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No Warning or anything

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Sneaky Que

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You are wrong on so many levels its this mentality that makes the game not fun for people ! you think everyone should play pvp! and some people dont like pvp for whatever there reasons! why cant people except that some want pvp and some dont !
No. Sorry. Don't put words in my mouth. I NEVER said everyone should be PvPing at all. The OP has learned now that through that passage is a PvP zone and has a choice if they want to go back there or not. Nobody is forcing them to PvP. Them running in there and getting ganked is not PvP, it is getting PKed which is very different.

Any nub can be PKed, but not everyone can PvP.

The rest of your post I have answered already.

Sneaky Que

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
All I can say is that most of the people in this thread would of lasted all of 5 seconds pre-Ren. There were no fancy WoW gumps (I think that is an appropriate name for it) back then I can tell you!

Can we have a gump put into Tram to tell me that I am about to PvM? Not having this gump could force me into monster bashing which conflicts with my playstyle! I DEMAND PVM GUMPS!


UO Forum Moderator
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Stratics Legend
All I can say is that most of the people in this thread would of lasted all of 5 seconds pre-Ren. There were no fancy WoW gumps (I think that is an appropriate name for it) back then I can tell you!

Can we have a gump put into Tram to tell me that I am about to PvM? Not having this gump could force me into monster bashing which conflicts with my playstyle! I DEMAND PVM GUMPS!
Actually in a way thats not a bad idea if there was something like the sword and shield that tells you when you are in combat mode ! maybe something like this would work ! while I think you are kidding about the pvm gump I actually think this would be a good idea ! then we could ditch the music and the tree foliage !


this happened to me too last night... i did the quest to get to the underworld, had my 5 year old watching me fight fire demons like come on daddy u can beat it... so my son tells me to go this way and that way until we reach undead creatures as i walked out the cave i thought i heard a fel music but i wasnt sure so i turned my speakers up and didnt hear anything else.. i started fighting the undead collecting ingriedients for my crafter.. at the same time i noticed when i killed a monster it said i was gaining in valor so i said i must be in a spawn area.. so i ran up on a few blues and to my surprise whack whack whack... looted and dead... i got to run around the spawn and check everything else out then got rezzed, apologized to the new red i just gave a count to.. and sat there talkin to them like how the heII did i get in fel? they left with my bag of ingriedients i been collectin all night so i left with all the power scrolls they didnt take and as much gold as i could carry... wasnt so bad.. lesson learned!

p.s. i got a 110 throwing for sale... lmao...

Sneaky Que

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Actually in a way thats not a bad idea if there was something like the sword and shield that tells you when you are in combat mode ! maybe something like this would work ! while I think you are kidding about the pvm gump I actually think this would be a good idea ! then we could ditch the music and the tree foliage !
Nope, not kidding at all. If people are basing the argument for having a PvP gump on it conflicting with their play style (being forced to PvP), then why is it unreasonable for us PvPers to have something that tells us we will be forced to PvM?

The more gumps the better IMO.


UO Forum Moderator
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Stratics Legend
Nope, not kidding at all. If people are basing the argument for having a PvP gump on it conflicting with their play style (being forced to PvP), then why is it unreasonable for us PvPers to have something that tells us we will be forced to PvM?

The more gumps the better IMO.
its not unreasonable I actually think this would be great ! I can tell you right now it would get rid of a lot of these posts like this then there would be no excuse except for not paying attention!


Site Support
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If the warning is a mere sound it clearly cannot be enough.

First, a lot of players do play with sound off, second, if might go unnoticed.

A text gump warning would be safer, IMHO.
Play with the Monitor off too? Your Cursor changes from Gold to Silver when you enter Felucca rule set also...


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Nope, not kidding at all. If people are basing the argument for having a PvP gump on it conflicting with their play style (being forced to PvP), then why is it unreasonable for us PvPers to have something that tells us we will be forced to PvM?

The more gumps the better IMO.
nobody is being forced to pvp, it's that the warnings are not quite as clear as everyone expected... that's the issue here


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
wait you mean the op to this thread wasn't a satire? I was laughing and wondering if the writer of the thread was a web comic writer who was going to reveal to us a great new UO related comic.

Sneaky Que

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
nobody is being forced to pvp, it's that the warnings are not quite as clear as everyone expected... that's the issue here
If there are to be warnings that you are (possibly) about to PvP then I don't think it is unreasonable that there be warnings that you are about to PvM.

As soon as I leave WBB and run towards BMG I want a gump telling me that I could be attacked by Mongbats on the way.

Hell, I don't wan't to leave my house without this gump coming up as it could severly impact my gameplay. I don't know how I will manage if there is no warning that the pesky lizzardman on my steps will attack me.

...or instead of playing UGO (Ultima Gumps Online) we could just ACTUALLY PLAY THE ****ING GAME and find out instead.

Argument destroyed.


Six or eight guys just standing there in the dungeon, waiting for their guy to bring one newb in, so they can all gank him in 2 seconds and all get like 200gp worth of insurance money and 12 bandages each. Wow, what a profitable venture. Those guys sure don't have too much time on their hands, no sir.

I've killed lots of people in the other game I play. I've even killed lots of newbs. But when I killed the newbs, it was pretty much a random "Boy did you ever take a wrong turn today!" swat over the head in passing. I didn't sit there crouched in waiting, fapping myself frantically in anticipation, devising complex plans to get to GANK AN ACTUAL NEWB OH BOY.

But PVP in UO is basically the story of some butthurt old veterans, still bitter that nobody wanted to stay and play with them when Trammel came along almost a decade ago, looking to get any sort of petty revenge they can on the carebears who are guilty of ignoring them. Enjoy your insurance money, nobody is impressed.

miss uo

If there are to be warnings that you are (possibly) about to PvP then I don't think it is unreasonable that there be warnings that you are about to PvM.

As soon as I leave WBB and run towards BMG I want a gump telling me that I could be attacked by Mongbats on the way.

Hell, I don't wan't to leave my house without this gump coming up as it could severly impact my gameplay. I don't know how I will manage if there is no warning that the pesky lizzardman on my steps will attack me.

...or instead of playing UGO (Ultima Gumps Online) we could just ACTUALLY PLAY THE ****ING GAME and find out instead.

Argument destroyed.
I am beginning to wonder if you know those pkers or something? You just seem so emotional about this post, its getting kinda personal. I mean you have to refute everyone's point. You even went to the extremes of starting another post.


There's a cave in the abyss, i go thru, start talking to a blue who says he doesn't know wht's down there either, so i walk about 10 screens in and am suddenly surrounded by reds, then i notice that the blue walking with me is a true brittianian, as are the group of reds.

I'm just not into molestation game play. I'm sure I'll get flamed by all the pvpers and what not, but I go to great lengths in my life to express and share kindness to others. For me, the alternatives are death or imprisonment.

I don't appreciate being dropped into game play situations where I am forcibly trapped into interacting with people who get their rocks off by inflicting injury onto others, virtual or other wise.

I would like a refund of my purchase please.
True Britannian: Hey Mr!!
BardMal: Yes?
True Britannian: Hey uhhhhhhh, come down this passage with meh?
BardMal: Whats down there?
True Brittanian: Phatz Lewtz Galoriz!!11oneuno
BardMal: Really?! Ive never been there before, hmm even though I KNOW THAT THERE ARE NEW PVP AREAS INCOROPORATED IN THE PVM AREAS, SO I SHOULD BE CAREFUL!!
True Brittanian: Dont be such a newbzor! Besides, ive NEVER been there before either!! What, you think Id lie to y0u?
BardMal: ONWARD TRUSTY STEED!! To new lands!! to meet new friends!! So that I may express and share my boundless kindness to others!! FORWARD!!
True Britannian *snickers* Uhhh yah, keep going my shoelace is untied, just keep going straight that way to glory and honor!! Ill uhhh, catch up in a uhhhh sec!!
BardMal: *Doesnt even hear the TB, as he charges forward, scanning the horizon for enemies*
5 Reds: Dinner Time
BardMal IRL: *Schoolgirl shriek* *loses bodily coordination due to never having adrenaline pumped into his body in a verrry long time*
Bardmal: *You are dead*
Bardmal on Uo Stratics: I want my refund


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Connor - the proper term for Fel residents is "Fellatios" - after all, it reflects their game style perfectly....
He he, I am gonna remember that one and if the Mouth Piece, that perma camps the Luna Bank, starts his rant again I am gonna use it. :pint:


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I don't think it's funny, don't get me wrong, the bug need to be fixed so the warning can work as it should.

Noone, not even a PvP'er like to be ganked when they expect to be safe. The ones who take advance of this bug must be kids or other immature who not respect peoples right to choose not to play in PvP zone.
The ones who are tricking non PvP'ers going there knowing the warning do not work sure need a temp banding and a mark on their account, that's the kind who are the reason we had to split the game in 2 ruleset, the ones who get joy from ruining others game.

PvP'ing in UO was meant to be RP and if done right, the victim do not need to abused and harrassed.

Well said Freja, now if only more of the PvP community would stand up and insist that the EA/Mythic team do as you have suggested, then PvP in UO will have taken a step towards recovering from the cesspool these people have created and keep PvP in.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It is pretty simple really. There should be a warning gump so that players that do not want to enter, can have that choice. Probably something they missed during the hectic days before launch.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It is pretty simple really. There should be a warning gump so that players that do not want to enter, can have that choice. Probably something they missed during the hectic days before launch.
Appearances can be deceiving and that is a two edged sword.

This is correct.
* The only non-consensual PvP areas of the expansion are the two new Champ Spawns
* The entrances to these are *clearly* marked, and there will be a warning gump added to players trying to pass into them from the Trammel side of the Abyss
* There will be Felucca entrances to each Champ Spawn hidden in the Anti-Virtue dungeons
* Murderers will only be able to use the Felucca exit, and not enter the Trammel ruleset Stygian Abyss dungeon
* The Champ Spawn areas are separate content, that have Trammel-ruleset entrances inside the Stygian Abyss dungeon. They cannot be entered accidentally. They will not be confused as PvE content.

It means you can't accidentally run into them and get PK'd while just exploring the Abyss dungeon. You have to go through a special entrance and accept the warning to continue.
Tim "Draconi" Cotten - Lead Designer - Ultima Online - EA Mythic​

The above quote of Draconi, stating there would be warnings, was in a thread that was about an interview with Chris and some one else, were Chris call the Trammel players, pause for effect (and acknowledgment that it is a slur) Care Bears and the fact that UO is going to be returned to the wild, free for all days of UO.

Appearances can be deceiving, and it is clear that something is wrong with the picture, it is just a matter of what. :pint:


UO Forum Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Well said Freja, now if only more of the PvP community would stand up and insist that the EA/Mythic team do as you have suggested, then PvP in UO will have taken a step towards recovering from the cesspool these people have created and keep PvP in.
Be careful talking bad about pvp ! I would elaborate but I would just get censored!

But Freja is spot on I am not very good at putting words to pen! But when I read this it was exactly what I was trying to figure out how to say without getting into trouble


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
BardMal: Really?! Ive never been there before, hmm even though I KNOW THAT THERE ARE NEW PVP AREAS INCOROPORATED IN THE PVM AREAS, SO I SHOULD BE CAREFUL!
Except of course for the fact that he's expecting things to work as the devs said, and for there to be some specific, explicit warning before he passes into Felucca. The same way there is for any other kind of passage into Felucca.

Of course, the real purpose of your post was to insult, so I guess reality doesn't matter very much for that purpose. You can insult by making stuff up as well as you can by referencing actual reality.

-Galen's player

Lore Master

I don't think it's cool to go exploring and find myself suddenly ganked because I entered a non consent pvp area without my knowledge.
This is bull there should be some warning message like are you sure you want to leave the safety of Tram and enter the dangers of Fel or something like that if you click no you don't enter and stay in tram if you click yes you enter Fel that would be fair enough warning for anyone.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If they decide to put in a warning gump I hope they give us the option to turn it off.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Six or eight guys just standing there in the dungeon, waiting for their guy to bring one newb in, so they can all gank him in 2 seconds and all get like 200gp worth of insurance money and 12 bandages each. Wow, what a profitable venture. Those guys sure don't have too much time on their hands, no sir.

I've killed lots of people in the other game I play. I've even killed lots of newbs. But when I killed the newbs, it was pretty much a random "Boy did you ever take a wrong turn today!" swat over the head in passing. I didn't sit there crouched in waiting, fapping myself frantically in anticipation, devising complex plans to get to GANK AN ACTUAL NEWB OH BOY.

But PVP in UO is basically the story of some butthurt old veterans, still bitter that nobody wanted to stay and play with them when Trammel came along almost a decade ago, looking to get any sort of petty revenge they can on the carebears who are guilty of ignoring them. Enjoy your insurance money, nobody is impressed.
nothing to add, cept 'quoted for truth'. this needs to be read and re-read by all the pvpers.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well, you knew full well that the Abyss featured fel areas when you went inside and so playing with your sound off is foolish to begin with. On top of missing the "you are entering fel rules" warning sound, you apparently didn't notice your mouse cursor turn silver from gold. The long and short of it is that you weren't paying attention and you got killed. That's not fel specific - not paying proper attention can get you killed even in a Trammel dungeon.

Now.. ordinarily i'd say it's 100% your fault, except for what Draconi said in that statement, about the entrances being "clearly marked". I've been to the the cave in question, and it is *NOT* clearly marked. Its actually not marked at all. Nor is there a warning gump. I think there's a 2nd cave somewhere but i havent seen that one yet so i dunno if it's marked or not.

I'd say its 50% your fault for not paying attention, and 50% Draconi's fault for misleading you about them being marked.

*slams down judge's hammer*


Well, you knew full well that the Abyss featured fel areas when you went inside and so playing with your sound off is foolish to begin with.
*reads Draconi's statement that it will be clearly marked when entering the champ spawn areas*

Ok, cool, I'm gonna go explore now and make sure to look out for any gumps or anything particular about the landmarks or anything like that that may pop up.

Hi there random blue. What's that? Cool area up ahead? Sure I'll go take a look, what's the worst that can happen?

*you are now dead*


On top of missing the "you are entering fel rules" warning sound
Oh, you mean that same one as the bug that sounds every time the UO day changes from night to day and back if you happen to have a char that it's stuck on? Also, do you never listen to music while playing? :party:

you apparently didn't notice your mouse cursor turn silver from gold.
In the nearly 5 yrs I've been playing UO and going from Tram to Fel and back, not once have I ever seen my cursor change colors.

What's that?

Oh, that's right, I'm color blind. :eyes:

50% Draconi's fault for misleading you about them being marked.
Since it was very clearly stated that there were to be very clearly marked entrances to the champ spawns and there aren't, I'd say it's 100% the Dev team's fault (includes everyone so as not to shoot the messenger) for not doing what they specifically said they were going to. No player should be expected to beta test every feature in the game the first time they go somewhere. If someone official states a thing is supposed to work a specific way and it doesn't when it's released, then that's either an unintentional oversight or a bug. Whichever it happens to be, it's on the Dev team for not following through, not the player for expecting something to work as stated.

I'm not picking on you or anything. I'm just sayin'. Gotta look for the root cause and place blame where blame belongs. Don't blame the oven that burned the bread, blame the baker that forgot to set the timer.


Always Present
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If your biggest most stressful moment in life is that you died to some other players in a video game, I suggest you count your blessings, get down on your knees, and thank whatever you worship for making your life so good.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'll add one thing to what I and others have already stated: If the possibility of an unexpected entry into Felucca was part of the expansion's documentation, I'd be considerably less sympathetic to the poster.

I'd still be somewhat sympathetic, but less so, because then this would have been a known risk. Currently it was not, at all, a known risk. In fact it's the exact opposite of what the documentation said!

And, frankly, having a warning is definitely the right decision. To have the possibility to stumble into PvP would greatly lessen the appeal of the dungeon.

Having made the correct policy decision, they now need to implement it properly, and soon.

This is a great expansion, Very well thought out.

But damn if the bugs it has aren't pretty damn big. Abyss itself hard to get into because one of the critters guarding the key is way too easy and is camped to death because the key isn't the only thing it has; the Fel areas can be unknowingly walked into; and apparently the Slasher randomly crashes certain people who have their radar map open in 2d.

But yeah, to the original poster? Chalk it up to a learning experience...If you're otherwise enjoying the expansion, just avoid the 2 champ spawn regions until they fix the bug.

I'm not saying you aren't right; I'm saying that in the age of insurance, the inconvenience is fairly minor. I played before Trammel, so please trust me on that point!!!

-Galen's player


Six or eight guys just standing there in the dungeon, waiting for their guy to bring one newb in, so they can all gank him in 2 seconds and all get like 200gp worth of insurance money and 12 bandages each. Wow, what a profitable venture. Those guys sure don't have too much time on their hands, no sir.

I've killed lots of people in the other game I play. I've even killed lots of newbs. But when I killed the newbs, it was pretty much a random "Boy did you ever take a wrong turn today!" swat over the head in passing. I didn't sit there crouched in waiting, fapping myself frantically in anticipation, devising complex plans to get to GANK AN ACTUAL NEWB OH BOY.

Oh boy, you DO have quite an imagination! Do you know the specifics?? Were you right there when it happened? You make it sound like they elaborately set a trap for poor Mr BardMal, for all we know Mr Blue TB just sent him towards pvp land. Get the fk out of here with your delusions of grandeur. Yah I bet they were *fapping in anticipation*...they probably dropped and looted him in 5 seconds, yawned and moved on is more like it.

But PVP in UO is basically the story of some butthurt old veterans, still bitter that nobody wanted to stay and play with them when Trammel came along almost a decade ago, looking to get any sort of petty revenge they can on the carebears who are guilty of ignoring them. Enjoy your insurance money, nobody is impressed.
Again, Mr Know It All, it could of been a bunch of teenage kids or younger that have been playing for a year or less...way to go chachi with your knowledgeable ways.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
*reads Draconi's statement that it will be clearly marked when entering the champ spawn areas*
Since it was very clearly stated that there were to be very clearly marked entrances to the champ spawns and there aren't, I'd say it's 100% the Dev team's fault (includes everyone so as not to shoot the messenger) for not doing what they specifically said they were going to...
People need to remember the bolded point.

I have the highest regard and respect for Draconi, in terms of pointing to him, I do not advocate shooting or in any sense harming him.

One could just as easily substitute the "Lead Designer" as a position/title and it would be exactly the same thing.

Designer Dragon (aka DD) never shirked that responsibility and never really took anything pointed as such personally. Nothing I have ever seen posted by Draconi indicates he shirk his responsibility either. Every post I have seen tells me he can hold his own in any no holds bared thread, perhaps not as well as DD did but certainly the equal to or better than anyone I have seen posting on stratics since I came back.

I implicitly trust that he will do what he can to make sure UO is successful both financially and entertainment wise.

I know DD had a total free hand while OSI was running things. That made it 100% easy for him to do what he felt was required to be done.

I am unclear as to just how free of a hand Draconi has.

I for one would be more confident in UO's future if he did, in fact, have 100% free reign over UO.

Hooli Gan

Why do you not have any problems dying to an npc 13 times on your way into the cave and then dying 1 time at the hands of a player? Still costs the same in insurance.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well the way I look at it is, much as I want more players into Fel, I don't want ones who'll go crazy if they happen to stumble in and get PKd. The aftermath generally makes the encounter as unpleasant for me as for the hapless victim I just res'd. And I'm not a PK.

So if the devs did promise a gump like you get going through a red gate, that's something they should follow up on and put in. So those who are going to get upset can avoid it and anyone who wants to step through knows to bank their valuables.

I personally don't have a problem with the lack of warning, but then I don't take death at the hands of a player any worse than that from a monster. To my mind, at least you can negotate with a player on occasion. I prefer death by player if I'm honest.

So yeah, put up a sign and I think the red moongate idea should be carried through in the new lands too as it's an easy visual sign of "danger".



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There should have been a warning gump when you entered PvP enabled areas. This will be rectified.


You make it sound like they elaborately set a trap for poor Mr BardMal, for all we know Mr Blue TB just sent him towards pvp land.
That's it? That's your whole theory and purpose for posting? Every single person here has seen the old "I have some armor you can have at my house, come through this red gate!" trick. Every single person here has seen someone form a guild and recruit newbs just to kill them at the bank for no reason.

Nobody in their right mind believes for a second that this TB just RANDOMLY happened to send this guy that way, to where a bunch of his faction buddies were just COINCIDENTALLY sitting, who then just so happened to gank the guy by CHANCE.

Pathetic "let's spend all day to inconvenience a trammy for 5 minutes" schemes are a dime-a-dozen in UO, and nobody who has ever played the game has any problem believing these guys saw "Hey there's no gump!" and decided to jerk off tricking newbs and killing them.

The only reason you're even posting this angry spit-flecked nonsense theory is because I hit a little too close to home.

The UO PK likes to see himself as the wolf among sheep, when in actuality he's the ******** kid of the overall MMO PVP world, building pathetically involved newb-traps for virtually zero gain in a game where almost nobody does PVP anyway.

I've killed a greater number of individual people in WoW over the course of the last week than have done PVP on your entire shard in the last year. As one PVP'er to another, you guys are sad.

Frey Wavestrider

Well, you knew full well that the Abyss featured fel areas when you went inside and so playing with your sound off is foolish to begin with. On top of missing the "you are entering fel rules" warning sound, you apparently didn't notice your mouse cursor turn silver from gold. The long and short of it is that you weren't paying attention and you got killed. That's not fel specific - not paying proper attention can get you killed even in a Trammel dungeon.

Now.. ordinarily i'd say it's 100% your fault, except for what Draconi said in that statement, about the entrances being "clearly marked". I've been to the the cave in question, and it is *NOT* clearly marked. Its actually not marked at all. Nor is there a warning gump. I think there's a 2nd cave somewhere but i havent seen that one yet so i dunno if it's marked or not.

I'd say its 50% your fault for not paying attention, and 50% Draconi's fault for misleading you about them being marked.

*slams down judge's hammer*
I would just say that a sound warning is not enough and what happened is not the OP's fault. Alot of people do not play with sound on and there are alot of players, like my wife, who are deaf. NO, the gump is suppose to be there and is not. Saying the it is the OP's fault trying to justify behaviour is what gives PVP the rep it has.


That's it? That's your whole theory and purpose for posting? Every single person here has seen the old "I have some armor you can have at my house, come through this red gate!" trick. Every single person here has seen someone form a guild and recruit newbs just to kill them at the bank for no reason.

Nobody in their right mind believes for a second that this TB just RANDOMLY happened to send this guy that way, to where a bunch of his faction buddies were just COINCIDENTALLY sitting, who then just so happened to gank the guy by CHANCE.

Pathetic "let's spend all day to inconvenience a trammy for 5 minutes" schemes are a dime-a-dozen in UO, and nobody who has ever played the game has any problem believing these guys saw "Hey there's no gump!" and decided to jerk off tricking newbs and killing them.

The only reason you're even posting this angry spit-flecked nonsense theory is because I hit a little too close to home.

The UO PK likes to see himself as the wolf among sheep, when in actuality he's the ******** kid of the overall MMO PVP world, building pathetically involved newb-traps for virtually zero gain in a game where almost nobody does PVP anyway.

I've killed a greater number of individual people in WoW over the course of the last week than have done PVP on your entire shard in the last year. As one PVP'er to another, you guys are sad.
.......uhhhh what? I think your mind is bumblefutzed Bumblefutz

And im the angry poster? :thumbsup: If we were to take a poll on whos post sounds angrier id say youd win hands down.


That's it? That's your whole theory and purpose for posting? Every single person here has seen the old "I have some armor you can have at my house, come through this red gate!" trick. Every single person here has seen someone form a guild and recruit newbs just to kill them at the bank for no reason.

If EVERYONE HAS SEEN IT like you say, why are you coming to BardMals defense? Shouldnt he know better since EVERYONE HAS SEEN IT. Way to think clearly Bumblefutz, way to think.

Go play WoW with Vernon Troy.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
this happened to me too last night... i did the quest to get to the underworld, had my 5 year old watching me fight fire demons like come on daddy u can beat it... so my son tells me to go this way and that way until we reach undead creatures as i walked out the cave i thought i heard a fel music but i wasnt sure so i turned my speakers up and didnt hear anything else.. i started fighting the undead collecting ingriedients for my crafter.. at the same time i noticed when i killed a monster it said i was gaining in valor so i said i must be in a spawn area.. so i ran up on a few blues and to my surprise whack whack whack... looted and dead... i got to run around the spawn and check everything else out then got rezzed, apologized to the new red i just gave a count to.. and sat there talkin to them like how the heII did i get in fel? they left with my bag of ingriedients i been collectin all night so i left with all the power scrolls they didnt take and as much gold as i could carry... wasnt so bad.. lesson learned!

p.s. i got a 110 throwing for sale... lmao...
Normally that is what happens with most groups if you dont spazz out. there are 1-3 guilds on most shards where most players know it wont be the story but the rest will more than likely loot ya rez ya and if your still cool wont rez kill you and pass off the 105's and 110's and gold off at spawns. Respect plays a big part in pvp believe it or not, most pvp'ers know all the other pvpers on their shards, we know who is a tard who is cool 90% of the time when someone gets griefed its for a reason.

The OP prob didnt realize what he walked into, but you cant blame the Spawning guild either. when a PvP guild does spawns they have lookouts, lookout's that look for scouts, potential raiders. when someone who is not green shows up on screen to protect a spawn the scout will die then the defense mode kicks in. Im willing to bet after you ran off they had fields down at every entrance.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Someone stop the trolls! :twak:

The discussion is about : there's no warning when entering PvP side of the Abyss although devs promised there would be one.

There isnt an audible alarm as mentioned about a dozen times in this very thread?

The Dev's promised a warning and there is a warning. Quit whining about trolls and get your facts straight maybe?

If you are going to announce an alarm and take the time to institute an alarm should it be more then just a sound? Yes, of course. But bottom line is that choosing to play without sound or ignoring an audible alarm may get you killed until it is changed. No big deal at all.

And I think this very thread proves that contrary to what the OP thinks it is not a reason to quit playing Uo or start talking about rl matters such as death or imprisonment.

Imo too many damn people from either facet make posts/replies not based upon logic and truth but upon their playstyle. :(


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You say that you "go to great lengths" yet you still bought & play one of the most violent games in the history of the freaking virtual world?
I read this and had to LOL!!!!!!!!!!!11111!1one
Have you seen other games besides UO? Just walking by my kids consoles, I can tell ya, the violence and gore in UO has to rank somewhere way down there past 100!

Geeez, walking by the displays at Walmart and Gamestop gives ya more violence than ya get outta UO in a month...

Anyway, herein lies the problem with our world.
A "true" pvp'er, I respect for what they do and the skills they have. Player vs Player, like one guy said, the AI devs can't code :) It's done for the thrill of the fight, the contest, as much as for the victory. IT's done to protect turf (player run towns, meeting areas, spawns, strongholds, sigils, etc) and usually has some (might be hard to find) rp reasoning behind it, as noted above.

the PK'er on the other hand, is nothing more than a backstabber, a coward, the kind you find hiding in those dark alleys the poster above mentioned ;) who's only concern is getting a kill and loot, and he cares nothing about the fight, contest, right/wrong, his only ambition is the total domination of his victim, and his own safety.

So don't lump all pvp'ers in the same category, there are a lot of respectable and admirable pvpers out there, it's the small minority, as always, that's gives the group a black eye.

[/rant] [/opinion]
1) Uo is amazingly violent and if you are comparing it to your childrens games based upon a 'walk by' you are clearly speaking without knowledge

2) Your definitions of the pvper and pker are so ridiculously wrong they make my head spin.
Just the fact that damn near every blue "pvp'er" also plays a red pk shoots down your silliness. Ohh wait. You werent actually talking about pvp'ers and pks. You were talking about the mentality of true pvp'ers and pks that you have heard of? Rofl
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