So I had a plan. Build all my new SA skills on human/elf chars and soulstone them to my freshly made gargoyle. A great plan. I had a human crafter with all the skills to make items to unravel. I had an elf with all the mage gear to raise eval and mysticism. I soul stoned his 120 eval and just started from 0. Worked out great because it rasied while casting mysticism spells. Wonderful. I now have a gargoyle w/120 imbuing, 95 mysticism and 94 eval.
So today I log on to make lrc 70's suits for 5 of my mules. For a quick tally of what level my resists are and how many of wich I need to add I just equip the gear and... oh wait ya... my mules are human/elf and gargoyle cant wear any of this stuff. See where I'm going with this?
So that got me thinking of a way around this. Would it be considered to much of a burden to ask for mannequins or dress forms? Double clicking it would bring up a papaerdoll that you could use to dress the mannequin as you would a normal char. Click a button on the paper doll or something and get a gump showing total resists and other mods.
Something that could be locked down and secured like chests. Those that had the proper permissions could freely equip/unequip items. Having elf, human or gargoyle mannequins would free your non-compliant imbuing char from hassling with spreadsheets or scratch pad to calcualte resists.
So today I log on to make lrc 70's suits for 5 of my mules. For a quick tally of what level my resists are and how many of wich I need to add I just equip the gear and... oh wait ya... my mules are human/elf and gargoyle cant wear any of this stuff. See where I'm going with this?
So that got me thinking of a way around this. Would it be considered to much of a burden to ask for mannequins or dress forms? Double clicking it would bring up a papaerdoll that you could use to dress the mannequin as you would a normal char. Click a button on the paper doll or something and get a gump showing total resists and other mods.
Something that could be locked down and secured like chests. Those that had the proper permissions could freely equip/unequip items. Having elf, human or gargoyle mannequins would free your non-compliant imbuing char from hassling with spreadsheets or scratch pad to calcualte resists.