So, I saw this game and decided to give it a try.
I go ahead and log into the game for the first time and it's like deathly quiet.
First thing I attempt is to get help...
So, I look for the chat channels.... but, I can't find any.
I finally figure out that you can "yell" but no one responds.
I wander for what seems to be an hour until I get to this little hut in the middle of the gargoyle city.
I'm like still trying to chat in a channel or at least join a channel where people are actually chatting.
Finally some dude calls me a noob and tells me to come to www.stratics.com and read some stuff.
I'm not quite sure what I'm supposed to read.
But, so far the game doesn't seem to have very many people chatting at all. I'm a very social person and logging into a game where no one says anything is a little bit depressing.
Am I just not understanding how to join the chat channels or what?
I go ahead and log into the game for the first time and it's like deathly quiet.
First thing I attempt is to get help...
So, I look for the chat channels.... but, I can't find any.
I finally figure out that you can "yell" but no one responds.
I wander for what seems to be an hour until I get to this little hut in the middle of the gargoyle city.
I'm like still trying to chat in a channel or at least join a channel where people are actually chatting.
Finally some dude calls me a noob and tells me to come to www.stratics.com and read some stuff.
I'm not quite sure what I'm supposed to read.
But, so far the game doesn't seem to have very many people chatting at all. I'm a very social person and logging into a game where no one says anything is a little bit depressing.
Am I just not understanding how to join the chat channels or what?