Ninja~Paly Assasin
Very nice post Draxous. I will keep your templates in mind.
This, however, is the
Template that I am aiming for:
(Some will note that it includes Chivalry, a skill few ninjas value)
- [*] 65 Anatomy
[*] 65 Chivalry
[*] 100 Fencing
[*] 100 Hiding
[*] 100 Ninjitsu
[*] 80 Poisoning
[*] 90 Stealth
[*] 100 Tactics
Initially I thought it was good. But then I realized, that with only 80 in poisoning, that limits me to Greater Poison, and no Deadly Poison. This will not do.
The 65 Anatomy helps me see the stamina of a player, assuming I have the time to check, and for increased damage. The Chivalry is good enough for self heal and some other mid level paladin spells. I have jewelry for high end spells I can put on, for example, to rez fallen comrades.
With 100 Hiding and 90 stealth, I am nigh invisible to all but the toughest of monsters. This should also make me undetectable in PvP.
To become more self sufficient, and be able to poison my own weapons with Deadly Poison, I propose
Alternative Template #1:
- [*] 65 Anatomy
[*] 65 Chivalry
[*] 100 Fencing
[*] 100 Hiding
[*] 90 Ninjitsu
[*] 100 Poisoning
[*] 90 Stealth
[*] 90 Tactics
I dropped my Ninjitsu and my tactics down to 90 each, to raise Poisoning to Grand Master level. However, when I think about it, I don't believe that having GM poisoning helps increase damage or in any way directly affects pvp damage with poison on a poisoned weapon, shuriken, or fukiya dart. Therefore, it is most logical to classify Poisoning as a crafter skill, something that does not belong in any PvP template.
Therefore, if it is a crafter skill on a Ninja Template, I am tempted to transfer it to a Mage character, who can thereafter become a Nox Mage, as well as poison my weapons and ammo on the side for me to use later.
This leaves 80 whole points to allocate back into the original template I first posted, thus
Alternative Template #2:
- [*] 100 Anatomy
[*] 70 Chivalry
[*] 120 Fencing
[*] 100 Hiding
[*] 120 Ninjitsu
[*] 0 Poisoning (Moved to a mage character)
[*] 90 Stealth
[*] 100 Tactics
+35 to Anatomy, +5 to Chivalry, +20 to Fencing, +20 to Ninjitsu.
The main reason for having Chivlary is the diversified spells it gives, self (or close range) heal, cure poison, weapon & combat enhancements, and the travel spell. I understand that it's weakness is that it is highly interruptable (the heal spell) but at least it's immediate, unlike healing. Of course, you do have to stand still for it to cast, unlike healing, which can be done on the run.
None of my templates include any jewelry enhancements. Also, I do not own any 120 power scrolls either, and I understand that those two, Fencing and Ninjitsu, cost millions of gold each.
Now, considering the 110 scrolls I do own however, brings us to
Alternative Template #3:
- [*] 100 Anatomy
[*] 80 Chivalry
[*] 110 Fencing
[*] 100 Hiding
[*] 110 Ninjitsu
[*] 0 Poisoning (Moved to a mage character)
[*] 90 Stealth [(110)? with items perhaps]
[*] 110 Tactics
In case you haven't guessed yet,
BLUE skills are those that are higher than my current template build, and
RED skills are those lower than my current template build.
The last Alternative looks very promising and doable, as I do have those scrolls and I do have a soulstone fragment that can move the skills around.
I really would like someone's opinion about which is the best for PvP and therefore, the most survivable. Or you could suggest a different build than my current
Ninja~Paly Assasin.