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Ok with the event i have an issue!



Ok with the string of events why does it allways have to be a town no one or might i say very few care about?I mean really folks are just there farming the Event items and could care less about the towns.Why cant we have a Luna invasion I bet then people would acctually care!


because people cried when britain got invaded, and look at britain now...


I'd love to see Luna get invaded just so I wouldn't have to see those people fighting golems or dogs/horses all day long for weapon gains.


Didn't Luna have a scenario? Mebbe not within town walls, but I sure as heck know I died to an Skeletal <something> right outside of the S gate. I believe there are black portals at the (closed) gates to allow you passage in and out.

As I recall - perhaps incorrectly - there most likely would have a hue and cry because of all the shops. But ya know what? Brit got hammered in town, Trinsic, Magincia (may she rest in pieces), Yew, Cove ... why the heck not Moonglow and Luna?


Vesper and Skara with ophids and Skara with the orc/savage scenario, too. I would LOVE to see Luna destro...er invaded.


Moonglow a town nobody cares about? I beg to differ... I certainly care. I use it more then I use Brit, and far more then I use Luna.

And, there have been many invasions of various types with the various cities. Remember, this game has been around 10 years... most cities have had an event of some kind in it... and back in the day, it usually happened in Brit.

imported_Ylias Tendris

... because Luna has housing and this means extra lag.

Fayled Dhreams

Well ... iirc ... Inu did give some mention of Luna ... (early on)




Ok with the string of events why does it allways have to be a town no one or might i say very few care about?I mean really folks are just there farming the Event items and could care less about the towns.Why cant we have a Luna invasion I bet then people would acctually care!

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, I guess youd have to decide what towns people care about.

I how do you mean care?

Care what? If the town is destroyed?

Otherwise, the event is about killing stuff and getting stuff.

We saw with Magencia, people liked the stuff vs the town.

But I guess it has to do more with the event. Could you imagine an event where there are no rewards. Nothing. Who would go?

I would. But how would it be more then beat the monsters back. Monster bashing.

I like the current events. Magencia destroyed. Moonglow warped. Stuff to turn in. The ophidian invasion still has reminants. Whats not to like?

Budweiser KDL

Luna did have an event a few years ago. People cried on the forums about that too...Berserkers invaded Luna and the four gates into the city had been walled off. We had to use the ladders to get past the walls and almost everyone complained about the event. Monsters are too buffed....Luna will be the next Brit..my vendors are not making me gold now... etc etc etc...


Actually, moonglow is a great town that a lot of ppl care about (including me)

imported_Lady Narsil

Moonglow is my home. I use Moonglow more than I use any other city. It is the first place I saw in game. So I care about moonglow, but could careless about Luna.


No berserkers on Europa!

Anyway, Glow on Europa had a BEER GARDEN that got.. dismantled.. for the creation of the blackrock detector.

Had a nice little pond and all

Fayled Dhreams


No berserkers on Europa!

Anyway, Glow on Europa had a BEER GARDEN that got.. dismantled.. for the creation of the blackrock detector.

Had a nice little pond and all

[/ QUOTE ]

Outside the fence there are
left some Liquid entertainment down there for ya



Moonglow is my home. I use Moonglow more than I use any other city. It is the first place I saw in game. So I care about moonglow, but could careless about Luna.

[/ QUOTE ]

I feel the same way about Minoc. I have used it since I have ever played. When I make New Char Books, Minoc is the first rune in the book.


Well let me rehash what i meant i do care about Moonglow i have ahouse ont he tiny island.But the majority of the people go strictly for the items.Idlike to see luna city under attack by some real nasty stuff.And with the recent upraise of scripter house placers and the burning houses this would be fun.Everyone here knows there are scripters making money hand over fist in luna at shops.But no all people are scripters there.

Id liek to see an invasion of say ole Paragon dark fathers Paragon Greater dragons Paragon balrons and alot of really hard stuff to kill for about 2 months take seige on luna.Greed should be punished and Luna city is the center of the greed of this game.Dont beleieve me look at some of the trade forums selling luna house $800.00 yeah thats not greed at all.



... because Luna has housing and this means extra lag.

[/ QUOTE ]Not if you burn it all to the ground first


They were arch daemons, and it was a napa valley EM event. So it didn't take place on all shards. I didn't mind it, except they would explode your corpse.



Could you imagine an event where there are no rewards. Nothing. Who would go?

I would.

[/ QUOTE ]

Me too.

I remember Void Shadow. That was the best fun I´ve had in UO basically cuz it was the toughest challenge and the shard got together to fight it.

Sure, we didn´t know that there would be no drops or at least none that I know of. But if a big challenge like that would be presented again where it was stated that there would be no reward/drops I would accept that challenge in a heartbeat.

Sometimes the challenge itself is far more better than the reward...