Oh no!Morning! My cats are jerks today and m y CPU fan is about to die. Joy!
guesses not ,mebe herz trainin bees from da beefeaters in brit. across da pond:whip:
Monday, ugh. Back to the retirement grind. Thank goodness for weekends.
Pillowpants don't talk? That monster next to him is one scary pet.
Playing World of Warcraft again?Heya !!
Still have a massive headache from being an ork last night.
Good thing I turned back to my old self, so I dont need to immolate myself...
Lady Ashlynn doing her dark magics again ?MORNINS BIG BOOMS AN LITE FLASHES WAKES MEEES UP BAH
But its so cuuuute !!!prolly nots, herz was noes happy bout mongbat habin herz name