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Good morning people of Chessy. TODAY is transfer day! well for my luck suits that is. No idea if they are really helping... it was a pleasure other then whoever that not very smart Sarah samp you had there is and in general most samps but mainly that one. Regardless had good time and will continue to intermittently when event ends!

DreadLord Lestat

Forum Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Social Media Liaison
Wiki Moderator
Good morning Chessy!

Today is National Gingerbread Cookie Day and False Confession Day!

I was the 2nd and previously unknown Fire Field caster. It was a conspiracy unbeknownst till this day!!! MWWHAHAHA! I was the second caster!!!

2nd FF.jpg

And I am gone, just like that!!!

2nd FF 2.jpg

POOF! Lestat was never there!!
