You say that you "go to great lengths" yet you still bought & play one of the most violent games in the history of the freaking virtual world?
I read this and had to LOL!!!!!!!!!!!11111!1one
Have you seen other games besides UO? Just walking by my kids consoles, I can tell ya, the violence and gore in UO has to rank somewhere way down there past 100!
Geeez, walking by the displays at Walmart and Gamestop gives ya more violence than ya get outta UO in a month...
Anyway, herein lies the problem with our world.
A "true" pvp'er, I respect for what they do and the skills they have. Player vs Player, like one guy said, the AI devs can't code

It's done for the thrill of the fight, the contest, as much as for the victory. IT's done to protect turf (player run towns, meeting areas, spawns, strongholds, sigils, etc) and usually has some (might be hard to find) rp reasoning behind it, as noted above.
the PK'er on the other hand, is nothing more than a backstabber, a coward, the kind you find hiding in those dark alleys the poster above mentioned

who's only concern is getting a kill and loot, and he cares nothing about the fight, contest, right/wrong, his only ambition is the total domination of his victim, and his own safety.
So don't lump all pvp'ers in the same category, there are a lot of respectable and admirable pvpers out there, it's the small minority, as always, that's gives the group a black eye.
[/rant] [/opinion]