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Lucky.. or not so lucky Mempo


Seasoned Veteran
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Does this thing really drop?? I know people are reporting it drops... but I am a bit skeptical!! I have been working all types of spawns... I am up to 121 arties with No mempo. I have a friend that has been doing the same thing, working many different spawns... he is over 140 arties.. yet no Mempo..

I go to the Luna vendor pages (both of them ult codes and sear uo) and have not once seen any post of the mempo for sale... I know those fanatics on Atlantic would have them on every other vendor if they were dropping for 50 mill each.

Devs.. want to chime in here on this one? Hell Ide be happy just to see one on a vendor somewhere.. not going to buy it, just want confirmation they are dropping.. If you are on LS and have one, message me... I want to witness it on your pretty head!


Lore Master
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ive seen 2 on Atl Vendors, one for 25 mil and another for 50 and by the looks of it they have been sold... yes they do drop, someone in my guild has 3 of them.


They do drop, they're just damn rare. I still haven't gotten one yet, and I've been hitting Tokuno up hard and heavy.

Prince Caspian

I havent seen one but I did hear at least one person in my Alliance claim to get one on the very first day....

...mind you he could have been making it up....

Wouldn't it be something if the devs were pulling our leg on this one, and there was no mempo? Erm, by "something" I mean "infuriating"....


Seasoned Veteran
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And they do drop in your pack just like the other arties? I hope...?


Stratics Veteran
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It would be very nice if they would own up to why it was made so rare and why not a major.

Guess they are too busy eating cookies.

Is just one more crappy aspect to this game for me. Logging out solves that real fast. lol

Congrats to the few who got one and kept it. I have met a player who got 5 the first day. Yes this is very true.

Prince Caspian

I'm actually glad its a minor, a rare spawner at that.

Otherwise it would be too easy, and the hunt would lack that tinge of anticipation... :)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wait till someone owns up to the actual percentage of a drop. Then you can feel a new tinge... hehe (No one will. )

Fits were had over rare EM items, that changed real fast.

Now the same thing happens.

I place this in the same group with the April 1st gifts and the timely 11th anniversary gifts we got.

So it is really hard for me to get excited about some goofy spell we already did.

Yes it was was fun to try. After finding out that the chance to get one was the same as UO cheaters ever being stopped, l it was no longer fun is all.

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
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By weighting the Minor drop rate against the Mempo and NOT making it a Major, it in practice makes it a "Greater" artifact that is not so easily obtained.

I haven't gotten one yet, but I'm hoping to do so before the end of the event.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Okie dokie. Rah, rah! I do wonder how you all will feel when the event is over and you never got one.

While the cheaters sell those they obtained playing about 24/7 for 50 million or more per. Yay team! :)

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
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I'll live. I said "I hope I get one", not "My UO future is dependant upon getting one".

Even without getting a Mempo, ToT II has significantly sped up my gold savings to get another desired high cost item that I'm probably never going to attempt to get through ingame play anyway.

Multiple coordinating goals... they help when playing UO. You'd be surprised at how interconnected you can make different aspects of the game if you choose to do so.

ToT IMO has one of the best drop rates in any system in the game. It gives players of every PvM level a decent chance to gain the rewards within the system.

By contrast, two other systems show one "waaay too fast" and one "waaay too slow" system of drops:

Waaaay too fast: The new (Peculiar/Fragrant) seeds. While they do take a week to grow, without the same system behind them that the original plants had and a droprate insanely high, people stopped looting them within a couple of days' playtime.

Just about right: Treasures of Tokuno. People are still VERY actively farming, sometimes meeting new friends, sometimes catching fellow Stratics posters, sometimes running into complete asshats, but getting rewards nonetheless.

Waaay too slow: Anti-Virtue dungeon drops. While it's nice to get one, after the initial event, the drop rate was lowered to the point that getting one is more of a rare random event rather than something you feel like you are working towards.

As for people selling the Mempos, if I do not get one, then I will have something new to go on the "want to buy it list" and will build up the gold to do so.

I will state as an aside, that having a centralized vendor system that allowed everyone as much vendor exposure as Luna would go a LONG way in moderating Mempo (and other item) prices.


Slightly Crazed
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Okie dokie. Rah, rah! I do wonder how you all will feel when the event is over and you never got one.

While the cheaters sell those they obtained playing about 24/7 for 50 million or more per. Yay team! :)
Are they really selling for that much???


i just want to know... of all the things possible, why a mempo? they make chars look like crazy peoples!


131 drops and still no mempo for me. The second rarest thing seems to be the Chaos Blue dye. I have got 2 of those so far.


Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
We'll get them just keep killing everything. We ALWAYS get everything before its over. We've got 150 or so drops no mempo, but it will drop.


got one at my 100th drop, then another around 108, just have to hang in there.


I got one going after the second.... In baja there was one for sale for 35mil in luna.


Babbling Loonie
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At least the rate is higher than that of Inavlis' Burchette.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hunting all over tokuno since this started ive gotten a total of 13 minors, i go kill one bally in the dojo and get the mempo :D


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Oh my, I just don't know if I could force myself to wear one. Great luck and stats but it is truly a hideous thing. Maybe I could hide myself under a hooded shroud lol.

Prince Caspian

UGH, I didn't see the pic of it before.... looks like Bazooka Joe's pal Mort...

From what I've heard from the alliance, the 1 in 100 is a pretty good estimate.

Kazumi the Wild

131 drops and still no mempo for me. The second rarest thing seems to be the Chaos Blue dye. I have got 2 of those so far.
I've gotten 6 chaos blue dyes among the 40-45 drops i've gotten so far.

It's all relative, people - I think its pretty clear that getting a SPECIFIC minor arty takes luck, but the mempo is no more rare a drop than any other.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
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Wife just got a mempo.

However, we have not gotten any silver dyes yet...nor the ninja hood (black lotus?)


Crazed Zealot
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After collecting nearly 200 minors, I have not gotten one. My guildy collected roughly 150 and has not gotten one. His nephew collected 15 the first day and got one but 170 since then without another. Another guild has farmed for 2 days and is on his 5th.


Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
5 Rune Beetle Carapace
4 Tome of Lost Knowledge
2 Kasa of The Raj-In

10 Flutes of Renewal

52 Minor Dyes

That's 172 minors altogether.. no mempo. :|

Gonna count how many arties I receive in the next 45minutes! Stay tuned :)

EDIT: The results are in.. After 45 minutes of relentless mob bashing I got 4 minor arties. Arms of Tactical Excellence and then 3 Ancient Samurai Do's in a row. Yesterday I did some farming for 2½hrs and I was getting an artifact every 4-5min or so the drop rate seems to have halved or this is just some unlucky RNG.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
140 and still no mempo. What's odd is...I'm not seeing many majors or minors for sale in Luna. I've been giving them away, where are the rest going?


Crazed Zealot
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Why would you be buying if you can get them for free now?

So now the tactic is hoarding, and after the event it will be trying to drive the prices back up.


Seasoned Veteran
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welp I am up over 200 minors so far and no mempo.. friend is near 300 and no mempo... Clearly a run of bad luck...


I am now counting myself lucky. I got one as my second drop today.

I think its just UO giving me a reward for restarting again today though.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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*grumbles* I've hunted at least 6 hours a day every day since the beginning of the ToTIII and I have gotten over 100 mini's..... still no mempo..... and oddly enough no gold dye..... a friend gave me a gold dye but still as yet NO mempo...

I really want to be doing the beta testing but I just feel I have to do this more cause i really want that Mempo. It is rather frustrating.


I am up to 3 now on the same Char out of maybe 100 minors. I basically do a full spawn, then go after Balrons or Succubus during the cool down. I get maybe 2 per spawn, and maybe 1 per 40k gp on the Balrons and Succubus. Or the RNG gods are paying me back for all the missed ASOS.

wee papa smurf

So i come home after a hard weeks work and finally grab a chance to do some farming, went to the dojo flew down to the little room with the horde minions casted wither, killed the 4 of them that was there and a drop! The new mempo!! My lucky day or what!!
Just goes to show it doesnt matter what the monster :thumbsup:
Also collected about 30 minors during the week thanks to my son lol


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Does UO have a "sweeps"time?

This mempo sure seems to have kept many people online longer is all.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Make the stupid thing a major with 30 or 40 or 50 minors to turn in for it.

Whose idea was it to frustrate so many players? As for it having the alleged same chance to drop as any other minor, well that is cruddy too.

It is the highest luck item in game. What is the deal? Will they be for sale soon at the UO store?

I am angry that whomever made the final decision thinks so little of player's and their time.

Do not even think of telling me just not to hunt Tots either. UO need as many actives players as it can get.

Why was it introduced as as minor? Why? Maybe the new super duper shadowlords will also drop them, :(

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Does higher luck effect your chance of getting a minor?

Yes, it does. I can attest to this because I tweaked my equipment for higher luck and roughly doubled my drop rate in the process. Unfortunately, it doesn't exactly help your chance at CERTAIN minors, but it does drop the amount of time it takes to get one.

My current equipment before the change was around the mid-300s Luck, now it's in the 700s (also remember that I am running a melee character, so resists are a HUGE issue compared to "hiders".


Well, I haven't gotten a Mempo, I even talk to myself out in the open in hopes that one will drop by chanting Mempo...Mempo...Mempo. I am sure people think I am insane, but hey, why not? :)

I have 1354 luck and 1654 with my luck buff, but my drop rate stinks for marties. I imagine if I was going to go to someplace suicidal it would be better, but I came back not long ago and even with KR dying is an unpleasant situation, so I am kind of a pansy right now about fighting things (I have tried the really hard things and got surprises about their new "skills") especially with the rude people. I have had more people lure on me during this than is remotely fair to drive me out of their "areas" even when I have said, "Hi, how are you? Are you remotely interested in sharing the spawn, or would you like me to leave?" Do I get a response? Nope, just a buncha crap lured on me and then AHAHAHAHAHAHA as I run or die.

I do like the idea of making it a major arty with the massive turn-ins things. At least the people playing 24x7 would have to pay more for them to sell them then just getting them as a bonus :)


Seasoned Veteran
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The RNG gods are looking favorably on me I suppose..

Yesterday was the first time I got a chance to work the ToT. 30 minutes in the morning = 2 junk drops. Another 30 mins in the evening = 1 junk drop.

I log in today for a quick trip to the dojo.. Kill 15-20 Fan Dancers in the very first room...

POOF = Mempo!!

Sorry to those that are working this night and day with no luck.. This thing is purdy, my tamer thanked me thoroughly..


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
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2 mempos in the same day and none since, this was last saturday, i spend hours a day getting arties trying to get more mempos, but now my luck suit is 100 lrc, 1878 luck, all medable so i can't complain :)


Lore Master
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if anyone want ill sell mine for 16.5 mil on atl... pm me! :danceb: