Rather than seeing more systems for buying stuff I'd rather we just had one that worked for everyone. A new/returning player is still going to fall into the Origin/account management hole, because that's what you're stuck with when your account isn't active heh. Fix that, then when it's done we can look at new conveniences. My partner nearly abandoned UO altogether after it took almost a week just to reactivate his account. I can see that there might be some convenience in buying in game, but I don't struggle to hit alt-tab into my browser so I really can't see why I would want a less secure in game option for that. A web version that worked for everyone is what we need most of all. Mobile payments are a security can of worms, Mesanna will be spending all her time sorting out accounts when the owners have lost their phones
The new cat sounds cool, it's been on my UO wish list a long time. Athough I'll be the obvious tamer and say I'm curious what the stats will be like and hoping it's not too overpowered, I'd kinda like maybe a stronger one like a cu level and one that was a 1 slot cat which would work with pack instinct in a cat pack. Actually give both a feline pack instinct, let us have a second kitty alongside it
The same goes for the tamer/pet changes, I'd like to see at least some basic details of what the devs are considering so we know what to expect. I don't want to wake up and find all my pets have grenade launchers strapped to their bellies and tamers are wiping the floor with sampires. I have this dread that the devs will cave in too much to the cries for more power and we'll end up too powerful again. So it'd be good to hear more info and some reassurances there. It's a big change, so I think it's fair to give players a little advance warning about what's happening. Pretty please?
Same goes for vendor search, things should be further on now, so can we possibly get more details soon?