I got my egg off the bodies of chicken lizards I killed out in the wild.
After I bonded one I was feeding it and commanding and getting no eggs. I kept it in the stables and nothing. I move it to my coup and now it give me a message saying it does nothing at this time but maybe later after I feed it. This leads me to wonder if they only drop eggs if kept in the coup?
When I hatched mine I had it in an enclosed area of my house and I tried to use the collar on it but it said it failed and the collar blew up. Didn't matter anyhow cause the battle chicken lizard just sat there like a bump on a log and I tamed it right off.
They said it takes 0 taming to tame them and they take one control slot.
Stats for mine are as follows:
Hits 157
Stamina 78
Mana 8
with str dex and int following those exactly
physical 18
fire 8
100% Physical Damage
Base Damage 4-7
Wrestling 57.4
Tactics 57.4
Resisting Spells 37.0
Anatomy 0.0
No other skills can have values it seems. They eat grain and hay and have no pack instincts.
You have to have an incubator in which to hatch the eggs. You use a pitcher of water on each egg once a day to keep it moist. On the 3rd day if you kept it moist the whole time, it should say a Mature egg and if it is a battle chicken lizard egg, it will be so named. It is also a very slightly different color then a normal egg at this point. Kind of a sand color. When you double click it, the battle chicken lizard will pop out and be ready to be tamed.
Think that was all of the questions that were asked
Hunter Moon [HOT] Atlantic