It will be a sad day indeed if the NZ and Aussie players have to abandon our beloved shard, but that is what will happen if the server situation remains as it stands. My ping from Nz has gone from 64ms to 180ms and my hops to the server from 14 to over 30. How they expect to keep a player base is beyond me. Maybe they have too many US based players who can't find a Shard to play on "yeah right',( Kiwi joke). I have started an Eve online acct and if nothing changes in the next month or so 10 years of playing UO will go down the drain. Pity as I have made many friends in Oceania...... maybe they could try Eve
. Cal time to be straight with us, what are the future prospects for the Oceania Server to be viable for Aussies and NZ's to play as it can't stay where it is. Surely a company the size of EA would be aware of what other options were available by now if not before, as it would seems poor business sense not to have run some kind of business analysis prior to making any moves as dramatic as this. Oh and could the last person off the Shard Feed the hamster and turn off the lights.