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Mysticism and Imbuing Synergy


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*Apologies if I've got something wrong here, I've not tried either skill extensively*

Looking over the new skills and figuring out how to fit them into viable templates on a character is something I enjoy. Mysticism seems fun, but it seems that in order to get full use out of the skill you need to take up Imbuing as well (and eval to an extent). Obviously this is fine and has been done with many skills in the past, but it seems to me that Imbuing lacks the "toys" that other auxiliary skills have.

In my head I'm making the comparison between Mysticism/Imbuing and Necromancy/Spirit Speak, as I can see the most popular Mysticism template being made by swapping these skills out. Obviously imbuing is a powerful crafting skill in its own right, but if I decide that I want a "Mystic Mage" then I know I'll have to take it up even if I have no interest in crafting. With skills like Spirit Speak which are taken to augment another skill, there has always been something added, even if not massively useful, to make people feel better about sacrificing a chunk of precious skill points for it. SS has a heal use, eval lets you see mana levels, tactics allows special moves etc.

I'm probably not getting across very well what I mean (I'm trying) but I guess what I was hoping for was that Imbuing would have some (however small) in-combat benefit beyond just bumping up the cost of Mysticism. It could be as small as a minor boost to mana regen (a free MR 2 or something), or something a bit more interesting. I'm thinking in the same way that Inscription ends up giving a little boost to resistances with MR and RA on, as well as the SDI bonus, imbuing could give something also.


You do not NEED imbuing for mysticism, thats like saying you need inscripiton for magery, it helps but is hardly nessisary.

I may have missed somthing but imbuing only effects a small number of spells.

Think of a crafter though, an imbuing crafter could pick up some myst and may use the lv4 summon to help fight if threatend, and sleep seems usefull as well for a crafter.

Imbuing also seems to work with some mele classes, what I think is they were going for a skill thats use depends on the template.

I could be wrong though. It has a pretty good mana req.


Babbling Loonie
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Stratics Legend
Imbuing is kinda like inscribe. They are both supportive skill and crafting skill.

Imbuing/Mysticism can be used to increase the bonus damage of the special "Infused Throw". In the case of a dexer, mysticism would be better bet because both of these two skills give the same damage bonus and do not stack.

Imbuing is hardly need for mysticism unless you want...
1. Powerful summons, maxed out colossus can tank a super dragon pretty well but they dont last long (not that good because the duration is way shorter than mage summons).

2. More powerful health stone. Its basically a 2nd healing pot with higher healing potency.

3. Spell trigger high level mysticism spells. (you need 120/120 to be able to spell trigger bombard).

These 3 are the main benefits (but not limited to) for having imbuing on a mystic.

GM Inscribe also increase mysticism spell damage by 10%. Most people will probably swap imbuing for something else. Which is again a weird decision made my DEVs to make specialized templates weaker than hybrid templates. But on well maybe that's the "main style" of UO game play.


Stratics Legend
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Too bad it heavily effects one of my favorite myst spells: "enchant". Its cool to be able to slap spellchan to your good weapons for a few minutes. If it had a good way of keeping your informed of your item being enchanted it would be 100x better though.


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
I think that Healing breeze spell needs toning down slightly.....
it Heals/removes curse/greater cure/remove mortal all in one go. ??

A little biased dont you think? Mages get srtonger and the True Melee fighter get the shaft even more.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think that Healing breeze spell needs toning down slightly.....
it Heals/removes curse/greater cure/remove mortal all in one go. ??

A little biased dont you think? Mages get srtonger and the True Melee fighter get the shaft even more.
It's a 6th circle spell, which is as slow as a ebolt. And it only heals for around a close wound no where near gheal. Considering 4/6 chiv dexer has lighting casting speed and only requires 60 skill, its not really unbalancing.

It's a very slow healer spell. And if you think melee dexers are weak against mages, you probably do not play a mage. Dexers is just as effective 1v1 vs mages if not better. You need to repharse it, melee dexers gets shafted compare to archer dexers not mages. Dexer has a free "godmode" against all mages, there's zero counter against dexers offscreen. And offscreen godmode doesnt even require spending one single point in skill.

Its about time for mages to get something really. Since AoS mages gets necro (which works very well on dexers as well). There's zero mage specific skill. Can I say mages got shafted for 7+ (or is it 8 already?) years already? :coco:

Lets see...
Chiv: dexer specific, mage capable but no 4/6.
Necro: dexers AND mage. YES dexers you notice you dont drop your godly non-SC weapons when you cast necro spells?

Bushido: Dexer specific.
Ninjitsu: Dexer specific.

SW: Dexers and mages (PvM skill) again it doesnt drop your super melee weapon when casting.

Balanced: Dexers (archer) love.
Quiver: Dexers (archer) love.

And now... SA:
Throwing: Dexers
Imbuing: Crafting, dexer (infused throw modifier) and mage
Mysticism: MAGE SPECIFIC!!!!!!




Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I was meaning that its not just a heal spell, for 20 mana it will remove poison, heal you, remove any curse you got and take you out of mortal strike all in one go.

For the melee bit yeah i should have mentioned Macing, as we need high str and everything that gets added these days need more and more mana which i dont have an option of having.
Not all of us go around in a full arty suit, some of us still actually RP :)


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sorry for being defensive.
Dexers have many advantages versus a mage. Offscreen being the biggest problem. Archers are arguably more destructive than any melee dexers at this point.

Mages have waited 8 years without getting anything since AoS, and I kept on hearing dexers complaining how they get "shafted" while mages are so "overpowered" while 90% of the dexers cant even play a mage (most hardcore mages can and do play dexers very well).

The only thing from SA that interests me the most is probably Mysticism and Imbuing. Mysticism is like an 8 year overdue mage revamp. There are so many ways to play a dexers, so many different skills to pick from and mages you get necro/pure/tactics just like what you have 8 years ago. There where zero expansion zero new skill aimed for the mages for almost a decade... finally some love for mages, whining from dexers is the last thing I want to hear and SA hasnt even release yet...

Again my apology.

Cleansing wind is a great spell, it shouldnt be that overpowering especially for its long casting time and low healing power. 4/6 dexers can remove curse + close wound for about the same casting time at the same healing power, but 2 super fast spells are way MORE effective than 1 super slow big spell. Watch a mage duel and count how many lower circle small damaging spells they cast, and see how many explosion, ebolt and FS they cast total... its the casting time... which is why they took away the 4/6 chiv casting for mages...


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
I suppose my arguements dont really apply here as it's more of an RP whinge. Just keep making it harder and harder to play a macer or Swordsman without having to become a hybrid to compete.

Guess i'll have to wait for the RolePlay expansion :danceb: