Thank you Devs for allowing cheaters to still use their favourite client.
Thank you Devs for never finishing the Virtues.
Thank you Devs for dumping Stygian Abyss.
Thank you Devs for the lazy FOF.
Thank you Devs for taking 4 weeks for each publish doing nothing but adding Turn-Ins and Events instead of KR Bug squashing and whatnot.
Thank you Devs for allowing scripting of all kinds 24/7.
Thank you Devs for making UO's PvM a Tamer's Heaven.
Thank you Devs for all those bugs abused in PvP to go over cap in damage.
Thank you Devs for making skills useless just because gimps exploited them on their gimp PvPers.
Thank you Devs for dumping PB.
Thank you Devs for dumping ANY method that would drastically reduce gimping templates.
Thank you Devs for making WOD so over-powered in PvM, now if we aren't a Wraith Form WODer or a Tamer we can say good-bye to arties and peerless loot.
Thank you Devs for letting consumable items like Conflagration Potions and Bolas destroy skills.
Thank you Devs for never balancing out Poisoning, Disarm and Dismount issues and their respective countering methods.
Thank you Devs for the monster AI getting improved.
Thank you Devs for turning Nerve Strike into renamed Paralyse instead of being creative.
Thank you Devs for allowing Vampire Form to be used through Items.
Thank you Devs for making Crafting useless unless you are into The Sims type of gaming.
Thank you Devs for making several skills impossible to gain without scripting.
Thank you Devs for making ALL items available to players instead of keeping some of it for NPC location decoration, in fact thanks for ruining the essence of some things being "Rare".
Thank you Devs for giving us all the goodies from other games like Recipes to craft items and other cliche elements, instead leaving out the really good ideas like Dual Wield of weapons.
Thank you Devs for ruining Stealing/Snooping.
Thank you Devs for not replacing Item ID with something actually usefull like you did with Arms Lore.
As your customer I am doing my best to still pay you, still play and still ignore these things because I like being with my girl and my friends in UO and have been doing so ever since AOS.
And yes I love insurance for items, your only good idea for ages and it still sucks, in other games you don't even have to pay.
Getting someone's money in PVP sucks I'd like new reasons to fight people.
*Returns to Mindless Drone mode and logs back in KR*
You guys can flame this post all you want... Enjoy.