The highest luck item ever in the game plus 60 resists placed in a group with borderline worthless minors?
Because it's actually harder to get a single specific minor than it is to get 10 generic minors to give for a major. Secondly, I wouldn't call the minors borderline worthless. Noone would call the dyes worthless, nor would they the Dragon Nunchaku, The Exiler, or the Flutes of Renewal. (By the same token, I wouldn;t call all the Majors useful either)
Why? 1 in 106 chance? So it stands to reason that the longer you play the better your chances? As in 23/7 playing ?
Gambler's Fallacy. The previous drop(s) have no bearing on the outcome of future drops. You have the same 1:106 chance at drop 1, drop 50, drop 100 and so on.
As for trading dyes I would imagine that the cheaters have plenty of dyes by now. Just a guess.
Someone who is looking to trade a mempo for dyes is probably not a cheater are they? Maybe I find someone to make the trade, maybe not, but it's a possibility I'm not leaving out.
I cannot wait to see the advantages the 23/7 players will have in SA.
WHile I would like to see scriptors removed from the game as much as anyone else, to determine the entirety of your play experience in comparison to people who script will lead to nothing but frustration. In the case of ToT, again the scriptors have little if any real effect on the drops you get, just find a spot that works for you away from them and enjoy yourself... you're going to drive yourself crazy always worrying about how someone else is playing the game.
As for SA, it's a MUCH BIGGER system that ToT and not really comparable.