i have seen uoa macros for turning in say bucklers for mace and shields, but don't know what it is off hand
I haven't done it in a while, but IIRC what you do is:
start recording
double click turn in dude
click blue dot
target item to turn in
repeat however many times (I think I used to do 30,40 or 50 based on the weight of the item)
you can right click menu to close it or leave it open and just scoot it to the side of your screen
stop macro
don't insert pauses! just change the "target item" lines to "target item type"
Things to be wary of: turning in spellbooks might turn in your own spellbook, so put it on your beetle
When turning in t maps it will distinguish between what type they are, so you'll need separate macros for plainly, expertly, etc if you have lots of t maps.
That's all I can think of right now.