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New Player Very Confused



So, I saw this game and decided to give it a try.

I go ahead and log into the game for the first time and it's like deathly quiet.

First thing I attempt is to get help...

So, I look for the chat channels.... but, I can't find any.

I finally figure out that you can "yell" but no one responds.

I wander for what seems to be an hour until I get to this little hut in the middle of the gargoyle city.

I'm like still trying to chat in a channel or at least join a channel where people are actually chatting.

Finally some dude calls me a noob and tells me to come to www.stratics.com and read some stuff.

I'm not quite sure what I'm supposed to read.

But, so far the game doesn't seem to have very many people chatting at all. I'm a very social person and logging into a game where no one says anything is a little bit depressing.

Am I just not understanding how to join the chat channels or what?


As far as I know there are no in game chat channels, mate.

You have to establish connections with other players/groups and then you can chat in channels. It's called the "party" system.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
UO is not a very global-chatty game like most other MMOs out there nowadays, but it does have an ingame chat system. This post by Xel can tell you how to access and use it. Right now you can find some players at Luna in malas (get there via the public moongate, there is one to the south of new haven) and also some players at the soulforge in Ter Mur, tho that might be a bit harder to get to for a new player.


As far as I know there are no in game chat channels, mate.

You have to establish connections with other players/groups and then you can chat in channels. It's called the "party" system.
So you're saying the chat channels are called the "party" channel? How do I join the party channel... that sounds like fun.


UO Forum Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
as of right now I dont believe the chat channels are working and even if they are they are not used much ! what shard are you on? you can always post on that shard forum and people will post there then when you meet people most use icq or chat mainly in guild or general chat !

the main spots to find people atm are gargoyle city (by the bank or the soul forge) then there is always luna bank in malas(go into blue moongate just not the one in gargoyle lans(they not in operation atm)) also try britain bank on tramel facet !


as of right now I dont believe the chat channels are working and even if they are they are not used much ! what shard are you on? you can always post on that shard forum and people will post there then when you meet people most use icq or chat mainly in guild or general chat !

the main spots to find people atm are gargoyle city (by the bank or the soul forge) then there is always luna bank in malas(go into blue moongate just not the one in gargoyle lans(they not in operation atm)) also try britain bank on tramel shard !

My head is already starting to hurt.... too much for one night. I'm so confused...


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
People also use IRC to chat while they play, I haven't done it in a while but you can google info about MIRC and hrm...wonder where that IRC faq that was up at stratics went off to...


My head is already starting to hurt.... too much for one night. I'm so confused...
Basically, I don't think there is a global chat system in UO.

Best thing to do is try to find a place where people might be hanging out. Your best bet would be the Bank at Luna.

To get there, find a moongate. If you're still in New Haven head south and you'll find one. Once at the moongate, choose the Malas continent and then choose the city of Luna.

You'll come out of the gate pretty much right at the bank. In general, this would be the best bet for finding people but at the moment with the expansion just upon us it might be a bit quiet.

If it is quiet and you're having problems finding people, just relax and chill out for a while. Start searching around and getting to know the land. Don't be afraid to die as you explore and learn.

Keep popping back to Luna to check for people.

NOTE: If you do die, head back to a moongate and go to the continent of Ilshenar and then choose Spirituality. Shrines there will resurrect you and you can go back toy our body and get your stuff.

Alternatively, look for NPC healers around the land. They will res you. If you see them in your travels, try to remember where the last one you saw was so you can go back there quickly if you die.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Basically, I don't think there is a global chat system in UO.
There isn't. The new client might have something. KR had something. Basically any time there is any serious discussion concerning a global or regional chat there is 3 pages of chest thumping and crying about how UO isn't wow or some other nonsense.

There should be a set of standard chat groups that you can subscribe to if you want. With the default of everything turned off so people don't froth at the mouth.

What shard you plan on new guy?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
UO can be a bit confusing at first, but stick with it.. its most certainly worth it.


Make a character on Sonoma server and look for people with the following guild tags, which will show up as "<player name> [GUILD TAG]"


GO*S is the guild I am in and they are VERY helpful and dedicated to helping new players learn the ropes of UO and a place to call their own. The same can be said of the guild HELP. Additionally, look for certain players, who are always willing to help out new players:

Neocron (me)

If you'd like, shoot me a message here on the forums and I'll give you my email address and we can coordinate a time that we can both be on and I can show you around. :)


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
UO chat system is basically texts appearing over your character when you talk. There is no global type chat system like WoW.

However, if you're in a guild you can chat with them in guild chat.


Not sure why people are saying uo has no chat options !!
on your bar above the screen beteen journey and help button is a chat Button , left hand side will tell you whos tune in.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If you're on Europa, give me a shout and you can come join our guild. Guilds do have a 'chat channel' and ours is usually quite busy!


I wander for what seems to be an hour until I get to this little hut in the middle of the gargoyle city.
People seem to be missing this part of his post. He’s not in NH, he started as a garg and is probably in the worst place for a brand new player to start.

To the OP: Make a human or elf character. You will start out in New Haven and it will be much easier to get around and find help. Gargoyles are a brand new race and the Gargoyle city isn’t connected to the rest of the towns yet.

Sneaky Que

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Those of you in 2D who have said in this thread that there is no global chat system, try pressing alt T.

Yes there is a global chat system for UO (and has been for a long time), but nobody uses it.