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old gm blessed house fell, looking for price on these items


Great Lakes Forever!
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The Head of Lord Ho Chi Minh
Water Trough (west) Deed

Thank you


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The Head of Lord Ho Chi Minh
Water Trough (west) Deed

Thank you
I always hate quoting old items like this but if they were mine i would expect 12 Mil for the head ( if it can be locked down) 5 or so if not
the deed is harder i have one but if i did not i would call it 6 to 14 mil as it CANNOT be reproduced.

The Deed will require an old timer who knows the value or a museum.

Hope this helps



I'd bet you could fetch quite a bit more then that for the head if it's the real Ho Chi Minh from back in the day.


Oddly enough I happened to see Ho Chi Minh on the test center when the shards were down and he said he will be coming back to Great Lakes from the sounds of it. Might want to see if he wants to buy his old head back if/when he does.

MiNi MaGi

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Oddly enough I happened to see Ho Chi Minh on the test center when the shards were down and he said he will be coming back to Great Lakes from the sounds of it. Might want to see if he wants to buy his old head back if/when he does.
that was me :/ and i am back on GL now. also i sent a pm to the guy with my head.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I thought the origional HCM had a different stratics name.
That's because he's not the original HCM. I think he also made the guild tag of FS! on another shard, but he wasn't a part of that either (unless I'm confusing him with someone else).

There were quite a few HCMs over the years on GL, but when people refer to HCM most are thinking of Publius from BTH.


Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
I had a head from back in the day I sold a couple of years ago to a collector for 6 mil if that helps.

It really depends on the collector though.

MiNi MaGi

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That's because he's not the original HCM. I think he also made the guild tag of FS! on another shard, but he wasn't a part of that either (unless I'm confusing him with someone else).

There were quite a few HCMs over the years on GL, but when people refer to HCM most are thinking of Publius from BTH.
yes there has been several HCM's.. i to my knowledge had the only/original HCM on GL in (GoD)from 97ish to 99-00.

also not to sure if it was pub that bought my account back then(im always getting asked if im Pub, Jake or someone else), but whoever took over it did created a BTH (com) guild after i quit.


yes there has been several HCM's.. i to my knowledge had the only/original HCM on GL in (GoD)from 97ish to 99-00.

also not to sure if it was pub that bought my account back then(im always getting asked if im Pub, Jake or someone else), but whoever took over it did created a BTH (com) guild after i quit.
I think the majority of the GL community remembers Publis as HCM. Personally I dont remember HCM before the BTH days, but then again I was still playing on dialup, so even though I was involved in the pvp community, I think it was safe to say I didn't pay attention to names because the majoity of the time my screen was black and white so it didn't really matter.


Great Lakes Forever!
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
that was me :/ and i am back on GL now. also i sent a pm to the guy with my head.
Im waiting on your offer on the head, until i reasonable one is made, it will remain locked down in my keep

Lady Michelle

Sprite Full SP
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That's because he's not the original HCM. I think he also made the guild tag of FS! on another shard, but he wasn't a part of that either (unless I'm confusing him with someone else).

There were quite a few HCMs over the years on GL, but when people refer to HCM most are thinking of Publius from BTH.
yes there has been several HCM's.. i to my knowledge had the only/original HCM on GL in (GoD)from 97ish to 99-00.

also not to sure if it was pub that bought my account back then(im always getting asked if im Pub, Jake or someone else), but whoever took over it did created a BTH (com) guild after i quit.
HCM was not in BTH (com) when it was created back in the day He didn't join BTH til sometime later. My nephew was one of the first 7 players to be in that guild, and he always fought HCM back then in a opposing faction.
Ok so you claim to be the true HCM where was your house located, and what kinda house was it?
Was it bugged or not bugged if it was bugged what was wrong with it?
Was it in a guard zone?
(GoD ) was also a faction guild don't remember who the guildmaster was, but who was the commanding lord? and what faction was (GoD) in?
oh and who was your lady friend miss something that was also in (God)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
HCM was in GOD, Way back when Vesper was the games pvp hot spot, The others are wannabe's, including pub. Most of who are enjoying the free shards now...LOL