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I just demolished a 15x16 to see if an 18x18 would fit. It took me 14 tries as it's a rather tight spot. The tool having a # of uses and a cool down period is annoying, but unless you're placing in a prime spot and/or on an active shard I don't see the big deal. Besides, even if it's unlimited uses with no time limit in an area like Luna walls you STILL have a risk.


"Personally the idea is lovely to me, as it means more time to loot and more chances for the average Joe/Jane to place. "

The average Joe/Jane versus the hardcore idocer, not a chance. The devoted patient one shall triumph over the average. Wait and see, average won't cut it


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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Wiki Moderator


Ok, but if you first claim the spot with a 7x7, can't you then use the resize option?

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The resize option was removed. All housing changes should have been pulled for further testing. We didn't even get to test one IDOC before it was published.

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JC it's not published yet. Draconi said they were holding off until Pub 53 because it required further testing, so relax! And keep the constructive ideas coming!

Edited to add Draconi's Statement:

"Update #3

Hey everyone, we're going to have to move house resizing to Pub 53. The feature list for resizing is complete, but we're going to be running more test cases that don't fit within Pub 52's schedule.

On the bright side, Pub 53 isn't that far behind 52 "

Daren Athlorn


Hey Jeremy, I found a Exploit to your house placement thingy. Give me a reward.....hehe

You tied the 20 attempts to place a house to the house tool, "I had 8 of them", as a total, and to the player. So no matter how many different tools you tried, the total is 20 attempts. BUT YOU DID NOT TIE IT TO THE ACCOUNT.

Log in all 5 players on account and log them out by the IDOC. Log in player 1, attempt 20 placements, Recall to inn, log out, and log in player 2 on your account, and you get 20 more attempts to place a house. I just tried it 100 times. hehehe

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If that's the case, I retract my viewpoint on the cooldown timer on the housing tool being too long, unless they tie it into account, having a lower cooldown timer will allow scripters to switch characters too easily.

Though I still think waiting 2 hours to place after the IDOC is a bit too long.


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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Wiki Moderator
This quoted from Draconi after I asked a similar question:

Question that was brought up elsewhere is that are the tools Charactor bound? Cus a scriptor can have 100 house placement tools in his backpack and once one stops working, script moves to the next.

Character, not by tool

So they are bound to the charactor, according to Draconi.



When shall the Ophidians starts dropping rations on the non reds. IF that is the case at all.

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They already do(Origin). I'd say about 1 in 5 on average.

imported_Mister E.



Personally the idea is lovely to me, as it means more time to loot and more chances for the average Joe/Jane to place.

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The average player is going to wait ~2 hours to place a house? I don't think so. Especially when they are up against professionals and scripters who will have huge advantages, such as working out the best methods to space placements and using multiple accounts.

I thought there was going to be some ingenious new method to combat scripting but this does almost nothing. The difficulty to scripters is raised a little but casual players are going to suffer greatly. Before with water barrels you had a real chance to fighting scripting, now there is nothing.

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Considering placement is randomized and the house placement tool has a cool down limit, the scripters will not have the opportunity you think they will. Pre publish all it took was a scripter running a loop and they would have the house but with a random timer thier scripts will try and try until they get throttled. I dunno where you come from but where I play that seems to be a good idea.



Considering placement is randomized and the house placement tool has a cool down limit, the scripters will not have the opportunity you think they will. Pre publish all it took was a scripter running a loop and they would have the house but with a random timer thier scripts will try and try until they get throttled. I dunno where you come from but where I play that seems to be a good idea.

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The scripters will always win, because rather then banning scripters they try and create code that prevents scripting. Scripters will simply adjust their scripts and tactics, but they will continue. Why shouldn't they continue, they are rewarded for their cheating rather then being banned.




Personally the idea is lovely to me, as it means more time to loot and more chances for the average Joe/Jane to place.

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The average player is going to wait ~2 hours to place a house? I don't think so. Especially when they are up against professionals and scripters who will have huge advantages, such as working out the best methods to space placements and using multiple accounts.

I thought there was going to be some ingenious new method to combat scripting but this does almost nothing. The difficulty to scripters is raised a little but casual players are going to suffer greatly. Before with water barrels you had a real chance to fighting scripting, now there is nothing.

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actually im pretty confident i'll get a ton more loot now, on my shard theres like 3 turds that try to place at every idoc by scripting and then dragging the chests in, without them having a house to drag the stuff they're useless, i can loot things fast by hand and im pretty sure i can beat them easily to the good stuff


"actually im pretty confident i'll get a ton more loot now, on my shard theres like 3 turds that try to place at every idoc by scripting and then dragging the chests in, without them having a house to drag the stuff they're useless,"

Sure, on chessy, they were scripting because house prices there are huge. I have yet to see anyone scripting housing on chessy except in Luna with barrels. Let us hope you remain confident now that they fixed scripting, as if you weren't getting more because of scriptors, lol.

The teams will just be more aggressive in looting now that they don't have to worry about placing, lol. I don't forsee a big increase for ya there. You have to look at the whole picture.



I thought there was going to be some ingenious new method to combat scripting but this does almost nothing. The difficulty to scripters is raised a little but casual players are going to suffer greatly. Before with water barrels you had a real chance to fighting scripting, now there is nothing.

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Honestly, wtf did you expect? The scripting fix to mining should have given you a huge clue. Any fix they add to offset scripters totally screws the average player.

I agree with JC about the limit. My keep was one of those 1 spot or nothing houses. I knew it would go in, I got it placed at during server down. When server came back up, I had a lot of fun trying to find the magic tile again. We just placed a castle on Atl in the took 3 us trying to find the just the right spot.




I thought there was going to be some ingenious new method to combat scripting but this does almost nothing. The difficulty to scripters is raised a little but casual players are going to suffer greatly. Before with water barrels you had a real chance to fighting scripting, now there is nothing.

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Honestly, wtf did you expect? The scripting fix to mining should have given you a huge clue. Any fix they add to offset scripters totally screws the average player.

I agree with JC about the limit. My keep was one of those 1 spot or nothing houses. I knew it would go in, I got it placed at during server down. When server came back up, I had a lot of fun trying to find the magic tile again. We just placed a castle on Atl in the took 3 us trying to find the just the right spot.

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Totally agree here, it screwed the average Joe again, what should of happened is unlimited uses of the tool as now BUT between each use there is a wait period on the account/chara of "X" Seconds. Wouldn't hurt the average player all, but would certainly damper scripter's


I saw a guy say "Info" which tells you who gives what in.

I didnt see this mentioned anywhere?