I won't make a full report right now, but I'd like to say a few things.
1) Thanks to [W], [FEW], [PACT] and the other PvPers who took part. You made the success of this event! *Edit* forgot [Men] and [INF]
2) Thanks to all the non-PvPers who took part. I hope you liked it and will ask for more!
3) I'd like to thank everyone for the good spirit, may it be the reds or the blues, everyone made it a very pleasurable event!!
4) We kept 4 swords. Congratulations to the Reds
5) I will tweak some things into the organising of the event for the next time. I don't know yet how to avoid the little troubles, but we'll find something!
6) I'm pretty amazed I could keep my sword on me. Sheer luck or kindness from the Reds, I'll never know
Lastly... a few pics I posted, but for the whole stuff. you'll need to wait for me to go through the 47 screenies...
And for Kayne to collect the Screenies from everyone else.
First caravan pics
I also invite you all in two weeks. There will be a new post with the exact time (probably 8PM uk like this time) and day (maybe tuesday to give other people the opportunity to come).
See you all soon, in Haven or in Felucca!