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News letter is out


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I like the 2 new T or T items. I must have the taunting pumpkin!
3 New green pumpkins to carve.
2 new nice trophies for hunts master challenge.
I like the holiday gift animals.
The Red stained glass will be popular.



The Enchanter
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
I am looking forward to the Virtue rewards.

The Newsletter took some time, but was good to see the acknowledge that some real life issues have been the cause of delays as opposed to the idle speculation of previous months. Fingers crossed for a strong finish to the year.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What's it referring to with the "you must choose your path" and the pirate invasion on the beach ? Is that an ad for NL or an upcoming event ? Oh and "uhh yay" for the Huntsman reward, so the people who wait till the last minute can win everything as usual..what a poor design that was.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Fingers crossed for a strong finish to the year.
Unfortunately I am not very optimistic on that.

One would think the Devs would want to put their best foot forward in the first newsletter in almost half a year, but we got nothing about a new event arc or dynamic event. The things we got in this newsletter seemed to just be a few different rewards to the same old things (new trick or treat reward / new huntsman reward / new artisan rewards).

That does not seem strong at all to me. I find it hard to believe that some new artwork (let's call it a dozen new pieces - even though the blankets are really just reskinned and so is the colored glass) took them 3-4 months to do. I was even going with the idea of "NL - all hands on deck to get it done this year" and even that didn't happen.

At this point, the most we can probably hope for would be another cookie cutter style dynamic event but that might even be far fetched given what we've seen from the team this year.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
What's it referring to with the "you must choose your path" and the pirate invasion on the beach ? Is that an ad for NL or an upcoming event ?
It's under the NL section and that's kind of what they've been saying about NL... choose your legacy (ie path). I would think a new event would have much more detail surrounding it.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It's under the NL section and that's kind of what they've been saying about NL... choose your legacy (ie path). I would think a new event would have much more detail surrounding it.
So they're advertising an event for NL for some time next year if and when it opens, and they already know it's going to start with an invasion while people are in tinker shops ? lol


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So they're advertising an event for NL for some time next year if and when it opens, and they already know it's going to start with an invasion while people are in tinker shops ? lol
It's called role play. Apparently NL is going to have a lot of it. Kinda goes with the MMORPG genre games.

Luckily they are copying a lot of that from Diablo III. Players like to achieve things.


Lake Superior Tabloid Journalist
Stratics Veteran
The Virtue rewards are the most appealing to me. Need to get closer to collection completion.

I also like the new trophies, but I'm going to feel very bad about killing a boura to obtain one. It's one of my tamer's favorite pets.

Anon McDougle

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
I like the 2 new T or T items. I must have the taunting pumpkin!
3 New green pumpkins to carve.
2 new nice trophies for hunts master challenge.
I like the holiday gift animals.
The Red stained glass will be popular.

I didn't see a ship in a pumpkin?


The Enchanter
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
Unfortunately I am not very optimistic on that.

One would think the Devs would want to put their best foot forward in the first newsletter in almost half a year, but we got nothing about a new event arc or dynamic event. The things we got in this newsletter seemed to just be a few different rewards to the same old things (new trick or treat reward / new huntsman reward / new artisan rewards).

That does not seem strong at all to me. I find it hard to believe that some new artwork (let's call it a dozen new pieces - even though the blankets are really just reskinned and so is the colored glass) took them 3-4 months to do. I was even going with the idea of "NL - all hands on deck to get it done this year" and even that didn't happen.

At this point, the most we can probably hope for would be another cookie cutter style dynamic event but that might even be far fetched given what we've seen from the team this year.
I concur that much much more is desired in terms of a more fruitful response to what has been going on and more detail on how they will round out the year. At the very least, I am hopeful for the Newsletter to begin more frequently. It's tough to find much silver lining, but this is atleast a start.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I concur that much much more is desired in terms of a more fruitful response to what has been going on and more detail on how they will round out the year. At the very least, I am hopeful for the Newsletter to begin more frequently. It's tough to find much silver lining, but this is atleast a start.
Ya, They changed it from Monthly to:

The UO Team is happy to announce we will be sending out a newsletter periodically so you can stay up to date on the latest in Britannia!

So there is no "due date" on the newsletters now.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I guess I'm the only one that thinks it's rather inappropriate to put personal matters of your team as the only named reason why NL is delayed.

Everybody seems to be more than happy to know that either Bleak or Kyronix have issues in a space none of our business.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
"We will keep the faire going for 2 hours depending on how many people are still roaming around"

Starts at 1500/3:00PM EST and will only last two hours??? Awful tight time frame :(


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wiki Moderator
"We will keep the faire going for 2 hours depending on how many people are still roaming around"

Starts at 1500/3:00PM EST and will only last two hours??? Awful tight time frame :(
My thoughts exactly.

I know that getting ALL of them on (Bonnie+Team+EM's) and them having real life to work around and all...2 hours is just not long enough.

A LOT of people are going to miss this...what is supposed to be a huge 25th celebration...TWENTY FIVE YEARS and all we get is 2 hours....

I appreciate them doing something and them all coming together for us in game....just give us a bit more time!!!


Stratics Veteran
how is a Scythe pirate themed? Seems more farmer to me just saying
I’m not trying to be rude at all
I’m asking for @Pawain ;)
Just off the wall ... scythe representing the Grim Reaper - or the skeletal figures pirates used on their flags?
Hallowe'en ... the time either of those might be true.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
how is a Scythe pirate themed? Seems more farmer to me just saying
I’m not trying to be rude at all
I’m asking for @Pawain ;)
OMG you read my mind. But I like Cinderella so I resisted the urge. Self control. I've done my quota for 2022.

The Grim Reaper carries a Scythe so it's Halloween related.

The first pumpkin looks more like this:
Last edited:


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I know that getting ALL of them on (Bonnie+Team+EM's) and them having real life to work around and all...2 hours is just not long enough.
I'm kinda wondering if they thought this would not draw a crowd, so they said 2 hours. We gonna have to be very quick to get pages from each EM and find her clicky. Much less do some of the events. I'm gonna make sure and go to the costume contest, the horse race, and the archery. Would like to do more, but 2 hours will zoom by.

Anon McDougle

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
I'm kinda wondering if they thought this would not draw a crowd, so they said 2 hours. We gonna have to be very quick to get pages from each EM and find her clicky. Much less do some of the events. I'm gonna make sure and go to the costume contest, the horse race, and the archery. Would like to do more, but 2 hours will zoom by.
So let's do math even if it's just the developers if each worked an 8 hour shift ....toss in what 30 + EMs if they all worked an hour shift..


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
My thoughts exactly.

I know that getting ALL of them on (Bonnie+Team+EM's) and them having real life to work around and all...2 hours is just not long enough.

A LOT of people are going to miss this...what is supposed to be a huge 25th celebration...TWENTY FIVE YEARS and all we get is 2 hours....

I appreciate them doing something and them all coming together for us in game....just give us a bit more time!!!
You bring up a pretty valid point in my opinion. I understand that the Dev team are people too and have lives outside of the game just like everyone else but at the end of the day they are being paid to do a job. Not only that but it's a customer facing job which means weekend work is required at times, especially for a special event like a 25th celebration (and especially since there is nothing else planned). I'm not sure how often the team is actually required to work on Saturday but I'm guessing not much at all (Destard was a perfect example of them not working over the weekend) so one Saturday a year shouldn't be asking too much.

Maybe this will have some people start to say the same thing ("all we get?"); I know I've been thinking it more and more recently but it started a couple years ago.
  • "All we get" 2 years ago was the old events (town invasions / ToT) turned back on (ie flip the switch). This was the start for me. The pandemic just started in March so nobody knew what to do and all work became remote. Everyone gave the Devs a pass on deliverables even though they still could do everything they needed at home. For the first 8 months or so of the year we had no new content.
  • "All we get" from the "big announcement" in March 2020 was more waiting. They didn't announce NL until around September and "all we get" was 2 or 3 clips of what it would be.
  • "All we get" was a dynamic event system that allows the Devs to seamlessly drop in content (it was the major thing in 2020). Devs said "it will help free us up to deliver NL" and players said "now we will get more events every year". Neither one has happened. If anything we get the same amount of events that are just less original.
  • "All we get" last year from years of people saying saying "turn back on dread mares and bane dragons" was a watered down ostard version of a bane dragon and a firm "no - we aren't turning back on those events".
  • "All we get" from the hundreds of bugs that have been submitted over the years are hot fixes for reapers casting / unlimited skill (only after Merv blew up their spot in a major way).
  • "All we get" this year was a sloppy & poorly tested dynamic event in Destard. First 2 days everyone made out then the next 2 weeks it was a total lag fest with bots running rampant then the rest of the time it was too hard (or too few drops) for the casual player playing solo.
  • "All we get" for the BIG 25th anniversary for gifts is a plaque / a book of lore / skull with liquor (but it has like 50 combos to collect!!). Some people say that we should be happy to get anything though.
  • "All we get" is 1 "monthly" newsletter in 6 months that is lacking much detail of what the Devs have been working on for the last half year and maybe 3 posts from Kyronix on the forum.
  • "All we get" now for the 25th party is 2-3 hours of the Devs time to run games on a single server of their choice that was announced just a week or 2 ago.
There are 3 main responses the same people seem to give every single time. 1) the team is hard at work to deliver NL on time (which has been a moving target) / 2) we should be happy with whatever we get (and then circle back with response #1) / 3) there is already so much to do in UO that we don't need more new content...(then insert #2 followed by #1 response).

It's getting to a point where I'm questioning what we are actually paying for. It obviously hasn't been NL for the last 2.5 years and now it's pushed to some time next year (if even that...who knows). It obviously isn't for a game that is getting frequent bug fixes. Recently it hasn't even been for consistent communication about what we can expect.

Unfortunately, they will still be the pom pom wavers with very low standards/expectations that are going to argue that we should be happy with whatever we are given. Hopefully more people will start to see the same thing though as far as what we get.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You bring up a pretty valid point in my opinion. I understand that the Dev team are people too and have lives outside of the game just like everyone else but at the end of the day they are being paid to do a job. Not only that but it's a customer facing job which means weekend work is required at times, especially for a special event like a 25th celebration (and especially since there is nothing else planned). I'm not sure how often the team is actually required to work on Saturday but I'm guessing not much at all (Destard was a perfect example of them not working over the weekend) so one Saturday a year shouldn't be asking too much.

Maybe this will have some people start to say the same thing ("all we get?"); I know I've been thinking it more and more recently but it started a couple years ago.
  • "All we get" 2 years ago was the old events (town invasions / ToT) turned back on (ie flip the switch). This was the start for me. The pandemic just started in March so nobody knew what to do and all work became remote. Everyone gave the Devs a pass on deliverables even though they still could do everything they needed at home. For the first 8 months or so of the year we had no new content.
  • "All we get" from the "big announcement" in March 2020 was more waiting. They didn't announce NL until around September and "all we get" was 2 or 3 clips of what it would be.
  • "All we get" was a dynamic event system that allows the Devs to seamlessly drop in content (it was the major thing in 2020). Devs said "it will help free us up to deliver NL" and players said "now we will get more events every year". Neither one has happened. If anything we get the same amount of events that are just less original.
  • "All we get" last year from years of people saying saying "turn back on dread mares and bane dragons" was a watered down ostard version of a bane dragon and a firm "no - we aren't turning back on those events".
  • "All we get" from the hundreds of bugs that have been submitted over the years are hot fixes for reapers casting / unlimited skill (only after Merv blew up their spot in a major way).
  • "All we get" this year was a sloppy & poorly tested dynamic event in Destard. First 2 days everyone made out then the next 2 weeks it was a total lag fest with bots running rampant then the rest of the time it was too hard (or too few drops) for the casual player playing solo.
  • "All we get" for the BIG 25th anniversary for gifts is a plaque / a book of lore / skull with liquor (but it has like 50 combos to collect!!). Some people say that we should be happy to get anything though.
  • "All we get" is 1 "monthly" newsletter in 6 months that is lacking much detail of what the Devs have been working on for the last half year and maybe 3 posts from Kyronix on the forum.
  • "All we get" now for the 25th party is 2-3 hours of the Devs time to run games on a single server of their choice that was announced just a week or 2 ago.
There are 3 main responses the same people seem to give every single time. 1) the team is hard at work to deliver NL on time (which has been a moving target) / 2) we should be happy with whatever we get (and then circle back with response #1) / 3) there is already so much to do in UO that we don't need more new content...(then insert #2 followed by #1 response).

It's getting to a point where I'm questioning what we are actually paying for. It obviously hasn't been NL for the last 2.5 years and now it's pushed to some time next year (if even that...who knows). It obviously isn't for a game that is getting frequent bug fixes. Recently it hasn't even been for consistent communication about what we can expect.

Unfortunately, they will still be the pom pom wavers with very low standards/expectations that are going to argue that we should be happy with whatever we are given. Hopefully more people will start to see the same thing though as far as what we get.
There's absolutely no way this team shows up for work 5 days/wk and works on UO only no way in he77.


Slightly Crazed
Why it is so hard to put newsletter on UO website ? Instead they put it on some s**ty website I cannot enter with or without VPN.
Ad even here you just put link to this nowhere instead of letting people to view content.


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wiki Moderator
Happening on Live
Producer Notes

Greetings Everyone,

I know its been a while since we put out a newsletter but as life goes the team has gone though a lot of personal issues taking them away from the game. But I am here to tell you we are here working hard and trying to get back on track . It is that time of the year again that we have much to celebrate! First we have the 25th Anniversary, Halloween and the Holidays right around the corner!

First thing I want to announce, in case you missed UO.Com, since we are unable to do a in person party to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of UO, the EMs and I have set up a faire that we are going to open up on Sept 24th at 3 pm ET on Origin. We will celebrate the 25th Anniversary of Ultima Online with refreshments and the EMs have created nice quick games for you guys to play. We will keep the faire going for 2 hours depending on how many people are still roaming around. At the end of the faire I will put down a thank you gift for you to click and receive. Each Event Moderator has made a page to put in a book so you can create a table top book for your memories of this great day. Thank all of you for making this game what it is today. When I started working on UO in 99 I would never have thought I would be in the position I am in now and still enjoying it as much as I did when I first started. Below is a list of the games that you can visit and play with us!

The reason we are having the faire on Origin is because when this shard was first created it was published to be a working Test Center, and of course later turned into a permanent shard. You can transfer your gifts to your normal shard, this is another reason why we did not do this on TC1.
  • Horse Racing - Got mad skills, come show us!
  • Kissing Booth - Ever been kissed by a Troll? *grins*
  • Quack Quack - drop by to see if you are a lucky duck owner!
  • Trivia Game - Might want to bone up on UO history!
  • Drunken Singing Competition - This game is not for the weak, takes a lot to sing a song while drunk and do it correctly.
  • Ludo - Turning a board game into a real players game, should be a lot of fun!
  • Archery - If you have sweet skills come show us what you have!
  • Story Telling - I know we have a lot of creative players in UO, I am looking forward to hearing some of these!
  • Costume Contest - Come strut your stuff down the runway!
  • Silver Stein Tavern - Turn in your free drink ticket for the first drink, the rest are on you. Join us for a cold drink and some good company while we sit around and talk!
  • Fortune Tellers - If you are curious about your future or if you want a new pet and can't figure out which one to get. or maybe you want to find out about your future love life. Make sure you book your appointment with one of our two fortune tellers.
  • Teleport Race - This is a tricky one you never know where you are going to step so make sure you remember where you have been!
If you get lost we will have a few Guides walking around that can help direct you to the different booths.

I would like to retouch on the proper way to report someone harassing you. If you have someone that fits this then please follow these steps.

1. Ask the player to stop nicely, remember you are trying to stop this not encourage it.
2. Start a harassment page and target the player

This is how we see what was happening and what was being said because it's recorded. If you continue to talk and encourage this rude behavior then both of you are considered guilty. We have been getting a lot of calls lately but our hands are tied if you continue to encourage the other player. After you ask them to stop, then you have to stop talking to this player. If it continues back and forth we will action ALL accounts involved.

While it was our hope to have an alpha version of UO: New Legacy out this year, due to some personal matters our team members had to handle we have to push the timeline into next year. I know this is disappointing but we do not want to open up the shard and not have things right. Everyone wants you guys to enjoy what we are creating but we have to be proud of it before we can do this.

Finally, here are the CS actions for the months of Aug and Sept:
2 - Abuse of game mechanics
23 - Solicitation
110 - Macroing
90 - Multiboxing
7 - Disruptive Behavior

See you in Britannia,
Bonnie "Mesanna" Armstrong
Upcoming Events
With Halloween & the Holidays right around the corner there are some great new rewards to be had in some of our favorite events including the 25th Anniversary, Jack o' Lanterns, Trick or Treating, the Huntmaster's Challenge, Holiday Gifts, and the Artisan Festival!

Ultima Online: New Legacy

Despite some setbacks we touched on earlier, the team is still working hard and is committed to delivering on the vision we shared with you all with Ultima Online: New Legacy. With work on the primary underlying game systems coming to a close we are focusing on delivering an engaging narrative through objective driven content as you explore the expanse of your New Legacy.
You must choose your path...

As you walk through the sandstone streets, you greet citizens and shopkeepers as
you pass by. A cool breeze blows through the streets, bringing in the smell of the
nearby sea water. You stop by the local Tinker shop and browse the trinkets they
have for sale, while making pleasantries with the shopkeeper. Suddenly, you hear the sounds of screaming in the distance... followed shortly by alarm bells ringing out. A general call to arms has been sounded! You rush out of the Tinker shop and ask a nearby guard what is going on. “Pirates!” he exclaims, “Pirates have landed on the shore and are heading right for town! We need all able-
bodied individuals to gather supplies and setup defenses immediately, they cannot
be allowed to breach the gates!” “Pirates, attacking here? How brazen...”, you think to yourself before gathering your equipment and making haste to the city gate. You must protect the innocent and
hold off the pirate attack at all costs!

Follow the path of the Warrior or the Mage as you battle to defend against brutish pirates. Will you take the honorable path and defend the innocent? Or will you abandon your post and join the shameful deserters, hiding away like a coward? Can you see past the deceitful tactics of the enemy and discover the truth behind what is really occurring? Improve your standing and skills by providing aid to the realm and assisting citizens in distress or answering the call to arms of your guildmaster. Defend key objectives against a constant onslaught of attacks from an unknown enemy. Gather supplies to build defensive barriers to protect city gates. Reclaim what has been lost to the elements and fortify a new stronghold as a base of operations. Delve deep into dungeons and caves to defeat fearsome monsters and restore lost honor.

Do you have what it takes to become the hero Britannia needs?
From the Meet & Greets
Our next TC1 M&G will be held on October 17, 2022 at 7pm ET in Castle Blackthorn
Customer Service
For the billing support at [email protected] to sufficiently verify ownership of an account you wish to recover, information that is currently set on the account has to be verified. Please note that account recovery requests are reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

If a secret word is saved on the desired account(s), we will be happy to provide the secret word hint(s).

Accounts that have been closed within the last year require the secret word and 2 pieces of information.

Accounts that have been closed for more than a year require only the secret word, if a secret word is not set then 3 pieces of information are required.

Information used for verification are as follows:
  • Account name
  • Email
  • First and last name
  • Date of birth
  • Phone number
  • Key codes
  • Payment information (CC)
  • Date account was open/closed
  • State/country
To recover an account, please email [email protected] so that the Billing Support has a ticket in the system. Keep an eye out for the automated reply requesting account verification for the Billing Support Team to assist further.

• How to create an account or log into my account?
Account Login Guide – Ultima Online
• How to manage my accounts after I’ve logged into the Account Center?
Account Management – Ultima Online
FAQ – Ultima Online

To reset your password you must first understand which type of account you are resetting the password for.
EA Accounts, Mythic Master Accounts, and Mythic Product / Game Accounts all have separate individual passwords. All of which you can reset at our Account Center at https://accounts.eamythic.com/.

• To reset your EA Account password:
* Please visit https://signin.ea.com/p/web/resetPassword
* At the EA page enter the email used to log into your EA Account to change its password.
* If you have not received your password or have received an error while trying to reset the password and you have disabled all spam filters, please contact EA Support here.

If you have an account that was terminated by CS over a year ago and would like to have it back, please contact the Dispute Team from the email associated with the account at [email protected] for further investigation and a possible one-time reprieve.

For in-game issues or question, please submit an in-game help request for a Game Master to contact you.
To submit your suggestions and feedback regarding game content, mechanics, or design, please send them to [email protected].


Sovereigns Coin Codes
purchased from EA Origin have to be redeemed on the Account Center; you cannot enter these in game.
Sovereign Coin Codes that have been redeemed are bound to the EA Account they were redeemed on and are only usable by the accounts linked with that EA Account; Sovereign Coin currency may not be transferred.

If you are having issues with your EA Origin purchase, follow this link to resolve the issue.

You may have noticed that Origin Store purchases made did not arrived as expected. The Origin Store enacts reviews on all transactions to safeguard against fraudulent purchases, and these reviews may take up to 72 hours. Unfortunately our Billing department is not able to expedite or circumvent this process. However, players who have questions or concerns regarding a store purchase can contact Origin Support for assistance using the below steps:

1) Go here, https://help.ea.com/en/contact-us/?product=origin&platform=pc
2) Select topic* - select Orders
3) Select issue*
4) Click on "Select contact option"
5) Sign in with your EA Account or click on "Get help from an advisor without logging in." if you're having trouble signing in.

We would also like to reiterate that the Origin store is the only guaranteed provider of codes for Ultima Online. The validity of a code purchased from a third-party seller (be it a friend, in-game acquaintance, or recommended site) cannot be guaranteed. Furthermore, any codes we find to have be fraudulently obtained will be disabled and an account that applies any of these codes will have that code removed from said account. This can result in the loss of game time, character slots, expansion access, Sovereigns (and the items purchased with them), in-game items and more. Please be advised that we cannot assist with any issues stemming from codes purchased via non-Origin means; you will be required to contact the vendor from which you purchased the code for further assistance.


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wiki Moderator
You are most welcome!

I think it's gonna be a blast!

The deco is really cool and the games are pretty creative, I am excited!


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
selling clicky drop ! whatever it may be ... pre order today to get your extra clicky !


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There are 3 main responses the same people seem to give every single time. 1) the team is hard at work to deliver NL on time (which has been a moving target) / 2) we should be happy with whatever we get (and then circle back with response #1) / 3) there is already so much to do in UO that we don't need more new content...(then insert #2 followed by #1 response).
You forgot #4 where we compare an MMORPG to a single-player game and chide everyone for being spoiled brats expecting updates or communication at all.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You forgot the best one. Well WOW does blah blah blah.
I'd need context on that one to rule judgment on that one. "WoW does an expansion every 2 Years" and "WoW has a patch every three months" totally agree it's a dog whistle. Now "WoW communicates roadmaps and planned features", that should be something every MMO does.