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EM Site Feed Mesanna, Monuments, and More!

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Malas. Home of the gleaming city of Luna, and the shadowed streets of Umbra. To some people, a wonderful land, to others, the place where those people live.

Whatever your feelings about Malas, some people – quite a lot of them – have chosen to call it home.

And because of those people, today we had the honour of a visit from the Great Lady Mesanna herself! For today, two settlements on Siege gained recognition for their sense of community, their building efforts, and their determination to stick together!

So congratulations to the City of Mother Lode, west of Umbra, and the Town of UWSP – United Workers of Siege Perilous – a little way south of Luna! For today, both of you were recognised!

First, here is my new favourite picture of Siege, showing the Glorious Lady herself, as she brought forth Mother Lode’s town monument out of thin air and lava!

Isn’t she magnificent, rising from the flames? *ahem*

That was the start of the monument. Here is the finished article. Pay no attention to the glacial cat-onion.

Then, as the fireworks subsided, it was on to UWSP town. Thankfully, there were no marauding minons about. Not that they would have been a threat to our Great Lady Mesanna, but who would want to inconvenience her in that way?

The work began – complete with Tanager and a glacial cat. Or was that a glacial Onion?

After trying several designs, this masterpiece rose from the ground, bringing a fair amount of smoke and fire with it!

We finished off the tour with Onion the Glacial Cat inviting Mesanna to see his fine home. She graciously accepted, and even gave those present some pies to remember the occasion!

So, congratulations to both fine establishments! May your citizens prosper, may your wares sell, and may your communities thrive!

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Queen of The Outlaws
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Campaign Patron
Congrats to the City of Mother Lode and the Town of UWSP, welcome in the group of recognized player towns, I hope it will inspire more new and old towns to be recognized too.
That little Glacial Cat seem to love strong and famed women :)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Those lovely teleporters at the monuments linking Motherlode with UWSP are gone.
I noticed the tiles had wandered a few spots off from their original location by the monuments Friday and by Sunday they were not to be found anymore!
Sad as this made it much easier to get to my home in Mother lode.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yes i think those teleports were placed by our EM Kincaid to help people going in the 2 town/city to see monuments, and so after some days they disappear :)

EM Kincaid

UO Event Moderator
UO Event Moderator
Correct. Any teleporters that I place (e.g. the treasure hunting ones) have a timer on them. This is generally one to two weeks.
I have re-created the two at Mother Lode and UWSP, but they won't last forever.
If you want permanent travel between the two, I would suggest starting a hub in each town - or at least have one shared, public set of vet reward or store bought tele tiles between your two towns.
I would love to say that I'll keep replacing them, but sooner or later, there would be so many "nice to have" teleporters that I would become the teleporter maintenance guy, and you'd get no events. Beam me up, Scotty!

Victim of Siege

Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
Correct. Any teleporters that I place (e.g. the treasure hunting ones) have a timer on them. This is generally one to two weeks.
I have re-created the two at Mother Lode and UWSP, but they won't last forever.
If you want permanent travel between the two, I would suggest starting a hub in each town - or at least have one shared, public set of vet reward or store bought tele tiles between your two towns.
I would love to say that I'll keep replacing them, but sooner or later, there would be so many "nice to have" teleporters that I would become the teleporter maintenance guy, and you'd get no events. Beam me up, Scotty!
or place some at an already active Hub


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thank you Em Kincaid for your help :D... But we can't ask you every 2 seconds something that player can fix or you'll spend all your time finding a solution for our problems :p... In this case there are 2 solution:
1) if you want a portal that players can use to visit mother lode it's better place a tele tile at brit/umbra hub :)
2) if you want only a portal to get easier to your home you can place a private tele tile in one hub or if you want i can add a tele in one of our houses in UWSP town that you can use to reach your house :)

Victim of Siege

Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
I can also place one at my Zento or Luna home if you want.