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Library collections?



How are people getting these? Most of the good stuff is 550k points, that's a whole bunch of resources like 37k barbed hides. It would take months to get that much, but yet I see the tallies sell for 1-2M regularly, am I missing something?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
while there are some people that do donations legit, many people use scripts for donating and thats why you can find em cheaper than you would expect for the amount of work it would take to do that much donating.


How are people getting these? Most of the good stuff is 550k points, that's a whole bunch of resources like 37k barbed hides. It would take months to get that much, but yet I see the tallies sell for 1-2M regularly, am I missing something?
Yes, you are missing something.

The ITPP, unfortunatly unless you script lumber/mine/leather/buy all hinges etc you may in your gaming life get 1decent turn in item(so use it wisely :))


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
550k turnin is 550 mage regs bought off faction vendors does not take that long and only costs ya bit more then 1.1 mil so selling them for 1.5 to 2 is profiting.

OK OK its a pain in the ass to do but if you have a day to kill and some gold in bank buy up some reg npc vendors.

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Hunting in Destard and a few other places for horned and barbed leather for one-three hours per night, it usually takes me about three weeks to accumulate 550,000 points at the library. Would go a little faster if I also turned in the gold gathered while doing the hunting, but I generally hang onto that. Turning in any scales gathered at the same time to the taming NPC also pushes the total on that NPC up to about 115,000 points.

It's definitely monotonous to do the turn ins and aggravating that you don't have just one point total at the library, rather than separate totals accumulating on each of the NPCs. Not sure why it had to be set up so differently from the museum and the zoo.

It Lives

Slightly Crazed
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I have been working on my rewards for the dragon scale turn in for the better part of a year now.

100-300 scales a day, perhaps 3 days out of the week, sometimes more or less depending on my rl work schedule.

I am roughly at 520,000 points. So ....you can do them legit it just takes for freaking ever.

The One Vesper Turn-in I have received was much easier because I just used my back up supply of frost wood from before the hideous resource changes.

I keep hearing the dev team saying they'll look into fixing the turn-in's, I am not holding my breath.


1,000 pieces of barbed leather a day will get you to 550,000 points in a bit over a month.

For the museum, well a lot of wood chopping is all I can say.

However if you're going for a certain type of glasses and don't even have UOA like me, good luck mate...

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
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I got my folded steel reading glasses legit by turning in gold. Took me all of 5 minutes.

Of course I had to pay about 6x what a broker/gold seller/scripter would have charged.
I had the gold, and was impatient for the glasses, and couldn't find a vendor who had them, so I figured what the hell, and dumped half of my savings into the library. Wish I had done things differently now though.


i have seen uoa macros for turning in say bucklers for mace and shields, but don't know what it is off hand


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
i have seen uoa macros for turning in say bucklers for mace and shields, but don't know what it is off hand
I haven't done it in a while, but IIRC what you do is:

start recording
double click turn in dude
click blue dot
target item to turn in
repeat however many times (I think I used to do 30,40 or 50 based on the weight of the item)
you can right click menu to close it or leave it open and just scoot it to the side of your screen
stop macro

don't insert pauses! just change the "target item" lines to "target item type"

Things to be wary of: turning in spellbooks might turn in your own spellbook, so put it on your beetle

When turning in t maps it will distinguish between what type they are, so you'll need separate macros for plainly, expertly, etc if you have lots of t maps.

That's all I can think of right now.


I haven't done it in a while, but IIRC what you do is:

start recording
double click turn in dude
click blue dot
target item to turn in
repeat however many times (I think I used to do 30,40 or 50 based on the weight of the item)
you can right click menu to close it or leave it open and just scoot it to the side of your screen
stop macro

don't insert pauses! just change the "target item" lines to "target item type"

Things to be wary of: turning in spellbooks might turn in your own spellbook, so put it on your beetle

When turning in t maps it will distinguish between what type they are, so you'll need separate macros for plainly, expertly, etc if you have lots of t maps.

That's all I can think of right now.
Sarsmi, you are my hero. I have a crapload of spellbooks to turn in, and haven't wanted to because it's SO damn tedious.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I live to serve! Let me know if it doesn't work, I haven't used a UOA macro to turn in items in a while, presently I'm stuck on the treasures and trinkets turn in (blank scrolls) and those don't need a macro. Just lots of time and liquor with some form of mixer. :thumbsup: