*Apologies if I've got something wrong here, I've not tried either skill extensively*
Looking over the new skills and figuring out how to fit them into viable templates on a character is something I enjoy. Mysticism seems fun, but it seems that in order to get full use out of the skill you need to take up Imbuing as well (and eval to an extent). Obviously this is fine and has been done with many skills in the past, but it seems to me that Imbuing lacks the "toys" that other auxiliary skills have.
In my head I'm making the comparison between Mysticism/Imbuing and Necromancy/Spirit Speak, as I can see the most popular Mysticism template being made by swapping these skills out. Obviously imbuing is a powerful crafting skill in its own right, but if I decide that I want a "Mystic Mage" then I know I'll have to take it up even if I have no interest in crafting. With skills like Spirit Speak which are taken to augment another skill, there has always been something added, even if not massively useful, to make people feel better about sacrificing a chunk of precious skill points for it. SS has a heal use, eval lets you see mana levels, tactics allows special moves etc.
I'm probably not getting across very well what I mean (I'm trying) but I guess what I was hoping for was that Imbuing would have some (however small) in-combat benefit beyond just bumping up the cost of Mysticism. It could be as small as a minor boost to mana regen (a free MR 2 or something), or something a bit more interesting. I'm thinking in the same way that Inscription ends up giving a little boost to resistances with MR and RA on, as well as the SDI bonus, imbuing could give something also.
Looking over the new skills and figuring out how to fit them into viable templates on a character is something I enjoy. Mysticism seems fun, but it seems that in order to get full use out of the skill you need to take up Imbuing as well (and eval to an extent). Obviously this is fine and has been done with many skills in the past, but it seems to me that Imbuing lacks the "toys" that other auxiliary skills have.
In my head I'm making the comparison between Mysticism/Imbuing and Necromancy/Spirit Speak, as I can see the most popular Mysticism template being made by swapping these skills out. Obviously imbuing is a powerful crafting skill in its own right, but if I decide that I want a "Mystic Mage" then I know I'll have to take it up even if I have no interest in crafting. With skills like Spirit Speak which are taken to augment another skill, there has always been something added, even if not massively useful, to make people feel better about sacrificing a chunk of precious skill points for it. SS has a heal use, eval lets you see mana levels, tactics allows special moves etc.
I'm probably not getting across very well what I mean (I'm trying) but I guess what I was hoping for was that Imbuing would have some (however small) in-combat benefit beyond just bumping up the cost of Mysticism. It could be as small as a minor boost to mana regen (a free MR 2 or something), or something a bit more interesting. I'm thinking in the same way that Inscription ends up giving a little boost to resistances with MR and RA on, as well as the SDI bonus, imbuing could give something also.