The term "fanboi" is a derogatory term used in a weak attempt to discredit the opinions of the person it's aimed at, and is in simple terms, "name calling", which is very much an immature reaction on the part of the person using it. Sticks & Stones and all that rot, ya know?
[/ QUOTE ]My use of the word "fanboi" has nothing to do with name calling. The word fanboi is a descriptor for your typical response to anyone who happens to hold EA to task for the lack of information that is provided about the game. My only confusion here is how someone who writes "And yet again Friday, and another whine that something specific to you didn't get answered," somehow believes he has the right to get on a soapbox about maturity.
"Wishing" to know and "Demanding" to know are 2 different things. The people that "wish" to know simply ask questions in a adult manner and wait for an answer, understanding that NO ONE is obiligated in any way to cater to them personally, and that UO fans are lucky in the fact that EA Mythic does in fact, make an effort to communicate to it's playerbase directly more than any other game, which is something you rarely see in the gaming community. I've been on the "official" WoW forums, which is linked on their main website, and don't recall EVER seeing a WoW Dev make a single post.
[/ QUOTE ]You're completely off-base here, and have been for some time. Please explain why we, as paying customers for the Ultima Online product are somehow "lucky" that EA Mythic provides any information at all. Where do you get this strange idea that EA Mythic communicates with its playerbase directly more than any other game? From where I sit, I've played a multitide of games where communication about what's coming and going on in the game is FAR FAR FAR better than what EA Mythic currently or previously has offered.
See, while EA sits around saying, "We can't discuss stuff for {insert excuses of being afraid competition will spy on them, something won't actually get done that they 'promised,' et cetera}," other games actually tell you what they're currently working on. In fact, EA themselves used to be MUCH better about keeping people informed about what's going on. But in the past two, three years, we get to know the patch notes they day before they go live on Origin, and in most cases, it's the first we've heard about a particular thing.
So, uh, no... EA's winning no awards for customer contact.
Hmm. Demand-ing. Insult-ing. Whin-ing. Complain-ing.
All things that prompted my initial post in this thread to begin with, and spot on. I'm sure insulting Jeremy and any and all of the Dev's is really going to make them comply to the "demands" that accompany all of the above.
[/ QUOTE ]
Really? So "Somehow I feel like the yard dog that was expecting a ham bone and just saw a chicken bone tossed into my dish. Another week to wait for something really good to read," is somehow an insult to Jeremy? Please. Get over trying to justify your own immaturity.
If the people that make these sort of posts would act more like adults in their posting, they might get a better reaction from the "idiots", "morons", "brain dead", and otherwise insulting labels, painted on the very people they're trying to get a positive reaction from. Negativity begets negativity. Act like an adult, and be treated as such. Being disappointed in something and voicing it in an adult manner is one thing. Insulting people, and in most cases the wrong ones, IS immature, not to mention counter productive, but then I've already covered how that works.
[/ QUOTE ]Funny... I don't recall seeing a post in this thread about idiots, morons, or the brain dead. Maybe I missed something though. Certainly it wasn't in the first few posts prior to your wonderfully mature response.
That's a personal issue. Your personal measure of the reduction of the "fun factor" is particular to you, and only you. What you may consider boring, or no longer fun, does not apply to anyone else in the same regard. For example, while a large number of people find Mining or Lumberjacking to be boring, there is also a large number of people that find it fun and/or relaxing.
[/ QUOTE ]Never said it wasn't a personal issue, but if you think it's unique to me, you're completely out of your mind. There is a wide base of players out there that are waiting for something exciting to come down the path, and continue to be disappointed by the lackluster state that the game's in. Just because you respond to everyone who feels that UO is in a sad shape doesn't mean that your wave of the magic wand negates their feelings on the matter.
If you're happy with the way UO is, good for ya. Go play it. Enjoy it. Some of us are expecting it to continue to grow and evolve as it used to, and as it should rightfully continue to do, because those of us with a sense of foresight understand that continued stagnation of the game leads to a continued decline in the playerbase, and as that playerbase declines, the day that the servers go offline for good comes closer and closer.
I'm not Chicken Little, and I don't believe the sky is falling, but certainly the mistakes made in UO's development over the past two years is increasing the decline in subscribers, and that's not good for anyone interested in the game's future.
However, you're far too busy defending your own fun factor and arguing with anyone who wants and expects EA Mythic to have regular conversation and information flowing about UO's future to understand anything beyond your own minimalistic scope. Which is fine for you. But you don't need to harp on others who do expect that information.
And yes, we are entitled to expect information about the game we are currently subscribing to. The idea that this is "just a game" and that no one "owes us anything" and that we're somehow "lucky" to receive any information at all, much less lucky to be playing the game is a bunch of BS. You want to discuss luck, let's discuss it. EA is lucky that anyone continues to subscribe to the game given the state of its development over the last couple of years, EA is lucky that many people -- myself included -- have nostalgia and collected effort keeping them as subscribers, and EA is lucky to have a playerbase that is expecting communication from them. Don't start forgetting that this is a SERVICE, and at the heart of service is the CUSTOMER, NOT the business.
The reality is that if the game isn't allowed to progress and be brought up to date as much as possible with today's genre of gaming, it will end up closing down sooner than it could have. The die hard 2D fans that refuse to accept that "eye candy" is what today's generation of gamers wants, are the same ones that will end up driving UO into the ground simply because they refuse to accept change, or even the need for it.
[/ QUOTE ]The die hard 2D fans aren't what's keeping people from migrating to the KR client. The KR client is what's keeping people from migrating to the KR client. I'm in full agreement that the game needs to evolve. If you look back to pre KR release, I was a staunch defender of both KR and its development, because it SHOULD BE the future of UO. However, the KR client was released incomplete, buggy, and by most standards, unplayable. By unplayable I don't mean that it doesn't function, I mean that it functions poorly. UO's client needed some streamlining and some overhaul. What it did not need was to become every other MMO's interface.
I believe I've pretty much covered this one. Want to hear from the Dev team? Then create an environment they don't mind being in, not one they dread.
[/ QUOTE ]I don't have to create an environment that they don't mind being in. If they are working on UO and continue to receive a paycheck, then I expect that they'll be working on the improvement and betterment of UO. If they can't take criticism about their work, then they need to be in a different business altogether, because NO entertainment related business is without ridicule. If posts demanding information is what's keeping them tight-lipped then frankly they've got a lot of learning to do. There are some serious issues with how EA is handling UO, and it's not the playerbase that has caused those issues.
I mean, honestly, both EA and Sony are seriously aware what happens when you don't communicate with customers about what's coming. EA released UO:AoS without telling anybody what changes were coming down the line. Me, I understand that for UO to continue, it needed to move away from the simplistic item system that was initially in place, but had EA discussed it before thrusting it on us (not to mention, you know, making the release more stable, instead of waiting for 6 weeks to fix some of the major bugs with it), AoS wouldn't have resulted in a mass exodus of players and the remaining ones needing pacification.
Sony can share the same experience with SWG, which hasn't had a single expansion, and has a declining subscriber base since it completely changed the rules of the game. Similarly, it's because Sony just said, "Here's the newest expansion. Oh, and we're changing the fundamental rules of the game."
Communication is not a bad thing. In an MMO it is a required thing. If the people at EA can't do it, then they need to get people who CAN do it. 29 days into January, and they haven't announced what's coming in February, much less what's going on with SA. Your faith in EA is misguided and misplaced. I know. I used to be in your shoes.
Not at all. Not approving of people insulting others (and in this case for no good reason, not that there ever is) is a far cry from being content with the "status quo".
[/ QUOTE ]You really need to get a better feel for what constitutes an insult then.
It's too bad that a large portion of the posters refuse to accept change, yet still demand that change happen. Kind of a catch 22 there.
[/ QUOTE ]It's a shame that EA can't implement change in a complete, concise, and well managed manner. If you're suggesting that the KR client is complete, and that all UO needs now is for people to adopt it, you're wrong. Change is good only when the alternative is better than what exists, and while the KR client COULD BE better than the 2D client, it isn't. And won't be until they re-examine what makes UO the game that it is. Right now, they're just guessing.
They passed out grape juice? Was it Welch's? I'd be upset with myself if I missed out on some good Welch's white.
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