Fallen Zenith and myself with Dubie from COP were going around the East top walls to go around, and then continue down. We broke through to Fel 3F and killed ppl, I looted 2 15's I believe and next thing I know Two ppl from EFL attacked and ganked me. Funny huh? I get Rezzed by COP and tell COP that EFL can f off.

Afterwards Im at brit gate with a few COP and again I explain to them what happened and ask that they relay that in TS which I am assuming they did. Now I become a liar in front of EFL which is fine, they are no threat what so ever. So all I gotta say is, Fel an 3F great job! COP Nice alliance =] EFL go F yourselves =]!



Hmmm you gotta know that, no one knows you got 2 +15 stat scrolls. The people that attacked you didnt know you are helping the alliance since they arrived after the harrower's dead and there is no one who tell them about !U! and TiC is helping to raid 3F and Fel. So the EFL who arrived late only saw a mess of fight between many different guilds such as COP, 3F, Fel, !U!, TiC and maybe some others. But who cares, like i said it was a mess of fight between the above guilds, so attacking people not in our alliance isnt something wrong. The only thing is that we have an misunderstanding here as those people have no idea that TiC and !U! are helping at all.

Before you start talking $hit please think twice first. Saying that EFL is no threat blah blah blah doesnt make any whatsoever points to this.


Hmmmm I was going to try some time in the next few months (IF I am ever ungrounded) to take my guild and some friends on a Harrower. But unfortunatly all you PvP guilds sit there and wait for guilds like mine which can PvP for **** except maybe my guildmaster (Maybe hehe). So anyways I wanted to do one with all of my friends and guild but is there a way I can say STOP trying to raid the Harry when we go for our first and probably only time???

No Offense Guilmembers but I suck too at PvP.



You know I love you guys, but what I saw yesterday was plan backstabing.

I will try and pretend that it was simply a matter of miscommunication, but this is what I saw. Cop/ U/ TIC/ EFL finally punched 3f in them mouth and got the harrower, but just as it died. We all did clean up duty killing 3f and fel and colleting stat scrolls. well cop/tic/3f/ and U were all looting for a good 5 minutes and mighy joe young was there the whole time. He watched kirah pick up 2 stat scrolls and as soon as had them mighty turned on him and killed him and looted the scrolls. I think it's a joke to say mighty didn't know what he was doing.

Because I still have respect for your guild I will pretend it was a mistake, but please... anyone with common sense would know that mighty was there at least at the end and saw cop and us working together. Don't insult our intellagince. I hope that shady crap doesn't come from you guys again.

Because we wern't allies it wasn't a big deal, but we use to be in EFL and it I thought I wouldn't see that crap from your members.


Just ask a few guilds to protect for you. Most will do it for a fee, but my small guild will do it just for the pvp.


Just a lil info on FL... They are absolutly horrible, i think any of the guilds on sonoam could give these guys a run for there money. I been fighting them all weekend. Mostly they fight from there GH. So i wouldnt be to scared about them coming to Sonoma. I think there trip to GL has broke there ego. So Sonoma or another small shard is gonna be there next target for a Ego boost i guarantte it.

PS. Ill be back soon.......


Yea Elmond, just ICQ me and I can get you in contact of some ppl, if not Fallen's guild.


This is a short lesson. The people it’s directed to will know.
1) When people are no longer fighting for the same side, it is still considered bad manner to begin res killing, house kill, trash talking etc.
2) When two people are accessed to same house, it is an unwritten rule that no fighting should take place between house guests. Especially when the people were allies only moments before.
3) Field fighting does not = instant hate. It is ok to talk with them outside of battle areas.
4) Trash talking people who were your friends = bad manner.
5) It is ok to friendly fight with no extra incentive or motive besides pvp.


don't listen to fallen , he's an idiot :O he may not like rez kills or mount kills or dry loots or trash talk... but i sure as hell do, so don't take a rez if you see my name on screen kk and don't die on my screen, your mount will go down also /php-bin/shared/images/icons/frown.gif havin fun BROS, so far....


Shut up tristan I will punch you in the face /php-bin/shared/images/icons/wink.gif. PS you suck and I should have booted you out of !U!, not I'm stuck with you. Your like a puppy, once we let you in and fed you, you won't go away, bah!



did you just call me a ****ing puppy?...... wow newb dont talk ima punch JOO in da face!


Thanks all for your help I will try to get with you guys when I return from my unwanted forcful Parental taken away actions. HEHEHE!


Tristan I still wtfpwned you on my tamer with 95 magery and zero eval / med ^_^!

OOOO Burned wtf punch in da face keke!



Good fight yesterday at the harrower. The outcome sucks, but you win some you lose some.

Two things

1) you had over 40 people there for our 16 (3 3f made up that 16) roflcopters.
2) Fighting at the EFL guild house there were 7 of us and over 19 of you (I took down all the names we were destroying just incase anyone doubts me)

That is all, have a good day.


i gotta say Princess Ultima is a very very very funny person. :O She talks alot of trash while she runs away from people. We tried raiding their newly found allies but all the sudden 3 times our number show up /php-bin/shared/images/icons/frown.gif They had an area energy fielded offer and what do ya know, there she was ready to flamestrike my 1/4 life ass. after the only spells i saw her cast were flamestrikes i saw "you suck" coming from her. Hah sir get a life, im suprised your magery is even high enough to cast a flamestrike /php-bin/shared/images/icons/frown.gif


Well we have some very colorfull people here on Sonoma.

I have a friend who never PvPed before until last night. I've known this guy for like 3 years, kewl guy, anyways he was messing around in Shame at the time the harrower started. It kind of took him by surprise, anyways at the time I was catching up on some much needed rest and had to work early this morning. Anyways it was this afternoon till I got to read his ICQs.

It was funny, he was like what is COP,Tic doing, OMG 3f, Oh man and Fel , you can tell by that he was excited. I talked to him today and he said he got his first taste of PvP and he liked it. He attacked a KQ member with his unfinished ninja and managed not to get killed. He said he didnt want to press his luck since he wasn't in any guild and would make an easy target for anyone. So he stealthed out.

Right now he's working his skills heh.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Talk about a hypocrite you my freind had the biggest problem with 3f and the way they pvp using wands and all but sure do jump on the bandwagon when you know that your booty is going to get handed to you on every occasion. I see that you joined Fel tell me how that works out for you there Fallen. Hey Fel get used to alot of whining out of his group it comes on a daily basis. And Fallen make sure Raiden and the rest of 3f show you how to use those wands so you can have a chance at staying alive.


LOL morph you are a joke sir. You want to spout off? Lol let me tell you something, in the hierarchy of guilds on this shard, yours is a trammie guild lol.

I do not think you have one competent pvper outside of scorcian.

LOL. Do you know why Zenith and I quit your guild the first time? … oh yeah it sucked. I like to stay loyal to the guilds I am in, but fighting with EFL was like pulling teeth. Zenith and I don’t mind being on a losing side, but if we have a guild on, we enjoy fighting with them. How many times did Zenith, scorcian, and I raid a harrower by ourselves because the other 111 of you would not come out of the doom channel because you felt there was no hope.

The only guild members who ever had the balls to fight with Zenith and I was Scorcian and Riley. I had respect for a lot of you, but now you are trying to act tuff. You remind me of a little puppy, you act all tuff, but in reality your guild is just a cute little thing trying to act like the big dogs. Every time I see one of you in FEL I want to stop attacking who I am killing and go over and pet you guys.

To all pvpers, go easy on EFL… they are learning in a bad way and need our support if we are ever to see them get better…they bruise easy.

The only way you guys are still around is because COP has felt pity and decided that even though you look like like you are wearing pull ups, they felt bad about you guys always dieing /php-bin/shared/images/icons/frown.gif.

I give the community service award to COP for volunteering to help the unfortunate on Sanoma.

As for hypocrite? Lol I always heard you whine about FEL’s numbers and look at you now TiC/COP/FEL. Do I need to post your PM to me when we first came to this shard? Lol I still have it, then I will show you hypocrite.

I hate wands, but I have been playing around with them, just trying new things. They actually have worked really well to keep me alive against huge EFL and friends ganks. I will put my !U! guys up against all of your members lol and I guarantee we will win.

I will gladly mimic 3f as they are a fantastic guild. Last time I was here, do not confuse frustration with lack of respect. 3f has great teamwork and currently hold shard domination.

I do not think allying the entire shard gives you room to talk bro bro. You already had the largest alliance and then you add TiC into the mix because FEL is making you cry.

I like a lot of you guys, TiC and cop. I try to avoid calling people out because we all have things that are less then stellar.

We do not like zerging people a lot, but on this shard that’s all it is. If we stayed allied with you guys it would be COP/FEL/TiC/and !U!. lol, sorry bro but that’s not fun, that’s 3/4s of the shard.

Just for you I am going to start taking screen shots of all the times we kill EFL or the times EFL kills us. I will then post and put a foot in your mouth because your deaths will have less then 2 people on the screen, can we say the same about when you drop us?

Stick to tram and let good pvpers like scorcian and your allies do the pvping and board warring.

Have a nice day my cute little puppy

Turk was also a EFL member I had a lot of respect for

In Conclusion:
Whining: If we whined or whine, it is always in regards to pvp. Teamwork is lacking, stupidity on field, no one leaving doom channel to fight. Pretty much about things that will make the guild better. We often bicker with one another, but some of us know each other IRL, so it’s more of friendly feuding.

Wands and/or 3f: I despise wands, this is true. I was very frustrated with 3F for using them all the time, but as we can see, they are very effective. We are currently just trying things out to make our group better. I think wands are lame and we constantly joke with each other about how lame we are for using them. I will not deny this. 3F has fantastic team work and tactics, so I don’t knock on them. Do they zerg? Yes, but if I had the numbers, I would do the same.

EFL: I like EFL, they have some good members. To call them a good pvp guild though is a stretch. They have a few solid pvpers, but are extremely lacking in teamwork. We (Zenith and I) left EFL because it was frustrating to be in a big guild who rarely helped in pvp. We were often left by ourselves so we felt it would be less frustrating to reform our 2 man guild

Board Warring: If you notice my posts, they will take small cheap shots, but nothing like your rant until this post.

FEL: It is natural to dislike someone in a opposing guild, so I always had issues with FEL. They do, however, always put up a good fight. So far we are very pleased with them. They have been a friendly crew who always pvps. In fact I have not logged on once yet where at least a few FEL members are not fighting somewhere. They maybe allied with 3F, but keep in mind 3F is usually not on until after FEL primetime. It also may not work between us and FEL, but so far we are happy.

TiC: !U! would still be allied with TiC had they not allied COP. Unfortunately, there was miscommunication on both our parts and this is what caused us to leave. They are a friendly crew full of skilled people. Right now there is a big issue between us, but I am working that out with the GM of TiC and hopefully we can resolve it before bad blood begins to form.

COP: Not too much to complain about here. Good group of people, just lots of them. I think it was kind of crazy to ally with 3/4s the shard, but that’s between them and there allies.

Out of any pvp guild though, EFL is by far the weakest even with there numbers (minus riley, turk, and scorcian). Talk your smack even though there was no need for your post. If you zerg us I will make comments as I would expect the same if we zerged. So my little pound puppies, please stay out of fel and leave the fighting to the experienced guilds. I remember half the nights in the EFL team speak were spent watching you guys argue with each other because half of you didn’t want to fight in felucca any more, you remember that? Well I do, kthankswtfowned.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This will be the last time I respond to you Fallen.

1. Post all the pics you want it doesnt mean a thing to me if you want to play the screenshot game we can do that and let the rest here make their own judgments.
2. If you think that teleporting and never getting a shot off at anyone is pvping then you need to grow up.
3. You make it sound like your 4 people guild were pvp gods but trust me healing and staying alive but not killing anyone doesnt mean squat.
4. Yes I admit it I do die sometimes alot but you know what in the end EFL is always the one left there in the end while the rest of youyr so called guild dies numerous times stupidly from in the house or on the ledges.
5. Your alliance means nothing to us on the HOME TEAM because in the end I can guarantee you that FEL and 3f will be the ones that leave the shard or disband thier guilds. And when that happens just remember I told you so. By the way didnt FEL tell you they wanted to allie with COP also but from some reason the members in the guild decided not to because they didnt like EFL hmmmm I wonder why that is because we kill them when ever we see them. And one more thing the only time and I repeat only time we have ever had trouble dirt napping all of the FEL guild is when 3f comes into the picture. And with out the wands 3f really isnt anything. Fallen see ya when we take your next harrower provided you pull it off when we have people on and not at 430 or 530 in the am.


LOL morph, why do you even post? You are a guy full of integrity, but you lack the skill. I’m sure anyone can tell you my guys have no problem dropping anyone. The only guilds who ever drop us are COP and TiC. I never see EFL by themselves and I don’t even think your allies can deny that. Lol.

You are a sad little pound puppy with PVP envy.

I don’t know if you understand this seeing how we just xsharded back lol. Sonoma is not our home nor do we have any intention of staying here long term. We have always made people aware of this. It’s not that Sonoma is bad, it’s just lag spikes are terrible and we are a guild that moves around a lot, example: Baja, Legends, Baja, Legends, Catskills, Sonoma, Legends, Atlantic, Europa, Legends, Sonoma. We are already planning our next move and collecting the guild funds, we just need to set a time frame. I would love for FEL to xshard again as we will probably go with them if that happens.

That is the order so far. We consider Legends our real home, but just move to where there are good small fights.

You may take a few harrowers, every guild does, lol. Keep in mind you had to ally another large guild to do it and bring over 40 people. I give props to TiC and COPS for a well taken harrower. EFL is just a meat shield bro. I can’t tell you how easy you guys are to drop.

If FEL would have allied with COP, but didn’t because of EFL maybe that is an indicator. Keep in mind TiC was very reluctant to ally with COP because of EFL… LOL, 2 guilds who had issues with EFL, maybe that should be an indicator.

My group never has boasted of being pvp gods. Your envy of us and your worship do all the talking we need /php-bin/shared/images/icons/smile.gif. Bring your best pvpers in EFL and I will bring my guys and we will squash you. EFL is the dirt under our shoes. You are a has been guild dreaming about the glory days. I am proud that you have a great history, it is a good one from what I know of it, but sadly when your big dogs left and casting was capped the trash wasn’t taken with them. Do I clam my group is the best? Absolutely not. We just like to fight together. The more we get squashed the better we get, so I take no shame in getting dropped.

3F without there wands would be easier to drop, we all know this, but to call them nothing is a joke. 3F has something most guilds on this shard don’t have including mine… very good team work. I guarantee you they would still roll in dropping everyone without their wands. You get me 9 people on this shard who stay together and work well and I will guarantee 3F will still roll over you. It is completely ignorant to discount their ability as a guild, wands or no wands. Anyone can see they have unity and a good chemistry. Am I sucking up to them? Absolutely not, I give props to people and guilds who deserve it.

Just remember who tossed the stones first. I made comments about the guild fights, you made personal attacks, looks like you don’t have as much integrity as I thought my little pound puppy.

In conclusion:
You offered me no real counter as to why EFL is not the droppings of the other guilds on this shard. My guild has stood on our own, as well as complimented our allies very well. EFL could not do anything on their own when I was in it and sadly never will again. If COP and TiC decide to drop you guys, you will beg a new guild to take you under their wings and shelter you from the world outside or will stay in tram until you find one. EFL can not stand on their own and is a dieing guild. It happens to all guilds, it’s the cycle of PVP.

Cop, FEL, TiC, 3F, xFU, *P*, KQ, have all stood on their own and can continue to do so if their alliances fail. EFL sadly has tried this and failed miserably. Have a good day my friend. I can name 3 people so far who can drop me on their own, the rest are ether stall mates or call in friends. I can name a whole shard who can drop you 1vs1, sadly I am having a hard time trying to think of anyone you can drop.

What I find funny is how predictable you are. I have seen you bag on several x members. I am sorry your feelings are hurt from them leaving bro, but it happens. There is a thing called friendly fights. Just because I fight you doesn’t mean I hate you, you on the other hand take it personal someone would leave your guild. You did it to Kirah for one, and there are several others I have seen you do the same to.

In all honesty, I would like you and your pound puppies (EFL) to take a screen shot of all the times you kill us when its just one of us. I bet you you can’t get one of a good one vs one. All the screen shots you will have will show a gank. In a one vs one btw, I don’t use wands or pots until the other guy busts on or the other out first.

COP and TiC all have members who can drop us 1 vs 1 which is great, it’s called competitive balance, unfortunitly, there is no competition against EFL.


Oh btw, on the tele issue. When I did this at the oaks spawn, !U! was no longer allied with TiC and were not affiliated with anyone. Tristan and I were the only members on and both raided you guys. So it was FEL/3f vs COP/TiC/EFL vs !U!. I was running in the cemetery fighting over 16 of you guys. 1 vs 16… hmmm…time to use stradegy? Yes sir it was. I would run in drop an explo, flamestrike, lighting on you guys and try for the kill before I was dropped. If they didn’t fall I would tele past you guys and stay alive. I always stayed on screen teleing around picking on you guys. I did this for 20 minutes before you left. At least I tried to fight all of you and stuck around for the fight. You guys left once the spawn was done like EFL always does. None of you stick around to just scrap at the end.

I would gladly have fought you guys close to even numbers, but none of you ever chased me with a few. War wizard was the only one who tried and he was quickly reinforced (props to him btw), so I teled to find another opening. I have no problem being dropped. If I can get a good 1vs1 then it’s well worth it to see who will come out on top (it’s only insurance right?). When you are out numbered by 16 players you have to be smart and pick and choose targets. Tell me the last time you deployed good tactics other then zerg plan a, zerg plan b, or zerg plan c… thought so.


sounds like envy to me /php-bin/shared/images/icons/frown.gif


First of all, This is Sunrise Adams/Princess Ultima. Maybe you guys have heard of me, maybe not.

Anyway, im here to address how this Fallen Tear guys keeps saying how good of Pvper he is? Let me put it this way, I drop him in seconds, And if you want to duel for GOOD money, I can get a broker OR you can. I have up to 50m, and Willing to BET it all.

SECOND ISSUE. Now, you start saying we allying the whole shard. May I make a point? If you go to http://my.uo.com/cgi-bin/guilds.pl?g=bfb9f5ad82ee53f5:9
(Cop Guild Roser) HALF OF THE PLAYERS TO DONT EVEN PLAY. Now second, Fel has probaly 90 percent of people playing. They currently have 100 People.

So lets get this straight Cop = 90, Fel = 90. FAIR ISNT IT?

THIRD ISSUE: You keep dissing on EFL, its starting to make me mad. EFL is a BIG help. Last time I checked All of us TOOK YOUR HARROWER. You cannot GIVE the CREDIT TO COP and TIC. IT TAKES A TEAM, AND THATS WHAT WE HAVE. Now Fallen, You said your GUILD has no Problem TAKING anyone out? Take out me? Now, please, Stop talking trash thinking your so bad---. Because in reality You are HORRIBLE. You go to 5 different servers looking for PVP, getting WIPED OUT on each one.


ok dumb pancake look, i look constantly at our teamspeak and we RARELY ever have more than 20 people on, so get your facts straight idiot. You are not so high and mighty yourself, can you name one of your pvp chars that doesn't have dp? didn't think so trash ball /php-bin/shared/images/icons/frown.gif if you want to be considered "the best" lose the dp ******, how hard is it to hit special # 2 macro? wow your good



You sir/girl have no idea what you are talkign about. Lets recap

I don't know who you are talking to, but xFU has never been smashed on any shard. We are usually a group of 2-6 and do very well. Did I ever clam to be a good pvper? no, I consider myself a good group fighter.

Naturally being a ex EFL, I have a lot of respect for them, but unfortunitly some of their members feel different. I make soem comments about the fighting, and morph decides to take cheap shots. Just as I open up my guild to flames by posting, so does he. Guilt by assosiation I guess.

Now I love these large fights, but I find it rather sad that some of you boast about owning when on the field its double the numbers. When our guild zergs, I don't sit there in game every chance I get boasting about it. A gank is a gank (minus times like this when people call us out).

I will gladly duel, I enjoy it. As I have always stated I am not a great dueler, but am above average. This shard give me mass lag, but I am willing to duel. I can't duel for money yet as we spent it all on codes.

I heard you gusy make a comment about me ebaying my arties? lol. I have never bought an arty of ebay or care to do so. When I was in H2O we did about 2-3 harrowers a day and made mass money lol. My inquiz were a gift of oenj of my best friends. Find me in game and I will tell you the story of why they were given to me.

I enjoy the fights and am glad this thread is gettign active again. It makes me sad to see a pvp thread with no posts. So if I am the topic of it so be it, flame away and I will do the same. I play the game for fun and well I am haveign a good time /php-bin/shared/images/icons/smile.gif.

Good game!!!111one

If morp retracts his posts then I will gladly clear mine, but until then they stay.


ok dumb pancake look, i look constantly at our teamspeak and we RARELY ever have more than 20 people on, so get your facts straight idiot. You are not so high and mighty yourself, can you name one of your pvp chars that doesn't have dp? didn't think so trash ball if you want to be considered "the best" lose the dp ******, how hard is it to hit special # 2 macro? wow your good

Who is this guy think he is? I have one poisoner. EVER HEARD OF A SOULSTONE? Second, "We RARELY ever have more than 20 people on," Is that our fault? No, stop complaining if you have a PROBLEM TUFF. LEAVE THE SHARD. Yeah easy, name one of my Pvpers? Sunrise Adams, He has GM inscribe 120 mage eval med swords. Now secondly, I dont know ANYONE on this shard that can beat me 1v1. (Not including the dexers though, Have 42 physical) Second, I consider my self good becuase of people like you talk a LOT OF SMACK and cannot back it up. You guys transfer from shard to shard, getting wiped out. Its about time you go back wherever you came from.


you're a freaking idiot, you aren't as good as you think, take your head out of your ass and look around, this is a game, if you think your better than me in a game more power to ya, but 100 mil says your a prick real life?


Secondly, I did never call you a ebayer, Its easy to get money. Ive made 60 Million in three months.
I also find it sad, when you guys complain about the numbers yet, You see, you keep complaining, and dont do NOTHING about it. Fallen, I have a LOT more respect for you then Tristan. Tristan, on the other hand, as you can see, is mighty jealous, He cannot pvp first of all.
This is suppose to be a PVP thread, not a flame thread. People like you come in, and brag about your talents. But in the long run, You are nothing, compared to people I know. Sure, your guild takes some spawns from us, we take it from you. I dont see what the BIG DEAL IS, why you guys keep on having to bring it up? Its a game for one, and you keep moaning about numbers. Like I said Move out if you have a problem. Heres another hint. Dont higher 12 year olds to be a leader.

Now to get this straight, If you guys do not KNOW if im a guy or girl, im a Guy for one, Reason I have all girl chars, Both my accounts have been banned.

For those of you THAT Played Sonoma A Long time heres a list of names of my characters:
Bad Girl
Freezes Mule
And a thief named DontKillMe.
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