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New Gargoyle character on Siege observations


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
So I wanted to create an experimental character on Siege, and am having quite a fun time at it, apart from the fact that I haven't seen a single other player.

However, I have a few issues with starting there that make life a little bit extra difficult.

1. I can't find any sheep (or cotton). This means I can only buy bandages 20 at a time unless I can find the time to work the bandage spawn on the healer up. This means that using healing or veterinary skills will be quite impossible either for a long time or until I can find a good samaritan who will take me to the other side.

Possible solution: make boura-fur weave-able.

2. I can't find a place to tithe. This means that chivalry is not an option. For me this isn't an issue as my plan does not involve chivalry, but if I wanted a paladin-goyle, it would be game breaking unless I could find that good samaritan (remember, I can't recall to the other side, which would mean I would need a ride both ways, and I can't get through the abyss having no fighting skills to speak of).

Possible solution: Tell me where to go? (There's another thread here on the same subject, so I would answer there first) Or add in an ankh if there isn't one already.

3. The lack of mages in the Royal City means I can only get a few reagents at a time. I actually don't mind this much, since I could easily build up the vendor-reagent spawn and just haven't had the gold for it yet. But for other people, this could be an issue.

Possible solution: None really needed once the gate is working. I could just pop over to Moonglow and buy reagents there.

4. I can't for the life of me find a spawn which I can handle as a low end character in Ter Mur which doesn't have either toxic slith or silver serpents. I have compensated by taming ruddy boura to do my work for me, but it's definitely counter-productive when training skills.

Possible solution: I need to explore more. I'd rather not have to return to mainland-Britannia for my training purposes, but I may be forced to do just that.

Conclusion: Starting a new gargoyle character on Siege with no friends/resources to help is hard. Personally, I highly recommend it for those looking for a challenge. I'm not sure if these issues really NEED looking at, since activating the moongate will solve them all in an instant.

I am rather curious about the new player experience for gargoyle characters on the other shards though. If I have issues after years of play, the new player who hasn't gotten the hang of the game yet may find it too difficult.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Did you try the cotton fields at Skara?

If you use stuck help in Ter Mur what towns come up on the menu?

Silly Seadog

It's My Birthday
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Stratics Legend

1. Non-humans without tailoring can cut clothing inta bandages. Mayhaps tha gargoyle cloth armor can also be.

3. In me lil bit o' time tryin' out Siege, waited on magery til done scrounged up some pieces o' LRC.

4. Me gargoyle started at 0 fencing and whiffed on da snakes and mongbats fer a while, eventually working up ta be able ta kill them kavres (howe'er it be spelt, tha easiest demons), but finally me done caved and had me other character drop off runes ta house and Despise.


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
If you're at the soulforge in town now I'll come get you.
When a Siege player offers to come "get" you, you might want to ask for a clairification...


Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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Stratics Legend
Now, now Kelmo, everyone knows I'm one of the good guys!
He's not calling anyway, maybe he's not read this, or someone else already got him out.
icq if needed is 102280987


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
hen, good idea with the stuck option. I may try that in hopes that it'll work

Petra, thanks for the offer, even though I'm not in game for the next several hours. Right now I think I'll stick it out as the challenge of having no resources appeals to me right now. I'll keep your offer in mind in case I want to go back to the old-country.

Seadog - Another good idea. Has anyone tried that?

Kelmo - HAR! (But I don't think that Petra could possibly "get" me in a way that I'd be offended by :))

I'll give you the complete summary just to show where I am:

I created a character with 50 taming and 50 lore. Looking back, I think I should have used the new client and made a character with 40 magery/40 taming and 40 lore, but I wanted the fast-track to high plains boura.

The plan is to tame a lowland boura and a high plains boura and see how far I can get with only those two animals and minimal magery skill, but there was a flaw in my plan.

While getting reagents isn't a huge problem, collecting them 20 at a time is a bit too much like work, and walking back to the magic shop every 20 minutes doesn't give me much time to earn gold to buy more. This got me thinking about the other things that new players need which may not be available in the new lands, and hence the post.

And while I'm happy to stay in the new lands, I could really use a source of bandages, as I decided to add in enough vet and lore skills to cure my pets of the low level poisons which toxic slith and silver serpents are constantly applying to me.

Currently, my plan is to use my two lowland boura to collect gold since I can't tame a high plains boura without enough magery to heal (mysticism was a bust in that regard) and slowly collect the resources I need to escape the city.

Eventually, I hope to discover exactly what an experienced player can accomplish with no skill above 70, just ... because.

So my plan is 55 taming/70 lore/70 vet/70 magery/70 meditation/70 focus.
In addition, I won't be buying anything from other players except consumables until I can walk through the abyss and underworld alive... Which I suppose brings me to my next issue which I haven't thought about yet. How do I get a ship when travelling from the Ter Mur side? But by then I suspect I'll be able to use the moongate to buy a ship in Britain or Skara.

And I won't put this plan above my current plans involving the Catskills shard, which means I will only be playing in the "off hours" where I don't have any guildmates on-line to play with.

Anyhow, thanks for the offers of help. I may just take you up on them... but not quite yet.


Old and in the way
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dread Lord
*smiles* Just know there are some friendly folks on Siege...


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ummm ... what is with famer nash's quest? Isnt it available? With two bouras you could be able to handle undead gargoyles and shades from the tomb of kings?
If everything fails, you could do a ghost run through the abyss.