LOL its always some excuse, now your shifting it onto your brother! Priceless
i am unemployed usher, he is morri, u take a screenshot of EVERY kill u get, so search the few u have and you'll notice that there isn't any of morri. So it's not an excuse.
BTW run and pot more. Last duel we had i beat u 5-1, every time i fight u in the field u bolt and pot and still mostly die. You've now got me once in the field - well done, if i potted and ran like u were, i would of lived, instead i was more honorable and stayed on screen even tho my cure spell got disrupted like 5x.
What your doing is the path to boredom. In fact, I cannot think of anything worse than sitting in an office all day doing mathematics.
That's because u can barely talk, let alone count.
So you find cleaning a toilet bowl exciting and challenging, then again after a lawyer pushes out last nights chilli con carne, it's "challenging" cleaning the associated skid marks off, as they require some real elbow grease.
Does it really matter what people do?
YES. This world is very materialistic, sad but true.
The world needs janitors for society to continue running. WE need bus drivers, butchers... u
Sure, we do need idiots to forfill those jobs, but that doesn't mean us 'normal' people shouldn't look down on them. Cleaning is generally for refugees or someone who is semi ******** because they are below 80 IQ.
Sneaky has a serious speech impediment, when he talks everything just comes out in a mess. Even dragod and elwood are easier to comprehend than sneaky, and those 2 are as bogan as 'yous' can come.