Prince Caspian
Post some of the options you'd like to see added to the game, but keep it simple.
Here's my list:
1 - A CW buff icon. Its kind of annoying there isn't one.
2 - An option "Never Attack Guildmates" that you can toggle. Kind of annoying to accidentally target your friends in doom or during a PvP War
3 - An option "Never Dismount In Combat." I've posted this before, but it's infuriating -- I can't conceive of any situation where I'd WANT to dismount while fighting, and sometimes its easy to accidently doubleclick on yourself.
4 - A very minor notifier on the screen that your craftsman is eligible for a new BoD.
5 - Bank Checks for over 1,000,000.
6 - The ability to squelch someone on Alliance/Guild Chat temporarily.
7 - A better bookcase gump that doesn't just use 10% of the gump as allowable storing area (in 2d)
8 - The ability to make empty vendors transparent and not responsive to the "vendor look" command.
9 - The ability to make a banquet table -- if the GM cook has the long list of ingredients it turns into a graphic of a table filled with food, that players can double click to eat on. Note this feature is pretty useless in actual gameplay but it would be nice.
10 - Slot machines -- or at least a roulette table. Or a secure lottery system -- ie you set the ticket number limit, the price, and mark the prize, which then disappears to be presented to the winner, and the proceeds go automatically to your bank box.
11 - An event that requires you to defeat every one of the Peerless and Champion Spawn bosses to get a really cool item (1 per account).
12 - Medals or patches that are granted for participation in events and can be put in display cases.
13 - A counter showing how many Sacrifice Resses you have remaining for the week (in the Info Screen)
14 - Never to allow this RESTARTING a bandage sequence if you accidentally hit the macro again. What a pain, and I don't see why you'd ever want to abort and reapply bandages. It makes zero sense.
15 - A simple unattended macroing police action -- if two or more players identify you as unattended macroing, the system checks you last X number of actions and identifies repetition. If it does, a screen appears and asks for you to enter a number sequence. If you enter it, you go about your business and cannot be flagged again for 24 hours. If you don't, you are logged off. If three times in one day, you are put in jail.
16 - An option to make a painting to honor a departed comrade (from the game or RL, etc)
17 - Vampire bats should give wings as loot.
18 - A color to show your DI range of your hit. IE scarlet=normal, orange=100-200, burgundy=300.
19 - Artie drops for PvP only.
20 - Trammel uses for silver.
Here's my list:
1 - A CW buff icon. Its kind of annoying there isn't one.
2 - An option "Never Attack Guildmates" that you can toggle. Kind of annoying to accidentally target your friends in doom or during a PvP War
3 - An option "Never Dismount In Combat." I've posted this before, but it's infuriating -- I can't conceive of any situation where I'd WANT to dismount while fighting, and sometimes its easy to accidently doubleclick on yourself.
4 - A very minor notifier on the screen that your craftsman is eligible for a new BoD.
5 - Bank Checks for over 1,000,000.
6 - The ability to squelch someone on Alliance/Guild Chat temporarily.
7 - A better bookcase gump that doesn't just use 10% of the gump as allowable storing area (in 2d)
8 - The ability to make empty vendors transparent and not responsive to the "vendor look" command.
9 - The ability to make a banquet table -- if the GM cook has the long list of ingredients it turns into a graphic of a table filled with food, that players can double click to eat on. Note this feature is pretty useless in actual gameplay but it would be nice.
10 - Slot machines -- or at least a roulette table. Or a secure lottery system -- ie you set the ticket number limit, the price, and mark the prize, which then disappears to be presented to the winner, and the proceeds go automatically to your bank box.
11 - An event that requires you to defeat every one of the Peerless and Champion Spawn bosses to get a really cool item (1 per account).
12 - Medals or patches that are granted for participation in events and can be put in display cases.
13 - A counter showing how many Sacrifice Resses you have remaining for the week (in the Info Screen)
14 - Never to allow this RESTARTING a bandage sequence if you accidentally hit the macro again. What a pain, and I don't see why you'd ever want to abort and reapply bandages. It makes zero sense.
15 - A simple unattended macroing police action -- if two or more players identify you as unattended macroing, the system checks you last X number of actions and identifies repetition. If it does, a screen appears and asks for you to enter a number sequence. If you enter it, you go about your business and cannot be flagged again for 24 hours. If you don't, you are logged off. If three times in one day, you are put in jail.
16 - An option to make a painting to honor a departed comrade (from the game or RL, etc)
17 - Vampire bats should give wings as loot.
18 - A color to show your DI range of your hit. IE scarlet=normal, orange=100-200, burgundy=300.
19 - Artie drops for PvP only.
20 - Trammel uses for silver.