[SIZE=+1]Ultima Online Stratics Weekly Announcement: [/SIZE]

- Updated, The imbuing overview. Now with the addition of the newly updated ingredients table an imbuing guide and the updated magic effects table which now includes imbuing weights for each property.
- Submitted by Darhon, a Stratics poster Floor Traps
- Unfinished, but live anyway Mini Champs. Help us to fill in the gaps? Credit for much hard work goes to Stupid Miner and Tina Small
- Added to the Database, the new Alchemy craftables. More craft items will be added soon.
- Also check out The Tailoring Essay to which Basara has added the leather giving creatures of Ter Mur. Thank you Basara.
If you can help please send any information or submissions to uoinfo@stratics.com, petra@stratics.com, or send a pm to me, Petra Fyde. Alternatively, if you feel you'd like to join the Stratics team as a content editor, I'll be interested to hear from you.
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