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Ok I need a mannequin now...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So I had a plan. Build all my new SA skills on human/elf chars and soulstone them to my freshly made gargoyle. A great plan. I had a human crafter with all the skills to make items to unravel. I had an elf with all the mage gear to raise eval and mysticism. I soul stoned his 120 eval and just started from 0. Worked out great because it rasied while casting mysticism spells. Wonderful. I now have a gargoyle w/120 imbuing, 95 mysticism and 94 eval.

So today I log on to make lrc 70's suits for 5 of my mules. For a quick tally of what level my resists are and how many of wich I need to add I just equip the gear and... oh wait ya... my mules are human/elf and gargoyle cant wear any of this stuff. See where I'm going with this?

So that got me thinking of a way around this. Would it be considered to much of a burden to ask for mannequins or dress forms? Double clicking it would bring up a papaerdoll that you could use to dress the mannequin as you would a normal char. Click a button on the paper doll or something and get a gump showing total resists and other mods.

Something that could be locked down and secured like chests. Those that had the proper permissions could freely equip/unequip items. Having elf, human or gargoyle mannequins would free your non-compliant imbuing char from hassling with spreadsheets or scratch pad to calcualte resists.

Trebr Drab

That's a pretty good idea. But if you're going to do that, why not make them a "suit of armor" so we can double this as custom decorations? Allow them to hold weapons too.

Or you could just add up the resistances on an NPC hired vendor and show that in the paper doll.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That's a pretty good idea. But if you're going to do that, why not make them a "suit of armor" so we can double this as custom decorations? Allow them to hold weapons too.

Or you could just add up the resistances on an NPC hired vendor and show that in the paper doll.

Well ya that's kind of what I was thinking. Weapons can have resists too. It would make good use of those pedestal thingers from the puzzle room.

Old Man of UO

This would be a great functionality to add to the tailor made dress forms. Lock the dress form down and open a blank paper doll with all the equipment slots. As you add equipment, it takes up locked downs (to prevent getting around storage limits) and tallies up resists and stats as a real character's paper doll would.



Top 5 idea in my 10 or 11 years here.

It be cool to have 10 or 15 mannaquins in your house that you and others could view. And it be cool t be able to drop the whole mannequin on a vendor and sell it that way.

THIS HAS TO BE an idea that is implemented.

Can I take credit for it?


It would be great, too, for coming up with outfits/color schemes for your chars. I've seen some really nice ones out there, and then some that the colors and general outfit pieces clash so badly it makes you want to puke.... Or hand that person some new clothing or a dye tub...lol.
I could see this as adding a whole new level to the crafting skill..not just making pieces that add to the total resists, but pieces that match.

I love this idea of dressable mannequins!

Tay M'real

wow - that's actually really good - good way to get some use out of a rather pointless item (the dress form) from the carpentry skill


This sounds like an excessive amount of work for something that can just be done in an excel spreadsheet...

Old Man of UO

This sounds like an excessive amount of work for something that can just be done in an excel spreadsheet...
Yes it can be done that way, and it is how I currently do it. But I would love the house deco item... would that be an excessive amount of work for a useful deco item?


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I love this idea! It would make for great deco and make things sooo much easier when making suits.


This sounds like an excessive amount of work for something that can just be done in an excel spreadsheet...
Id rather click drag in game and see the creation.
Then click out of game and back and forth to a spread sheet.

Nastia Cross

This sounds like an excessive amount of work for something that can just be done in an excel spreadsheet...
That sounds like an excessive amount of work. Why should someone have to use Excel to build a suit? Sheesh.

I'm all for the dress form actually having a use!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
And it be cool t be able to drop the whole mannequin on a vendor and sell it that way.
Now that's cool. A fully dressed mannequin (dress form) on a vendor. You could view the stats before you buy. Much better than a bag full of armor w/the stats in the description.

Can I take credit for it?
Yes :lol:

Tho I have seen posts from other asking for something like this before. But more for deco than calculating mods I think.


Cool since Im taking credit for it...

The package deal for vendors should include weapons and jewelry slots. This way the mannequin can have all stats allocated to it when highlighted.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
A new use for human/elf ears too. As a material for crafting them. I don't know what you would use for the gargoyle form tho. I don't think there are any gargoyle parts out there. Maybe a gargoyle only item.

Old Man of UO

Cool since Im taking credit for it...

The package deal for vendors should include weapons and jewelry slots. This way the mannequin can have all stats allocated to it when highlighted.
Okay... since you took credit for this conglomeration of ideas, you get to write it up and submit to EA/Mythic for implementation. And you have to hound them until it gets implemented... or recruit Popps to help with that. LOL :thumbup:

(sorry Popps... couldn't resist)


Here is an idea that I've posted here and sent in a suggestion a couple times each. Enjoy!

Dress Form / Mannequin

Creation – Similar requirements to the current Dress Form (Carpentry with some Tailoring?, maybe even some Smithing?).

Art – the piece could either look like an existing Dress Form or featureless NPC(on a base?). With, possibly a male and a female version, since the EC has 2 different paper doll poses. May also need race variation to account for Human, Elf, and Gargoyle figures?

Placement – Most likely would need to be a deed? When placing, a direction choice would allow the user to choose the direction the mannequin would face(N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW). Dying could work as it does now, dying the item before the initial placement. Re-deeding would not be allowed as long items are present(similar to Elven containers, I believe). Either items placed onto the manikin take up storage(dynamically), in the current house, or placing a mannequin takes up a predefined amount of storage(the total amount of item slots?).

Instead of a deed, a non-deeded ‘container’ might be nice so that they can be placed on vendors which could allow players to sell whole suits.

Dressing – Adding items to the mannequin could work similarly to how dressing vendors work. Security could be set like a container. A beneficial option could be implemented to allow a PC to switch out their current worn items for those of the mannequin. This would allow users (RPers in particular) a convenient altenative to wearing their 'war' suit all the time. A time limit in between switches could be implemented(incase this item could be exploited from excessive switching?). If each item added to the mannequin counts towards current storage for the house then switching items out will need to check if there is enough storage available as each item is added to the mannequin.

Information – The total of all item properties present could be shown. Either, similar to how item properties show on test center upon mouse over or a ‘Lore’ sheet similar to Animal Lore information sheet. The EC has a lot of the item properties, but not all, already built into the character sheet, I believe. The item property ‘Mage Armor’ could appear if there are no items that would block meditation with a similar display for Spell Channeling.

- Crafters showing off their skill/wears.
- A convenient change of pace for those that don’t wish to be garbed for war 23/7.
- Total information available for suit builders.
- A convenience for users with multiple characters that use the same suit.
- A new craftable item for ?Carpenters?
- House Decoration.

...edited for spelling and to update the design with SA compatibility.

Trebr Drab

Not bad, Ni.
I'd like to see this able to face in all 4 directions, so if they are used as deco, as suits of armor, they can be placed on both sides of a hall.


Not bad, Ni.
I'd like to see this able to face in all 4 directions, so if they are used as deco, as suits of armor, they can be placed on both sides of a hall.
Actually, my design took into account all 8 directions, I believe...
*looks for it*...
Here it is.

...a direction choice would allow the user to choose the direction the manikin would face(N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW).


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sorry Raven it looks like Ni- gets the credit! Can I ask that we should be able to imbue mods while they are on the dress form? Or am I pushing it?


Sorry Raven it looks like Ni- gets the credit! Can I ask that we should be able to imbue mods while they are on the dress form? Or am I pushing it?
Oh, that's not up to me. I've simply sent in this suggestion a couple times. Any changes required by the devs to get something like this implemented is up to them.

Considering that you can't imbue an item while someone is wearing it, I would doubt being able to imbue an item while on a dress form would be implemented, but I'm not against it!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Oh, that's not up to me. I've simply sent in this suggestion a couple times. Any changes required by the devs to get something like this implemented is up to them.

Considering that you can't imbue an item while someone is wearing it, I would doubt being able to imbue an item while on a dress form would be implemented, but I'm not against it!
Ya I know it's not up to you. I'm kind of just having fun w/the thread now. It would make sense to imbue items on a form if it were in your pack yes?

Walker B

I think it would be cool to display rare armor sets on a mannequin.


This sounds like an excessive amount of work for something that can just be done in an excel spreadsheet...
You should quit your job as a UO Mod and apply to be a UO Developer or GM...

You appear to be qualified :mf_prop:

Restroom Cowboy

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well...I am mixed on this one. I think it is good that some people are *specialized* in suit building, and such a tool could destroy something certain individuals consider an art form. When you destroy a social aspect of this game (relying on others to help attain something) you in essence detract from what the game is all about. If I can do everything myself, then there is little point in playing with others.


Well...I am mixed on this one. I think it is good that some people are *specialized* in suit building, and such a tool could destroy something certain individuals consider an art form. When you destroy a social aspect of this game (relying on others to help attain something) you in essence detract from what the game is all about. If I can do everything myself, then there is little point in playing with others.

I hadn't realized that there were people out there that would build suits for other people.

Well, they could still build suits with these mannequins. If the create it like a transferable container item, they could build whole suits and sell/transfer them. I do agree, however, that some business will be lost because of this idea.


For those that care, I went ahead and sent this suggestion in again, on UOHerald.com. I'm not sure if it'll ever get looked at, but hey, I did what I could do!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wait there are still people that socialize in game? I was under the impression with the loss of the bulk of our player base and the advent of TS and Vent no one actually talked to any one any more =( Its the thing that makes me think about leaving every day. I wish people were still encourage to talk in game but our Devs don't do much to keep people doing it any more what with the break of text a few years ago when casting and the more recent align left crap. Its a wonder people bother even for a few short min any more.