OMG! Wow look who changed their toon they are singing... Wonder where you got this idea from... Right now your saying:
It is, but it doesn't appear to be at the top of the priority list. In the meanwhile, we should probably go with the community wishes.
<hr></blockquote> but (ironicly) EXACTLY 1 month ago today you said
We are looking into the possibility having it as a settable option. We don't know if it's possible. Perhaps the option will be part of Stratics Plus. Perhaps not. Currently there is a huge backlog of higher priority things to be worked on. If it turns out that it cannot be personally configured by each individual, we'll probably have a poll to see what the community prefers. Up until now, the community as a whole as selected the way things currently are set up. Fair enough?
So I said in reply
Ok so let me get this straight. I have to live with this sort format while:
1) the higher priority issues get resolved
2) the devs attempt to figure a way to make it an option
3a) if said option fails, we take a vote.
3b) if said option works, it is put in.
I got a better idea on what is fair: How about taking the vote NOW it takes me 30 seconds to configure a poll on UBB. Anyone could do it, and lock it at the top, and leave it there for a week or whatever (while you guys work on the higher-priority issues). Then we will see who is the majority and the minority....
That to me would be FAIR.
<hr></blockquote> And in reply to this you said very nicely
Well, yes, you do have to live with it for now. If that makes me or the others here unfair, so be it. You can always download my picture and throw darts at it. It'll make the time go faster while you're waiting.
<hr></blockquote> Now a
MONTH later, you realize "maybe" we should see what the public wants regardless of what is technically possible... /php-bin/shared/images/icons/members/lol2.gif Really makes me giggle hard till it hurts /php-bin/shared/images/icons/members/lol2.gif.
Cynewulf , you sure your not an OSI employee? You seem to sure act like one. Someone offers a suggestion, you shoot it down saying, no we can't do that, or no that is not possible. Then in the next breath a month later you come out with said suggestion as if it was your own idea... (aka Black dye tubs come to mind, originally created as an exploit, OSI deems it "wrong", then a little while later, OMG black tubs being given out as gifts by OSI... hmmm).
I don't mean to attack you Cynewulf, but I was a bit offended by your "tough noogies" responce. So I just wanted to point this out, and that I'm happy you are comming to your sences... Though a month later (you SURE you don't work for osi? /php-bin/shared/images/icons/wink.gif )