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Little Tweaks you'd like to see in UO

  • Thread starter Prince Caspian
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0

Prince Caspian

Post some of the options you'd like to see added to the game, but keep it simple.

Here's my list:
1 - A CW buff icon. Its kind of annoying there isn't one.

2 - An option "Never Attack Guildmates" that you can toggle. Kind of annoying to accidentally target your friends in doom or during a PvP War :)

3 - An option "Never Dismount In Combat." I've posted this before, but it's infuriating -- I can't conceive of any situation where I'd WANT to dismount while fighting, and sometimes its easy to accidently doubleclick on yourself.

4 - A very minor notifier on the screen that your craftsman is eligible for a new BoD.

5 - Bank Checks for over 1,000,000.

6 - The ability to squelch someone on Alliance/Guild Chat temporarily.

7 - A better bookcase gump that doesn't just use 10% of the gump as allowable storing area (in 2d)

8 - The ability to make empty vendors transparent and not responsive to the "vendor look" command.

9 - The ability to make a banquet table -- if the GM cook has the long list of ingredients it turns into a graphic of a table filled with food, that players can double click to eat on. Note this feature is pretty useless in actual gameplay but it would be nice.

10 - Slot machines -- or at least a roulette table. Or a secure lottery system -- ie you set the ticket number limit, the price, and mark the prize, which then disappears to be presented to the winner, and the proceeds go automatically to your bank box.

11 - An event that requires you to defeat every one of the Peerless and Champion Spawn bosses to get a really cool item (1 per account).

12 - Medals or patches that are granted for participation in events and can be put in display cases.

13 - A counter showing how many Sacrifice Resses you have remaining for the week (in the Info Screen)

14 - Never to allow this RESTARTING a bandage sequence if you accidentally hit the macro again. What a pain, and I don't see why you'd ever want to abort and reapply bandages. It makes zero sense.

15 - A simple unattended macroing police action -- if two or more players identify you as unattended macroing, the system checks you last X number of actions and identifies repetition. If it does, a screen appears and asks for you to enter a number sequence. If you enter it, you go about your business and cannot be flagged again for 24 hours. If you don't, you are logged off. If three times in one day, you are put in jail.

16 - An option to make a painting to honor a departed comrade (from the game or RL, etc)

17 - Vampire bats should give wings as loot.

18 - A color to show your DI range of your hit. IE scarlet=normal, orange=100-200, burgundy=300.

19 - Artie drops for PvP only.

20 - Trammel uses for silver.

Cear Dallben Dragon

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I like all of you ideas.

I really like an empty X ammount of keg option.
I have litterally written a program that does nothing but double click my mouse 10000 times a second to empty my kegs.

Id also like a hue for attacking monsters that leaves their color alone. id dont like attacking gray blobs when theres a pretty Ancient wyrm to look at.

When you CTRL SHIFT to pring up mob tags they should remain still, so you can pick them off and drag out the one you like.

its been 10 thousand years now, and the player stat bar doesnt remember its position until you open and close it once.

conflags fields and bombs ALL need to mold to the terrain. its really lame throwing bombs at something and it not hurting them at all because their 1 z axis under it.


Skeletons (skels, skel knights, etc) should give bones when killed. Use same odds/system as zombie do.

Modified empty vendor idea: if empty for more than 72 RL hours, vendor drops any profit gold to ground and goes >poof<

Modified check idea: If checks can be over 1m, then the ability to cash it into smaller checks to still work withing the item restrictions of a bankbox or whatever.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The ability to have a sale on your vendor, specify a percentage off and have it automatically adjust the sale price during the specified time period.


-Male Facial Skins that make us look like something other than early 80s soap opera stars

-Optional house banners that describe all the chars on the account that owns the house, with name, fame/karma, and occupation.

-magery spells like e-bolt for each resist type

-smarter vendor bags that at least attempt to approximate the locations of the items when translating to KR

And last, but definitely not least, the return of powerhour!

otherwise, good job devs! uo rocks!!

Jaleesa January

Co-owners/friends lists on traded houses that can be saved by the new and old owner IF both check a box within 10 or 15 seconds, otherwise the friends list gets deleted as it does now.


15 - A simple unattended macroing police action -- if two or more players identify you as unattended macroing, the system checks you last X number of actions and identifies repetition. If it does, a screen appears and asks for you to enter a number sequence. If you enter it, you go about your business and cannot be flagged again for 24 hours. If you don't, you are logged off. If three times in one day, you are put in jail.
No thanks. WAY too abuseable either to harass people or prevent future pages.

I'd rather see a system that penalizes people who consistently false page on people. I can't count the number of times I've talked with a GM because I RP an antisocial person(okay, I don't RP it, I AM antisocial:D ) Just because the game is a multiplayer game, there is NOTHING that states I have to interact with everyone.

I'd love to see:
  1. Accounts being allowed to co-own as many houses as they'd like. I've got three accounts and house access is a pain.
  2. Houses allowed as many co-owners as they'd like. Again, I've got three accounts and house access is a pain. The excuse for this has been dead and buried for YEARS.
  3. Account bound house access... how about a "co-own all chars of the account of the targetted char" or similar.
  4. Soul stone fragment recharging... maybe a quest to recharge them or some super high cost to recharge(1M a charge??)
  5. Pet rez shrine... some way for warriors to rez their horses... maybe instead of pet, make it only rideable pets but none of the "big" pets like dragons and such.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well since you said Tweaks, This is what I would like to have.

The UO 2d folder optimized and updated. There is a bunch of garbage in the folder itself dating back to 2001. Configurations need to be brought up to date. Most people have more than 32mb of memory!. Some files do not need to be loaded into memory at all.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
No thanks. WAY too abuseable either to harass people or prevent future pages.

I'd rather see a system that penalizes people who consistently false page on people. I can't count the number of times I've talked with a GM because I RP an antisocial person(okay, I don't RP it, I AM antisocial:D ) Just because the game is a multiplayer game, there is NOTHING that states I have to interact with everyone.

I'd love to see:
  1. Accounts being allowed to co-own as many houses as they'd like. I've got three accounts and house access is a pain.
  2. Houses allowed as many co-owners as they'd like. Again, I've got three accounts and house access is a pain. The excuse for this has been dead and buried for YEARS.
  3. Account bound house access... how about a "co-own all chars of the account of the targetted char" or similar.
  4. Soul stone fragment recharging... maybe a quest to recharge them or some super high cost to recharge(1M a charge??)
  5. Pet rez shrine... some way for warriors to rez their horses... maybe instead of pet, make it only rideable pets but none of the "big" pets like dragons and such.
Way to easy to abuse I agree.

Accounts and Co-owners... believe it or not you CAN with KR. If you friend all your characters to your house you can go into KR and using the housing menu you can Co-own ALL your other characters to ALL your other house's... it's awesome

Always thought a pet rez station was in order even if i have to go to the Vet in Brit.

I want a revisit of the heritage tokens to change the tables and the rugs so that they are more like banner deeds.... so if you have one you can change it to be any of the others.. so you don't have to waste 400 tokens on having more than one of each color table or carpet and you could more easily change the entire color concept of your home without breaking the bank so to speak or overloading storage space having 400 different deeds.

I want more stable space for all my characters so I can own a horse, a pack animal, a pair of either squirrels or the ferrets and not worry about not being able to stable them. Or not being able to have a live mount because I have silly ferrets.... shame more folk don't own them... mostly because I don't have room in the stable.

A better way to stable a pet perhaps exchange this pet for that one... incase I'm full up on dragons and don't have room for one more...

Jewelery boxes to sort my 100's of jewels so it don't take 3 hours to find a particular ring or bracelet.... also good for vendors to use so you can quickly sort threw what they have and find just the right one.

I want my dragon to fly again... I miss watching him fly behind me... was one of the simple pleasures in the game... was a beautiful thing to watch.

I want more tiles on the house design tool especially stairs... I want single steps we can use.... instead of having to really work at it I want to be able to chose partial stairs.... I'd like to use that smaller square block INSIDE the house... not just out front... so I can make a raised platform... without using gaza mats.....

I agree with Sarsmi... I want Gaza mats without borders! And I want to be able to dye them..

And I want T-maps and SoS's updated with the loot tables

Loot tables in general need updating.

More EM events... I love them.

I want to be able to allow someone to design your home without having to either give them account info or transfer the house...

I want more of the items ingame to be able to be turned all 4 directions... beds, chairs, and such should face more than 2 directions...

a slave girl

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Way to easy to abuse I agree.

Accounts and Co-owners... believe it or not you CAN with KR. If you friend all your characters to your house you can go into KR and using the housing menu you can Co-own ALL your other characters to ALL your other house's... it's awesome

Always thought a pet rez station was in order even if i have to go to the Vet in Brit.

I want a revisit of the heritage tokens to change the tables and the rugs so that they are more like banner deeds.... so if you have one you can change it to be any of the others.. so you don't have to waste 400 tokens on having more than one of each color table or carpet and you could more easily change the entire color concept of your home without breaking the bank so to speak or overloading storage space having 400 different deeds.

I want more stable space for all my characters so I can own a horse, a pack animal, a pair of either squirrels or the ferrets and not worry about not being able to stable them. Or not being able to have a live mount because I have silly ferrets.... shame more folk don't own them... mostly because I don't have room in the stable.

A better way to stable a pet perhaps exchange this pet for that one... incase I'm full up on dragons and don't have room for one more...

Jewelery boxes to sort my 100's of jewels so it don't take 3 hours to find a particular ring or bracelet.... also good for vendors to use so you can quickly sort threw what they have and find just the right one.

I want my dragon to fly again... I miss watching him fly behind me... was one of the simple pleasures in the game... was a beautiful thing to watch.

I want more tiles on the house design tool especially stairs... I want single steps we can use.... instead of having to really work at it I want to be able to chose partial stairs.... I'd like to use that smaller square block INSIDE the house... not just out front... so I can make a raised platform... without using gaza mats.....

I agree with Sarsmi... I want Gaza mats without borders! And I want to be able to dye them..

And I want T-maps and SoS's updated with the loot tables

Loot tables in general need updating.

More EM events... I love them.

I want to be able to allow someone to design your home without having to either give them account info or transfer the house...

I want more of the items ingame to be able to be turned all 4 directions... beds, chairs, and such should face more than 2 directions...

"Accounts and Co-owners... believe it or not you CAN with KR. If you friend all your characters to your house you can go into KR and using the housing menu you can Co-own ALL your other characters to ALL your other house's... it's awesome..."


All I get in KR mode is aggravation and frustration at how God awful it is!

So like moments ago I'm at my house in the desert and logging a char outside to try to dual co-own her, when I see these short little rock guys coming.

I'm like wtf is that?

Looks similiar to short golems made of rocks I saw in some other game.

Then I see the names, orcs!

Omg, lolz.

Well I wasn't exactly laughing since my comps been slow switching gears lately and my char was killed before I could get back on that account.

Please Please Please you tiny pool of SA beta testers SPEAK UP if SA SUCKS AS BAD AS KR DOES!

And what's up with this access only button in KR for letting non account owners into your private houses?

In 2D ACCESS means you can get in but that's it.

I need to be able to FRIEND my chars from other accounts to each house I own so they can get into my FRIENDED chests and boxes.

Oh and in KR when I try to ACCESS any of my FRIENDED chars and make them a co-owner of a 2nd house I get the message this person already has access sending response 127 or something.

Please explain in detail how to be multiple co-owners in KR.



a slave girl

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
OK I put on a combat helmet and went back into KR and I found it, so thanks and nevermind!


My char whose co-owner to a house already and was friended to this 2nd house in 2D, so in KR I had to click on the top ACCESS tab in the KR housing menu, not the lower button that says Add Access.

So the KR menu shows all my accessed chars and their level of access, then I highlighted the char I was trying to co-own to the 2nd house and Voila! a new menu appeared to the right which asks 3 questions I think, sorry was just looking for make this char a co-owner one so I didn't pay any attention to what the others said.

Clicked make her a co-owner and though I haven't gone back to check in 2D yet, it appears she's now a co-owner to 2 houses, Yay!

Thanks for the info!


KR went up .1 on my scale to 100, it's now at .3!

Stupid Miner

I want more of the items ingame to be able to be turned all 4 directions... beds, chairs, and such should face more than 2 directions...
That'd require drawing new artwork (for 2d at least), and since the original artists are gone, it wouldn't look quite right even if they did it.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Snake skin boots being dyable even if its by ToT's only or Leather tubs only.

A toggle to allow elfs to use the art for human helmets. (why should my big plate helm look like a circlet and hows a circlet guna protect me anyways)



-The abilty to view the items that a vendor is selling in a list form--with a button by each item to buy that item. It would make SoT/PS/Jewelry buying soo much easier.

This could be extended as an option for in-house containers as well (view graphically or view in list format)---it would make organizing things much easier for folks.

-A REAL moving crate to help you move between houses on one account. You click the house sign on your old house (which is now falling because you placed a new house) and get the option of packing all your belongings in a moving crate. You then get the option of sending that moving crate to your new house. Blamo! You're done moving.

-Revamped T-Map/SOS loot. For the love of all that is good---revive this once AMAZING aspect of UO. :)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
A BOD Collection system where you turn in Filled BODs of any size or BOD rewards for points towards other BOD rewards.


Turn in Points
Small Iron Bod Regular 10 - 2 pts.
Small Iron Bod Execptional 10 - 3 pts.
Sturdy Shovel - 2 pts.
Prospectors Tool - 3 pts.
Gargoyle Pickaxe - 3 pts.
Dull Copper Runic Hammer - 10 points.

Cost Points (Rewards)
Dull Copper Runic Hammer - 10 pts.
Shadow Runic Hammer - 50 pts.
Copper Runic Hammer - 175 pts.
Bronze Runic Hammer - 650 pts.
Golden Runic Hammer - 1500 pts.
Apagite Runic Hammer - 7500 pts.
Verite Runich Hammer - 12500 pts.
Valorite Runic Hammer - 50000 pts.
120 Blacksmithing Scroll - 1500 pts.

etc., etc. Points may vary on both ends, trade specific.

red sky

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
15 - A simple unattended macroing police action -- if two or more players identify you as unattended macroing, the system checks you last X number of actions and identifies repetition. If it does, a screen appears and asks for you to enter a number sequence. If you enter it, you go about your business and cannot be flagged again for 24 hours. If you don't, you are logged off. If three times in one day, you are put in jail.
No thanks. WAY too abuseable either to harass people or prevent future pages.

I'd rather see a system that penalizes people who consistently false page on people.
Huh? A system that penalizes people for paging on macroers? What's going on dude? I think the idea is genius. It allows the players to take action in a game where GMs aren't really a reliable way to control the game anymore.

Also, this idea isn't able to be abused. He clearly stated that it takes more than 2 players to page on someone and then he stated that if the player who is accused types in the number/letter code then they are free to do as they want for another 24 hours. I assume that these would be the same as the codes that appear when registering onto forums and such (as in they can't be scripted by a bot).

PLUS, and may I say a big plus, this would prevent those annoying 3 days bans and such for players who may actually be at the computer but had to run and do something ( I know, some will say, "but they were watching TV while scripting", well there are many instances in UO that don't require scripts that can be unattended). The OP clearly states that it simply logs the char off.

Therefore, you sir and your anti-social self can stick to your house and not worry about people bothering you as long as you aren't unattended macroing (and you would never do that correct?)

red sky

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Oh, and one of my guildies just created the argument that a player could script on one char and then have 2 other chars of his (maybe other accounts or guildies) do the page on him. Well, to counter this, the timer could be reduced to maybe 3 hours or something because a script can't type in the code and 3 hours seems like a legit amount of time for someone to wait before they could be accused again.

AND, if the situation truly gets messy and the player is showing up with 2 of the same chars every 3 hours and preventing it then maybe a GM could be paged and actually show up and resolve the situation. I would suggest crossing fingers on that though. And for you naysayers, you have to admit this is a long shot when it comes to effective yet non-drastic counter macroing measures.


Gms on TC.

More than one co own.

Something that auto detects speed and jails speed hackers?
I know it might pose a problem because some people have fast comps, but even if u have a fast comp there is still a speed limit.

Lady Michelle

Sprite Full SP
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Different styles of wallpaper that covers 1 to 4 wall tiles.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Modified check idea: If checks can be over 1m, then the ability to cash it into smaller checks to still work withing the item restrictions of a bankbox or whatever.
TC1 routinely overstuffs the Bank Box, you can end up with ... Hum I think around 400 Item or so if you do all the gives available.

I am not sure why they could not just use that code as it is clearly/obviously only allowed for the server stored items.

Such that if I had a check for 20M, with 124 items in the bank and cashed it, it would place the correct number of stacks of gold in the Bank Box even though it exceeded 125. Now I can NOT take anything out with an expectation of putting it back in until I have done what is required to reduce the number of items to less than 125. In this scenario, it would be to create a check for the unused amount of gold (again a server issued/created item that is exempt from the 125 limit check).


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Gms on TC.

More than one co own.

Something that auto detects speed and jails speed hackers?
I know it might pose a problem because some people have fast comps, but even if u have a fast comp there is still a speed limit.
Using KR you can have more than one co-own. It is a client thing .... :)


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Under Ground Homes.

Ok, so I place my plot and put the grass time yadda yadda to make the plot look more like the landscape.

The system provides me with a set of stairs that GO DOWN.

Now then turn off the exterior view and give me the set of Cave Tiles and Artifacts.

Allow me to build my 18x18x3 (true 3 and not a roof, or make it Plot (Roof?) + 3 lower floors) UnderGround Home.


Turn Castles and Keeps into a Customizable Format.


Stop hiding the used Checks under all the otehr checks, as in ok the system takes 6K off my 1,000,000 check that is just one of many in a stack. It will 100% of the time be the bottom check. Giving the illusion that you still have N number of 1,000,000 checks.


On death, stop hiding Blessed/Insure items under spell book, rune books. If there is no other way to do this then find an uncovered spot and stack everything (that your going to hide under a spell/rune book) on that spot.

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

- Ability to use Tokuno Dyes on Sorcerer's Suits, and other special armor collections.

- Craftable, dyable, underwear that shows up in 2d and KR. Things like bras, panties, corsets, stockings, boxers shorts, unitards, etc. Why must we all run around in rags?

- Short dresses. Why do we all have to dress like we are either in our leather lingerie (female armor), or like we just stepped off the set of Little House on the Prairie?? (all UO dress)

- Craftable, usable, horse barding. We have it for swamp dragons, but not horses?? I'd love to see what my Nightmare would look like with some nice Shadow Iron barding!

- Tokuno dyable spellbooks. Can't our books match our shoes? Really?

- Something...anything...other than quivers that offer the same benefits and occupies the same slot. A backpack maybe? Anything. People that are not archers shouldn't have to wear quivers to get the bonuses they offer...we look a bit silly with those things on.


Old and in the way
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dread Lord
Brewing, etc.
Benefits, rewards and obligations for building a player run community.
Factions being meaningful.
More... I will revisit this thread when I have a bit more time for thought.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
OK I put on a combat helmet and went back into KR and I found it, so thanks and nevermind!


My char whose co-owner to a house already and was friended to this 2nd house in 2D, so in KR I had to click on the top ACCESS tab in the KR housing menu, not the lower button that says Add Access.

So the KR menu shows all my accessed chars and their level of access, then I highlighted the char I was trying to co-own to the 2nd house and Voila! a new menu appeared to the right which asks 3 questions I think, sorry was just looking for make this char a co-owner one so I didn't pay any attention to what the others said.

Clicked make her a co-owner and though I haven't gone back to check in 2D yet, it appears she's now a co-owner to 2 houses, Yay!

Thanks for the info!


KR went up .1 on my scale to 100, it's now at .3!

Upgrading characters who are "friended" to your other homes is Easy in KR.... after you have "friended" all your characters to all your houses... Log into the "owner" of the house using KR... now open the house sign and go to access.... in there you can chose a character and "promote" them to Co-owner... you can do this with all your house's and all your characters... KR does NOT care if you are already a Co-owner at another house or not... it will grant that person co-ownership whether they are logged in at the time or not... use the owner of the house... move to the next house log in the "owner" and do the same thing until all your characters are Co-owned to all your homes. Only trouble is you have to be able to "friend" all of your characters to all of your homes FIRST. That's the tricky part. To do this you either need 2 pc's or you need to use windows XP's quick switching... using two "users" and run 2 uo's at the same time.... this is by the way incredibly laggy but it does work.

Good luck!


When you use animal lore and you scroll to see the pet skills, there should be a blue Gem you click to update the skill values without having to lore again and scroll which can interfere with your vet macro if you're training.

a slave girl

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
OK I put on a combat helmet and went back into KR and I found it, so thanks and nevermind!


My char whose co-owner to a house already and was friended to this 2nd house in 2D, so in KR I had to click on the top ACCESS tab in the KR housing menu, not the lower button that says Add Access.

So the KR menu shows all my accessed chars and their level of access, then I highlighted the char I was trying to co-own to the 2nd house and Voila! a new menu appeared to the right which asks 3 questions I think, sorry was just looking for make this char a co-owner one so I didn't pay any attention to what the others said.

Clicked make her a co-owner and though I haven't gone back to check in 2D yet, it appears she's now a co-owner to 2 houses, Yay!

Thanks for the info!


KR went up .1 on my scale to 100, it's now at .3!

Upgrading characters who are "friended" to your other homes is Easy in KR.... after you have "friended" all your characters to all your houses... Log into the "owner" of the house using KR... now open the house sign and go to access.... in there you can chose a character and "promote" them to Co-owner... you can do this with all your house's and all your characters... KR does NOT care if you are already a Co-owner at another house or not... it will grant that person co-ownership whether they are logged in at the time or not... use the owner of the house... move to the next house log in the "owner" and do the same thing until all your characters are Co-owned to all your homes. Only trouble is you have to be able to "friend" all of your characters to all of your homes FIRST. That's the tricky part. To do this you either need 2 pc's or you need to use windows XP's quick switching... using two "users" and run 2 uo's at the same time.... this is by the way incredibly laggy but it does work.

Good luck!

It IS nice to be able to be co-owned to multiple houses in KR, but I have to wonder why clicking on the housing menu ACCESS tab in KR brings up the list of characters who are currently accessed with a BLOCK of EMPTY NOTHINGNESS to the right hand side?

Sure after I highlight an accessed character's name in the accessed list a new menu pops up and fills that EMPTY block, but had I never highlighted an accessed character's name I would have never known that menu existed.

Why isn't the "Step Menu" I will call it, (I will explain why below) JUST THERE when you open the ACCESS menu? There's that same old block of empty just sitting there doing nothing...why did I have to stumble on it by accident after first being aggravated and frustrated?

When I highlighted a character and found the secret hidden surprise "Step Menu" by accident, I noticed some chars I'd like to UNaccess, and it took me a few minutes to find out how to UNco-own and UNaccess characters from your house in KR.

It can also be called the Step-Down process. I like to call it the Ban-A-Char Anonymous and the Three Steps Plan. :)

For co-owners you want to Unaccess, highlight their name, then make them friends, then make them access only, then remove access, from the Step menu to the right that pops up after you highlight the chars name. Three Steps (down) Plan and you have Ban-A-Char Anonymous.

While it is cool to be able to be multiple co-owners to all your homes in KR, figuring out how to do it shouldn't require so much time and energy NOR involve secret surprise hidden menus that might never be found.

UO's supposed to be Fun not Frustrating.


Idoc houses getting fully deleted every item inside just go's poof.


Containers for:
Rings, bracers.
stat scrolls.

(that we can sort like we can sort bods)

it seems those academic bookcases are rare... give it this ability?

red sky

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Idoc houses getting fully deleted every item inside just go's poof.
That is a very good idea!
I believe that would only be a good idea in the sense that the house contains illegal items. I still remember the numerous houses that fell, containing many bags of duped items and ill gotten checks. It totally defeated the purpose to ban the dupers if their wrongful deeds are still inflicting the land.

P.S. I also thought I remember the Devs stating that the items would be deleted although I know from first-hand experience that many of them weren't when the duper houses fell. Nothing new I suppose.